OBE leads to Ascension?: Info, Questions, Self-Intro

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Hey all. First of all, I know this post may be a bit long but I'm sure it's worth it. Please be sure to read it completely, and to check back onto this thread, for my further comments/questions and those of others, and to share your wealth of thoughts and ideas. I'd love your responses, advice, answers, collaborations, and info.

I'm in the process of reading through all of the posts here that mention ascension, using search. What I've noticed that I find pertinent is that in the book The White Book, by Ramtha as channeled by author JZ Knight, Ramtha apparently uses very frequent OBE to ascend. He first projected during meditation. He was contemplating the wind, wanting to be free like the wind, and spontaneously went out-of-body. Then after two years of intense desire, effort, and determination he learned to go out-of-body in conjunction with sleep (!), to the point of mastery, so that he was able to literally project at will- like from being in-body now, then the next moment out-of-body wherever he wanted to be, with no preparation. Then his body started to glow after more and more of this. His body was becoming lighter. His vibrations were increasing. And then finally he willed himself somewhere, and instead of leaving his body and going there he went physical body and all. He went to the moon. Then he was able to do this repeatedly around 60 times, going back and forth to the moon making sure he had it right and established. Thus he was successfully ascended. He went to the people of his society and broke the news down to them, levitated into the air before them to prove it, and then he took his physical body into the higher dimensions for like 35,000 years of earth years, coming back now to channel through Knight.

I read the account of his ascension several times, and the mechanics of it seem convincing to me. We've for instance experienced the vibrations and quickening of energy as a part of OBE. And others and myself have experienced healing as a result of the energies of trance and OBE or OBE related states.

What are your thoughts on this? What are your thoughts on Ramtha/JZ Knight?? Reading the above condensation of his apparent ascension, does it seem plausible to you? Does (frequent) OBE lead to ascension? Do you think it could? Please share your thoughts, based on the above, on your own experiences or studies, either/or/etcetera.

And what about the other people mentioning or teaching ascension? We have Bob Frissell, and Joshua David Stone, and Drunvalo Melchizedek, and others- even JZ Knight herself. Why aren't they levitating and disappearing like Ramtha apparently did, or like the skill of ascension and such should allow you (and thus them) to do?? For instance, most people who write about learning OBE write from some degree of experience, and have journals in their books or online to show for themselves, etc. Why have I or we not seen or heard of anyone from today's world who teach ascension having any observable, reportable, or repeatable ascension-type experiences?? (If you have, please inform us?!)

People reading the websites or the books of OBE writers and using their techniques have OBEs or OBE-type experiences (depending on whether you believe OBE is real or not). But what teachers of ascension are demonstrating ascension-type skills, abilities, ways of doing things, or powers? Why aren't they demonstrating these things? Or how many of their students are demonstrating these things, or able to do these things?

I'll never forget when I met this guy online who within the first 5 minutes of meeting him through chat, he rambles on about how he can teleport and do this and that. He did this with me, and with everyone I ever introduced him to or saw him introduced to. And all through chat he goes on about how he can teleport and do this and that and this and that. Then one day I was like, "Well, teleport to me right now." All of a sudden it's like some, "No, I can't do that," as if suddenly there's some sanctity air about him, as if suddenly then he's not into making teleportation into some parlor trick, or into having to prove himself or something that that. Doh!! Then why do you ramble on and on about how you can do it then?? If such a respect or sanctity tip is his thing, he wouldn't be rambling on about it all the time- unless he only wants someone to believe he can do it.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not putting they guy down. He's nice and cool. And I am very personally familiar with how we try to make ourselves out to have more abilities than we actually do, seeking attention, or acceptance, or love, and so forth. I'm not trying to put him down. The point is, since they are all in effect rambling on about it and/or 'teaching' it, how or why cannot they do it or demonstrate it?? If they can ramble on it and/or teach it, why can't they demonstrate it? We even take a car out for a test drive, or squeeze and inspect our fruits and vegetables before buying them. Why should we have to take these things on faith or belief when they are rambling on about them or 'teaching' them? In science class they have experiments to test or demonstrate properties or laws of things, right?

Ramtha supposedly levitating before his people to show them would be akin to Drunvalo Melchizedek or Joshua Stone levitating before their seminar crowd, or on the corner of their neighborhood. I can't single out Frissell in this matter. He doesn't seem to claim to do it, but just shares ideas. Drunvalo claims to be or is billed to be some 10th or so dimension master reincarnate or something.

And why do so many (ok, as far as I can tell ALL), of these ascension-promoting, not-attached-to-this-world, immortalist, 'humanitarian' people charge so much money (or any money at all) for their stuff? JZ Knight, Drunvalo, Orr.. Why don't they share their information freely and for free, make their physical body disappear so they don't need to worry about food and stuff, and just appear to teach a class or something when desired or necessary, like Gary Renard's ascended masters do?? (More on this in a bit.) How can they teach us ascension when they themselves are in the rat race like us? But instead of working a 9-5 they get our money through books and seminars and stuff.

One of my interests in ascension is in part because frankly I intend to be through with the 'littleness' of regular life, having to walk or drive or plane everywhere for instance, having to succumb to sleep losing your conscious awareness and wasting time in unconsciousness or partial consciousness (that is if you haven't reached 24/7 awareness). I would feel so much freer were I able to disappear at will and not have to work a 9-5 anymore, or eat anymore, or have to worry about caring for my physical body, and all of the other encumbrances of having a physical body in the 'normal' way, like having to protect it from heat and cold and such. It's so tedious. BUT...

I'd like to make clear that I don't see ascension as the end to all, for I'm learning through The Disappearance of the Universe and A Course in Miracles that this is all a dream or illusion, and nothing here, no philosophy or ability, can give freedom from here (this world, or universe, etc.), being a part of the overall system itself. They ascended beyond the universe itself, and beyond all form.

The guy who wrote The Disappearance of the Universe met two ascended masters, who could appear and disappear at will, and even take him with them. Their skill as he describes it met or surpasses that as described of Ramtha, but they were described as also absolutely free of the cycle of birth and death, and very literally and truly recognized all of this world and universe as a dream. They had to forgive the world, and basically give up their individuality to do it, which I'm sure scares at least most of us. They don't term it as a loss or sacrifice though, but that this  isn't our true identity and all of this isn't real to begin with.

Anyone here into The Disappearance of the Universe (DU), and/or A Course in Miracles (ACIM)?? What are your thoughts on ascension, and OBE in relation to ascension, and how that could help/hinder graduation through the Course??

I believe reaching ascension as per Ramtha could allow more time of the same personality to master ACIM, rather than being reincarnated again and again. The ascended masters in DU had like 20 lifetimes before they ascended as per the ACIM methodology. I figure that the first years of an incarnation is getting back into the swing of where you were or are, and if you didn't have to waste the first years of your life re-finding 'the path' or your relative place on it, it would be easier and faster. Or perhaps you never really leave the path but are guided subconsciously by what you learned before?? Again, your thoughts please?

And Hephaestus..
You mentioned in one of the posts I found that mention ascension:

Quote from: HephaestusAny book that mentions ascension i'm willing to give a read, my ultimate aim of life is to ascend beyond the boundaries of the universe itself.

This would confirm that our intentions are very closely aligned. I would like to communicate with you more closely. Perhaps we can help each other advance more rapidly. What do you think? If you still pass through, please reply..

I was a bit afraid at first to open this topic, for several reasons, for one thinking that maybe stuff like ascension aren't supposed to be spoken of commonly or you might in some way ruin or impede your 'chances' at it. It even brought up lingering (though steadily diminishing) shadow [Stuart Wilde - http://www.newsforthesoul.com/ram/wilde-shadow.ram ] elitist thoughts of wanting to be better than or above others and not wanting to ruin my chances to be. (If everyone's special, then who's special?):oops: Forgive me. :smile: I guess that's so silly of me. At one point OBE was considered some elitist arcane unspeakable thing, only for the 'elite' and 'initiated' and taking days of preparation and all kinds of 'only facing north on the full moon you must be a member of my secret sect or be my devout devotee and worship me' kind of stuff. Now we recognize that OBE is a natural phenomenon everyone experiences, if only unconsciously as a part of sleep. And it's easily recognizable that we can all progress faster through cross-validation, cross-research, and collaboration- and we can produce consensual validation- i.e. if you think I'm deluding myself, please in detail let me know!! Seeing and reading others' posts and sharing on ascension helped open me up and loosen up my fears/defenses.

Ok. This is it for now. I'm not through reading the archived posts mentioning ascension, and I'm (as we all are) still learning. I'll revisit this thread in the future to continue to share and collaborate, and to respond and interact further. Please keep your eyes out for this thread and share all you can. Now and in the future I welcome and encourage your thoughts, input, and ideas on these matters. And if you have or intend to progress with any of the above, please post me/us and keep me/us posted on your progress, and with what is helping you the most.

Thank you.


"He went to the moon"

And apparently he then instantly died. Oh whoops, story ends..


Quote from: Draege"He went to the moon"

And apparently he then instantly died. Oh whoops, story ends..

Hey Draege. I'll clarify that part. Apparently when you ascend you raise the frequency of your physical body to the point that the body is as functional and fluid as the nonphysical body. So the understanding imparted is that, though it was his physical body, the vibrations of the physical body were raised to such a point that it was as if he went nonphysically. Here is a quote:

"Slowly over many years - as the thought of becoming my ideal (the wind) became the very life force in the cells of my embodiment - my soul gradually changed the programming in every cellular structure to increase the vibratory rate within them, my desire was that strong. The more peaceful I became with life, the more that emotion carried through my entire physical arrangement until I became lighter and lighter and lighter. People would look at me and say, 'Alas, there is a glow about the master.' There was, for my body was vibrating at a faster rate of speed, going from the speed of matter into the speed of light. That is what emanated a glow from my being.

"In time my body became fainter and fainter by the light of the moon. Then one night I became where the moon was. No longer did I simply travel in thought. I had raised my bodily vibrations into light and had taken my entire embodiment with me. I was gleeful and mirthful, for that which I had done was unheard of. Yet I came back, but only to see if I could do it again. And I did, again and again and again, sixty-three times before my final ascension. It became an expectancy, as breathing is to you."

Please, anyone else? I can use some support and some input on this. :smile:



in Tibet they call the secret knowledge about ascension dzogchen. I searched a web and found this http://www.meaningoflife.i12.com/buddha-rainbow.htm.
Few excerpts:

Throughout the advanced practices of Dzogchen, accomplished practitioners can bring their lives to an extraordinary and triumphant end. As they die, they enable their body to be reabsorbed back into the light essence of the elements that created it, and consequently their material body dissolves into light and disappears completely.

The Body of Light represents a complete and total and radical transformation of one's status of being, a rediscovery of what was primordially present, and this condition is permanent. It is Awareness itself (rig-pa nyid) and is dependent on nothing else. This may be compared to the various Christian notions of transfiguration, resurrection, and ascension; but in the case of Dzogchen, the methodology of how this is accomplished, namely the realizing of the Body of Light, is presented in precise terms.

Generally, there are three different ways in which this process may occur

1. Rainbow Body of Light ('ja'lus) is attained at the time of death by means of Trekchod practice. One's physical body is dissolved into its subatomic constituents and becomes pure radiant energy, leaving behind only hair and nails. The process generally takes seven days, during which time the body progressively shrinks in size.

2. The Body of Light ('od-lus) is realized at the time of death by means of practice of Thodgal, as was the case with Garab Dorje.

3. The Great Transfer ('pho-ba chen po) is accomplished also by way of Thodgal, but there is no necessity of going through the process of dying. Padmasambhava, Vimalamitra, and the Bonpo master Taphihritsa are all examples according to tradition, of individual masters who realized the Great Transfer.

I have heard that some Maya ascended. Does anyone have more informations on it?
"What are you doing here, Nasrudin? his neighbor asks. "I'm looking for a key which I lost
in the wood?" Nasrudin replies. "Why don't you look for it in the wood?" says the neighbor,
wondering at Nasrudin's folly. "Because there is much more light here"


:) It's good to see you are looking for ascension. I will give you only two advices that you will use for a long time:

It all begins from the inside, because all rests there. You can't change what is outside of you, if you can't change what belongs inside. The outside is just a creation of the Inside. It all belongs there. I am not the best example of ascension though. If you want to take someone as an example and as your inspiration, look at Jesus Christ.

If you really want it, you will get it... "whoever wants it, searches for it... It will come as an inspiration of God, and will cover all of your spirit with the sensation and the desire to reach the closest ones to God which is ALL"

"Have you ever seen yourself with the eyes of the real Observer?"

"Will you wake up now and look around you to notice for how long you have been sleeping?"

"It only takes us to awake, to get to know for how long we have been sleeping..."

God Bless you.


Thank you for the great advice Jazket. :smile:


Thank you for your link.


There it is without the period on the end, causing it to not work. :wink:

I read that site before, but I'm sure others haven't. Thank you for sharing.

There isn't much about mayans ascending, that I could find. I found this though:


Perhaps this helps.

I thank every for your responses, and I am sure everyone welcomes any more info, likes, or ideas any has. :smile:

jay dawg

i couldnt imagine how a conscious mind could think normally, while vibrating that high. it must be a higher level of consciousness only hinted at with mind expanding drugs. but perhaps you are not familiar with this sense of thought personally.

i think i heard something about drugs changing your vibrational state. when i was on weed all the time i could feel mild vibes like when im trying to WILD. not the real electric vibes, but the gentle ones.


wow, the interview with stuart wilde you posted was amazing, i was really inspired by the stuff he says about our shadows bringing us down and eventually killing us through diseases like cancer, im gonna make another topic to post that link if ya dont mind :D
split your awareness between your heart and head.


Quote from: jay dawgi couldnt imagine how a conscious mind could think normally, while vibrating that high. it must be a higher level of consciousness only hinted at with mind expanding drugs. but perhaps you are not familiar with this sense of thought personally.

Yo Jay.

As I understand it, the mind is at a higher vibration than any form we have. For instance, while out-of-body, it's common for people to use their thoughts to direct the nonphysical body:"I thought of standing up, and suddenly I was.. I thought of the moon, and flew through the roof." I think the state of ascension wouldn't make it harder to think but easier. People usually report being able to think more clearly when OBE, in a finer body. Now the physical body is made into a finer body. That's my thoughts. Welcome to hear more thoughts..

Quote from: Greenratwow, the interview with stuart wilde you posted was amazing, i was really inspired by the stuff he says about our shadows bringing us down and eventually killing us through diseases like cancer, im gonna make another topic to post that link if ya dont mind :D

PLEASE DO! Stuie's the man. I really believe that everyone in the world should hear that interview, 100 times (I'm like on 52 and counting :shock:).


You're welcome friend. I suggest listening to it again. And if you pay attention now after hearing it, can't you see how the shadow is playing out all over the place??
