Do I have to be laying down on my back to project?

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Hi everybody, I'm new to the forum, but hopefully will be around for a while. So, I'm trying most days to astral project. Mostly, I'm working on getting into deep states a relaxation and meditation, but have so far been unsuccessful with leaving my body. What concerns me is that I cannot sleep on my back. I have never been able to fall asleep on my back in my entire life, it's almost like a mental block where I have to be on my belly to really let go of my active state of waking consciousness. That said, every single time I have ever accidentally rolled over onto my back during sleep, if I wake up in this position I will always wake into a state of sleep paralysis. I hardly ever roll over like this so this is a relatively infrequent occurrence. I was just wondering if anyone has had any luck projecting from laying on their stomach. Is this even possible, or am I just out of luck? I'm not going to give up trying to project on my back, but if there's any hope that I can project from other positions (on my side is also fine for me), then I would much prefer this. Does anyone know if I can do this?

Mini stapler

You can project from any position that's comfortable for you, sitting or laying in anyway you like, what ever allows you to be comfortable & relax.  Good luck! :-)


I have yet to have a conscious o.b.e. my self . I do remember reading about some thing the author of this book called a " witch 's cratel .  Kind of like a hamock , but you are vertical . Made out of rope .  You had to be helped in to and out of it . If I find the book I will post the isbn #  .  desert rat  


I projected while laying on my side the other day.
If you see someone in the astral riding around in a red bumper car, it's probably me.


I found these links on a witch's cradle .  This is not quite what I visualized when I read that book .  desert rat


It's all depends upon you. You can project while laying or sitting.