Projection and the need for energy

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I tried to project this morning after I had woken up, and I managed to get about half out. When I had the vibrations etc I imagined myself floating upwards and, despite the vast amount of information I have read on the subject, I was still pretty god damned surprised when I felt my legs begin to rise up out of my body and float about. WOOOOHOOOOOOOO!

Ahem. However, nothing happened above my waist. I feel as if I should be disappointed...but I'm just so damn proud of the progress I've made! Anyway...when I decided that it wasn't working and I lost all the pro-OBE sensations I sorta dived out of my bed and came straight here to see if I could find anything about the half-projection.

I came across a thread about someone who had roughly the same problem and someone replied suggesting energy work. I've done a bit of NEW and the like but I've not really gave it much thought recently. Can anyone tell me how energy is connected to OBE/Astral? What i mean is why energy work will help with projection, as it seems that energy work is useful, but unnecessary for most people. Any other suggestions will be greatly appreciated too!

Well, apart from that..progress!!!!!! WOOHOO!!!  :grin:  :grin:  :grin:  :grin:  :grin:  :grin:  :grin:  :grin:  :grin:  :grin:  :grin:  :grin:  :grin:  :grin:  :grin:


That 's a hard question.  It's almost in the realm of "I don't know why it works, but it works."  A theory is that OB and AP are different animals, for AP all you have to do is 'tune in' to the right frequency, but for OB, you have to develop an energy body,  transfer your consciousness to it, get out, and come back before your dreaming mind takes over the experience and it turns into a regular-old dream.  Of course, this is (and has been) debatable, but in this way of looking at things then energy work strengthens  your energy (etheric) body, enough to be able to do this for  as long as you can.  I will not get into whether this is a valid argument, but will say that I used to have problems like the one you have (but worse) and energy work solved it, and increased the frequency of my OB's  from 2-3 a year to one every two weeks.  Except when I'm sick.  Then it's a big fat zero.


Yeah I'm beginning to see that this is a more common problem than I first believed. It's good to know I'm not alone  :smile:

So, energy work solves the problem then! What would you recommend? NEW? Thanks for the swift response by the way CFTraveler.