Does joob spoil the fun??

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Enjoy Monroe's Journeys out of the Body. Of course it won't spoil anything. You'll probably find that your own experience of journeying is quite different from what you read in books anyway.There isn't only "one correct way" to do things. Every way is unique and equally valid. Have fun. The thrill of your first simple projection will be everything you hope for and more.



I would have to heartily agree.  If you will pardon the slightly risque would be akin to having an orgasm described to you versus experiencing it yourself.  

An OBE is a highly-personal experience and what you see and do are as individual as your own desires and your own soul.


Hi Dj,I wish I could have had Robert Bruces,Robert Monroe or Bruce
Moen books from my ages 6 to 16 (not that I would have understood much
at 6 to 10)as I would not have wasted so many OBE,s by
scrambling back to my body every time I dropped out.
I believe its good to have all the life tools available to you,for
working out your physical & non physical life experiences.

I just got lost in thought.It was unfamiliar territory.

Good journeys



Does Journeys out of the body and Monroe's other books spoil the fun of out of body exploration??? Does it take all the surprises away from out of body travel, or is there much more to explore, and many surprises than just his experiences? Im thinking about buying one of his books, but Im just afraid that itll reveal too much, and I wont be in much of a surprise when I actually do start projecting.... Will it???

  "Mind over Matter"