The Astral Pulse

Astral Projection & Out of Body Experiences => Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! => Topic started by: Blossom on May 30, 2018, 07:26:50

Title: Download link for PDF doc
Post by: Blossom on May 30, 2018, 07:26:50
This is a link to a pdf document which I think has some excellent information about OBE's..
I downloaded this document years ago. Hopes someone else finds it as useful as I have -- (

Title: Re: Download link for PDF doc
Post by: Windwalker. on May 30, 2018, 21:13:28
Thanks! Ive never seen this guy before. Grateful.
Title: Re: Download link for PDF doc
Post by: Xanth on May 31, 2018, 05:28:44
Donald has been around for along as even *I* can remember.  It's a good book, if not a tad convoluted with ideas and concepts.
You'll probably end up confusing yourself even more, but it's as good as any place to start.
Title: Re: Download link for PDF doc
Post by: Blossom on May 31, 2018, 14:07:52
Your're right.  It's very convoluted.  

However, what I did was to create a table of contents to "pertinent points" and then highlighted the points I wanted to find quickly.  I think the reason I love this pdf so much, is that it is the first and only time I read about someone who described exactly how I "got out" the first time.

This passage below from the pdf is exactly what happened to me the first time I astral projected.  Page 51.

QuoteIt is also very likely that, as your relaxation deepens, and your body gets heavier and heavier, and you may or may not be seeing hypnogogic images, YOU WILL BLACKOUT, but only for a split instant. That is, you will lose your consciousness, but only for a moment. In an instant you will be conscious again, but you will no longer feel yourself lying on your bed, and you will no longer be looking into the darkness behind your closed eyes. You will regain your awareness after this momentary blackout and YOU WILL BE ASTRAL PROJECTING. You will be somewhere in the dream world, fully lucid. You could be anywhere: you may be standing in your room, you may be standing in a foreign house, you could be somewhere you recognize or somewhere that is unfamiliar to you. Whatever the case, you will be somewhere and you will be astral projecting.

It was the most amazing experience I ever had.  The blackout was as if a black curtain came down really quickly and then raised in a split second. There was a popping sound associated with it. When it raised I was somewhere else entirely and completely aware.

It is because of that passage that I believe what he says and place stock in it.  There are so many books, dvd's, brain waves and ideas on how to AP, but many are out for the bucks in selling their products. I'm not saying I doubt the validity of all the authors out there, but there are two I favor.  William Buhlman and Donald DeGracia, but not necessarily in that order.  But each unto their own...  We all have to find out own way.

Title: Re: Download link for PDF doc
Post by: Xanth on May 31, 2018, 16:13:46
That's phasing.

You phased.  :)

But I will say, be careful when you make statements comparing your experiences with what someone else said.  It simply doesn't work like that.
It's that single concept/idea which has caused so much stress and frustration in people trying to learn to project.  The fact is that experience is unique to the experiencer and you CANNOT have the same experience or even know what the other person experienced... even if they describe it just as if you would.

It's a trap!  :)

And yes, we all do have to find out our own way... if you wish to blow your money on it, go crazy, I won't stop you.  However, I *WILL* tell you that you won't gain any fresh information which you already can't get from this forum FOR FREE.  And we're here to assist you along the way... again, for free.  :)  We're awesome like that.  :D