How do I go from lucid dreaming to astral projecting?

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So last night I had my first lucid dream and I was wondering what methods are out their to go from lucid to astral  :? :?


 That's an easy answer. As with any of form of projection a strong focused will and intent will bring results.

Since you are already lucid in the dream, you have already collected your bearings. In other words you are totally conscious of your surroundings. So use your intent to create a portal, a doorway, a stairway, etc.

But, if there are lessons to be learned in the scenario you are currently in, don't be surprised if you just end up waking back up to your physical body. I believe we become lucid in our dreams because there is something there that we are supposed to learn or experience.

Just remember though, while lucid in your dream you are already in a non physical realm/reality environment. You are not aware of your physical awakened body at the time. That's the definition of a NPR.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla