Etheric Body and Real-Time Double

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I once read somewhere that in order to project your etheric body should be recharged. Otherwise you won't be able to project. What do you think of this? If it's true then how can you recharge your body?
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vicky: its like your body... you don't eat you...
but its nothing really to care much, energy comes from nature, good food, etc. if you eat\sleep\stay in touch with nature you will have that energy. its just natural. of course that if you are going to use it you will need to raise it with some energy work.

Matthew Kingsley


Your etheric body needs to be charged up to project it's real time double.
There's lots of ways to charge the etheric body. For example "thing" pointed
out food. In addition to that sex can also charge the etheric body, keeping
in good physical health helps the etheric body gather and store energy, and
of course sleeping is the best way for your etheric body to gather energy.
Maintaining the trance state is another way of charging the etheric body
for the extrusion or projection of the real time double. Trance simply means
you've put your body asleep while your mind has stayed awake. Charging the
etheric body or having enough energy collected and running through it is
essential to project the real time double or other subtle bodies.

Matthew Kingsley


Thanks for the answers. [:)]
I asked because I thought that you might need some special exercises or energy work. Unfortunately I don't know how to do energy work. I was wondering how Robert Monroe for example said he could leave his body every day? Was he able to recharge it that quickly? Or does it depend on the person? For me I usually have max 2-3 out-of-body experiences per month and when they happen it seems like I have energy that lets me out with full speed but after that I have to wait for quite some time to have my next experiences. So except for eating right, taking care of myself by being physically active I also would like to know how to do energy work so that I can boost more experiences per month ( I usually have one OBE and some times 2-3 but not more than that) Thanks again [:)]
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you need to have a good mood, no problems; this way it will be easier... thats the kind of stuff. i just wanted to say an important point, energy exists in everyone of us! you don't have to work it... of course that if you want to use it you will need more.

Matthew Kingsley


If you've studied Robert Monroe's work closely you might have noticed he
slept 2-3 sleep cycles before separating from his physical body. Although he
did have a technique to enter the trance state from a fully awake state.
In both cases he put his body asleep long enough to gather energy. Just the
act of entering trance from a fully awake causes a large amount of energy
to collect and store in the etheric body. If you know how to enter the
trance state from a fully awake state, I would recommend you use
"New Energy Way's" by Robert Bruce. It's quite simple, in short in involves
feeling the the sense of *touch* sense to draw energy up through the feet,
through the legs and into a major chakra site, your base chakra is fine for
this. All while in the trance state. This dramatically increases the amount
of energy collected and stored in the etheric body and powers it up. For more
information on "New Energy Way's" by Robert Bruce please buy and read his book
"Astral Dynamics" or download his treatises on Astral Projection from this web

Matthew Kingsley


Thanks again for the answers [:)]
I find this information very useful. I will read the book New Energy Ways and since we are on the topic of energy let me ask one last question. Probably a month and a half ago I started feeling a very strange sensation in my left hand. Maybe for this period this has happened about 10-15 times. It feels as of there is a powerful energy flowing in my left hand, pulsation in it. My left hand gets a bit detached. I have had this feeling of separating only my hands before but this was different because it was not only separation but energy flow - very distinct. I don't know if I can explain it but I hope you get the idea. Also I only feel it in my left hand and I was wondering if anyone had experienced this and why does it happen in only the left hand?? Do you have an explanation of that? Thanks again :D
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Matthew Kingsley


The feeling you described in your left hand leads me to believe your energy
body ( etheric body ) is expanding at that location. The detached feeling you
describe is what happens when the etheric body expands and loosens from it's
physical counterpart. When this happens to the entire body you fall into trance.
This is a good indicator that your close to being able to put your entire
body into the trance state. The feeling of your hand being full of energy
should be accompanied with a feeling of it being swollen. This is your
energy body expanding in that location. The trick is to get your etheric body
to expand over your whole body at the same time. This causes the trance state.

Matthew Kingsley


now you must try to imagine the energy in your left hand and move it... to the arm... chest... right arm.... right hand. that would be working with energy.

Frequent Flier

All that talk of raising energy in order to project (as if it was a necessary condition) seems like so much fluff to me.

Back in "the old days", people projected without even being in a trance state; mister Monroe's methods, by the way, seemed somewhat laborious.
While he was using countdown techniques, focusing on vibrations, generating them, increasing their frequency, etc. in order to project, others would just lie down, relax and concentrate on projecting.
And it worked.

Many have thus experienced projection by just thinking about it in a relaxed state (not even a deep one). And with practice it became much easier.
Working for months just to achieve one experience seems to be like taking an unnecessarily hard road to a simple thing.
Raising energy may be good, but not necessary. I have heard of many experiences over the years where that was the case.

The biggest problem for many people was the fear of the experience itself, or their disbelief regarding such experiences, not that it was so difficult to achieve, by itself.

I seriously question that emphasis put on energy raising as being some sort of almost necessary condition to achieve projection. It may help, but all that time and effort put into achieving such things could be put into projecting from a mildly relaxed state and it would work for a lot of people.

It truly doesn't have to be complicated.


Again thanks for the detailed answers Matthew Kingsley and Thing [:)] Even though the energy seems very strong in my hand I don't know if I can expand it the way Thing suggested  because it happens naturally by itself so even if I imagine the energy to expand I don't know if I will be successful(well, I haven't tried). One thing I find very useful when I try to loosen my astral body is to imagine a simple movement of my right arm or leg for exapmle. I imagine it as hard as I can - a movement of the sort up and down, ofcourse without moving my physical arm (or leg) even the slightest and soon after I start imaging it my astral arm separates (it's much haredr for legs)and does the movement I imagine because it follows the commands of the brain. If you haven't tried this I suggest you try it and see what happens.
Frequent Flier makes a good point in his post but this is not entirely true having in mind that in the old times people did not have stress in their lives and were not bound that much to material things. Now we are surrounded by technology and it affects us. There are a lot of people that are able to leave their body without any effort and I guess in these days this should be considered even a greater gift than what it was before. It's true that we shouldn't complicate things unnecessary but they are a bit more complicated now than before. I think that energy work is useful especially when you try to have more OBEs than normal so it is helpful. But as Matthew Kingsley and Thing said before that we all do energy work most of the time - when you're out in the nature and enjoy the beauty, when you are positive, when you are artistic and create something. I draw all the time so I think this helps me recharge with energy. Again thanks for all the answers [:D] Every thought was most useful, take care
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Hi Vicky;

I have been doing energy work on and off for about 20 years.  The feeling you are having in your left hand is some part of you pulling energy in.  I would say that you are not feeling any thing else because like Thing and M.K. mentioned is that you are not doing anything with it.

When I work with energy I draw it in through my left hand, up my arm, across my chest, down my right arm and out my right hand.  The reason it is done this way is to not use up all of your own energy.  If you do not draw energy in, all of the energy that you project would be your own, and you get very drained, very fast.

I would bet to say that your subconscious is at work here trying to do something.  If you look into energy work and start practicing, you would most likely be a natural. [:D]

Here is a link that I think you might find useful they have allot of good information.  This is the best site I have found that answers your question "how do you recharge your body".

Click on Astral projection on the left.  It would be good to read it all, but the link "part 4.  Basic energy work" is the one I am talking about.

Hope you enjoy,

What ever the mind of man can conceive, and believe, it can achieve.  Napoleon Hill

There is no spoon.

Life is a dichotomy within an enigma, based upon dogma affecting karma...... Or my dogma ate my karma....


Hi thelou, thanks very much for the link. [:)] I will definitely read it. I guess you are right by telling I don't do much but I tried to imagine the energy spreads last night but with no effect. Maybe there is a special technique I should be using but I'll know more about it once I read the link. When you say that I draw energy where do I draw it from and why do you think I do not draw through my right hand as well? You're right when you say I waste my energy very fast. As I said before that I only have 2-3 experiences a month and after that it's like I charge myself till the next month when again I am full with energy and leave my body without efforts. Thanks for the link :))) Take care [:D]
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Hi Vicky,

"Where do I draw the energy from?"

There are several different beliefs on that on, depending on whom the speaker/author/teacher is.  Some say it is from Mother Earth, some say it is from the Ethers, and some say it is directly from the Universe.  I believe the last on is true for me.  But again, this is one of those things that is different for different people.  Most likely it comes from what you believe.[^]

"Why do I not draw from my right had as well?"

Funny I asked that very same question from the person who taught me.  She said it is because I am right handed.  You draw in from the left and project with the right.  I have never met a left handed energy worker so I don't know if it is true or not.  But it makes sense for me.  Any lefties out there that can comment?

Your welcome for the link.  It will only be a matter of time and learning new things before you are able to recharge faster.[:D]

What ever the mind of man can conceive, and believe, it can achieve.  Napoleon Hill

There is no spoon.

Life is a dichotomy within an enigma, based upon dogma affecting karma...... Or my dogma ate my karma....


Hi Thelou,
I am right-handed as well [:D]
Yesterday I tried spreading the energy form my hand to my shoulder and it worked - only throughout the arm I mean. But this is advancing I guess - because it was not only imagination , I could feel the enrgy going up my arm but it seemed much less powerful when it was going upwards, I don't know if it would've been enough for the whole body ( again not that I have tried to spread it more than that haha) But most importantly I took energy from outside. I guess I never thought that I should be taking energy from outside rather than from myself. I'll keep working [:)]
Take care
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Good job Vicky!

Yes just practice.  I like to use visualization.  Makes it more real for me.  And yes you can definitely feel the energy.  As for me I usually hold my left hand palm up because I am drawing energy from the Universe.  Try practicing drawing the energy in your left hand and having it go all the way through and coming out your right hand.

After you can do that, here is a neat trick.  Now take the energy that you have and hold your hands palms together about 3-4 inches of space between them.  Slowly move your hands in and out from each other.  As you do this visualize that when you pull your hands apart that the energy sort of like stretches out.  When you push your hands together you are compressing the energy.  After a while you will generate a big ball of pure energy about the size of a softball.  You will be able to feel this really strongly.  If you are claravoient, you will be able to see this bright white ball of energy.

Just a fun exercise.[:D]

What ever the mind of man can conceive, and believe, it can achieve.  Napoleon Hill

There is no spoon.

Life is a dichotomy within an enigma, based upon dogma affecting karma...... Or my dogma ate my karma....


Hi thelou :) I was more successful three days ago. I think what helped me most was the  knowledge that I can take energy from outside. By now I thought that I can only use the energy in me and that's why I did not try to strech or when I did try it wasn't successful. But this time three days ago when my left hand started pulsating with energy again I imagined taking it from outside and successfully stretched it from my left hand to my left shoulder, then through my chest and my whole right hand. It felt like a wave of energy but the best part is that I was controlling it. It felt like I had done it myself when I imagined it go in these directions. So I am very happy for this discovery about energy :) and thankful for your answer and tips as well as every body elses :) You're talking about psi balls right. I might try it someday. I don't know if this is very easy but I will try and if I do it I'll post :)))))) Thanks [:)] Now I realise that the only obstacles we find during astral projection or energy work are only our inner beliefs - like the one I had about energy. The moment I let go of that belief I was able to stretch the energy much more, even though it wasn't as powerful as the starting point - my left hand . Anyways, thanks again and take care [:D]
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Just so you know, Vicky;

There is something that you might find happening, that could discourage you.  You most feel the energy when it is new.  After you have become accustomed to it you don't feel it as much.  I wanted to tell you so you wouldnt think that it was not working or happening.

It is kind of like wearing a watch, or other piece of jewelry.  You are aware when you first put it on, but after a while, you no longer feel it.  You get used to it.

That is where visualization comes in.
What ever the mind of man can conceive, and believe, it can achieve.  Napoleon Hill

There is no spoon.

Life is a dichotomy within an enigma, based upon dogma affecting karma...... Or my dogma ate my karma....


I understand. It's ok :) It doesn't matter. I will do visualization later :) Thanks for the warning [:)]
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Matthew Kingsley

The real-time body exists coinciding along with all other subtle bodies
and the physical body. It is not *generated* by the etheric body. The real
time projectable double being generated by the etheric body would be like saying
the astral body is generated by the etheric body. The etheric body acts like
an interface to tie together all subtle bodies with it's physical counterpart.
During projecting of the real time double, energy from the etheric body holding
a reflection of waking consciousness is forced into the real time body
where it powers up with energy from the etheric body. From there it's able to
be extruded or projected into the real-time dimension which is the closest
dimension to the physical dimension. I believe people who have developed the
ability to remote view are using the real-time double in a low powered way
to view distant locations. And people who have developed the ability to use
"New Energy Way's" while in trance are using the real-time double to manipulate
the etheric body in it's low powered state.

These have been my observations and experiences.

Matthew Kingsley