Finally got out! :D

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Last night I finally got out of my body! Although it wasnt on purpose, I got out :)

It all started when I was sleeping and all of a sudden i started feeling these intense ringings in my ear. I focused on those for a while, and then I felt myself being sucked out of my body. All of a sudden a saw this blinding white light fill up my vision. It was crazy. What's also weird is that when I got out I heard a child say "yay!" when I got out haha. A second after that my vision came into place. It looked the same as it does  with my physical body. I floated towards my window but before I even tried passing through it I broke it :s but it's actually fine haha. This is where I went to far for a first projection I'm guessing. I tried flying all the way to the mountains(Colorado) and then I started to shoot upward. I wanted to see the Earth but when I looked back down it was only half there. I could see some land and oceans but it was all mixing into a blur. That's when I fell into another dream. Pretty cool :p

One thing that worries me is that I was in a "dream state" when I was out of my body. It's like my subconscious was doing everything for me. Is this normal? How can I be more awake and remember these experiences more clearly? Please tell me what you think about this experience too :)


My experiences are similar. I see the bright white light as well. But, the first time i successfully exited, i saw a woman's face singing to me IN the bright white light. It was pretty crazy, but i don't remember what she was saying. When i exited, i floated into a wall thinking i could go through it, but i just ran into it. Once that happened, I got confused and got sucked back into my physical body. Congrats though!


Haha that is pretty crazy :p and thanks. I think I just have to work on my energy body to be more aware during these experiences. And mine also was cut short too because I tried traveling to far. My vision blackened as I flew into space. As I got into space I tried looking at the earth and it was all blurred. After that I blacked out :s


Hallo divinespirit
Actually you had a rather eventful experience for a first time OBE. Getting outside and flying about over mountains is Much more than most people manage, (I only floated about my room during my first OBE). Also don't be concerned about the blurry vision b/c both future experiences and affirmations like 'Clarity now!" will tend to correct those vision problems.

Regards  8-)


Congratulations divinespirits!


Request "Awareness now!" to become more aware, or "Lucid, now!". Perhaps try variations on it, repeating it, letting it sink in, until you become more lucid.
Former PauliEffect (got lost on server crash),


I've had plenty of experiences that are similar to yours. One way I've brought myself back to the RTZ (real time zone) is to focus on the room or place where my physical body was.. Try to put yourself back close to your physical body but careful not to be IN it or moving It's limbs.  Its kinda tricky but other than the "awereness now" mantras , this is my only little trick.  One time I became aware I was dreaming and when I wanted to go back to my body I tried to feel for how I was laying and thankfully it did not wake me up but it put my astral body back close to how my physical body was and I sorta sat up and peeled right out my body. I continued to notice the room around me , colors , sounds etc.. and I was in fact having a RTZ OBE cause I heard people outside my room and later verified there was people there when I woke up minutes later.  It was my niece visiting and I had not known she was coming :)   Its just kinda difficult to think of your physical body while OBE and NOT actually wake yourself up from the experience.  But it can be done..  I hope that gives you something to work with :) Good luck!! And keep it up!

That experience you had was more than a lucid dream. Your on the right track! Just gotta figure out how to get to the here & now (RTZ - real time zone)
Loving yourself first is the most important step you must take before you can truly love someone else.

Feel free to ask me anything. I'll try to offer advice if I can.

Yahoo IM: Spiritual_guy_19
AIM: ScrotomicBomb


Thanks for the responses guys. Next time I have an experience like this hopefully I will be able to be more aware and lucid. I had a similar experience a couple weeks ago, but as a tried leaving my body I thought "am I dreaming?" then I was back in my body. In both of these they werent expected. I was sleeping and I probably woke falsely and was in the right condition for an OBE. Now I know what conditions must be like do a successful OBE. I will continue to practice meditating until I can completely achieve this state consciously :). Maybe I'll have more spontaneous experiences too :D

Good luck projecting guys!


Congrats on the experience. OOBEs can turn into dreams and vice versa. Our consciousness has a tendency to focus on the metaphysical realm when we project. Here-now physical reality projections are often induced from deep state sleep paralysis.

On this note, lucid dreams can lead to astral projection as well as physical realm projections. A Focus 1 OOBE is very different from the astral scenario. What seems to be the physical reality (no anomalies spotted) is not as colourful as the metaphysical. Movement there is also very different, harder to control and gradual until it eventually becomes more fluid. Teleport is possible. Also, you perceive the world as a floating point of consciousness and sometimes you manifest a shadowy body as opposed to Focus 2 where you ride a dream body that resembles the physical.

Focus 1s can turn into Focus 2s or they can overlap. This is one view from my own experiences anyway...


Quote from: Summerlander on February 15, 2011, 04:28:36
Congrats on the experience. OOBEs can turn into dreams and vice versa. Our consciousness has a tendency to focus on the metaphysical realm when we project. Here-now physical reality projections are often induced from deep state sleep paralysis.

On this note, lucid dreams can lead to astral projection as well as physical realm projections. A Focus 1 OOBE is very different from the astral scenario. What seems to be the physical reality (no anomalies spotted) is not as colourful as the metaphysical. Movement there is also very different, harder to control and gradual until it eventually becomes more fluid. Teleport is possible. Also, you perceive the world as a floating point of consciousness and sometimes you manifest a shadowy body as opposed to Focus 2 where you ride a dream body that resembles the physical.

Focus 1s can turn into Focus 2s or they can overlap. This is one view from my own experiences anyway...

Do you know why it's harder to control when you project into the physical?