First non lucid dream AP and some scary monster...

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Hi Everyone!
   I finally astral projected today without doing it from a lucid dream. Right after i woke up from a truck going by outside at 5 am I put my headphones on and listened to Astral Projection Without Fail from BWgen, and dazed out. I then gained awareness and felt my body wasnt really there. I started to feel vibrations slow at first and then my arms poped out and I was amazed, they started to go back in because i wasnt breathing, so i began to take slow regular breaths and my arms raised up higher and higher and then when they reached vertical I heard a noise and then I remembered to try to do the humming noise I can create, and when I tried to I didnt make the noise but my body vibrated like crazy went from super low frequency to so fast I couldnt even feel it in about half a second.
    Then all of a sudden I felt my body again, felt my mouth was dry, and my eyes were dried out from my contacts. I couldnt see clearly because my day and night contacts were kinda dried out. So I got up, put in some eyedrops and took of the headphones. When I took off the headphones I could still hear the binural beat, and then i looked behind me and I was laying on the bed!!!!!!!!
    I stepped out into the hallway and then heard something so I turned around. It was this dark formless creature and it roared at me and I took off to the living room and then remembered that I didnt have to walk said "screw this" and just took off flying through the sky and flew up through the clouds until i could see the sky clear and blue and I headed towards the sun. Thats when I heard the loudest Roar I have ever heard, and I got sucked back into my body. It was so incredibly loud, and I play around with Jet engines in the real world and it just dosnt compare to any level a physical source can produce.
   So my main question this time around, is: are there any protective items you can hold in your hand and take with you when you project, or just to protect your body as you leave and go wandering around. I have just about every type of crystal mineral and rock formation that is easily found wether by diging or purchase in stores. So if any type of thing like that will help, just mention it. If there are'nt any type of specific protective item then I think I am going to start walking around the astral with my self forged japanese katana, so if you see someone walking around the astral with a big sword, dont spook me :)

Hopefully below will be the photoshopped image of what the creature looked like. It was like a dark cloud with darkness pouring off of it like it was a dense gas. the darkness flowed off of it and onto the floor where it spread out. The "core" of the creature was like an absolute blackness. Anyone know what it is or if they have experienced this before?




Off hand I do not know of any 'cure-all' defense against these, but I have experienced them before as has my brother. When I saw it though, I was, what I thought anyways, in a dream. It was less like black, and more like a complete void. As it drew closer I could feel the paralyzing emptiness in all my emotions and thoughts. Of course, when I woke up I was terrified.

From what I have seen, things like this tend to feed on our fears, or rather our fears reduce our ability to cope with them. Either way, typically if you ask for assistance, it comes if needed. There is much information out there regarding psychic self defense (I think someone has a book called that). And it never hurts to perform a blessing on a house either. Visualization and exercising your imagination can be powerful allies. The course you would take depends on your religion / spiritual beliefs... almost every one has techniques for dealing with such things.

Don't immediately think that this thing was bad though. It could very well have more to do with your relative vibrational frequencies, and less with intent. Like seeing someone or something through the fog.

Whenever you use items to assist in spiritual endeavors, there are some things to consider. Yes, the effectivness of what you are trying to do may increase, but there are always side-effects. And reliance on things outside of yourself is just a risky thing to do. Take black onyx for example. Good for protection they say. It helps to ground you. Well, it also flattens your emotions (part of grounding). So, even though it may protect you from harmful emotions / entities, it may also reduce the better parts of the experiences. I don't think grounding is what your looking for when you project, so I'd stick to asking for assistance, protection, and a better / clearer understanding of what your seeing.

It is of interest to note that while some dolphins are reported to have learned English -- up to fifty words used in correct context -- no human being has been reported to have learned dolphinese. - Carl Sagan

Risu no Kairu

Looks like yoru astral septic tank is backed up.
I need a signature that isn't stupid. :/