Get these sensations? And other Q's.

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I posted on an experience I had a while ago. It felt just like you described. Turns out I had accidentaly stimulated what mystics call the Heart Chakra. It felt like I had expanded to about twice my normal size and that my body had turned into foam rubber. These Chakra areas are stimulated by concentrated thought and, once they become active, they present you with all kinds of weird and wonderful sensations.



Thanks for your reply, Frank.

Do you think that the strong sensations represent blockage necessarily? Or is blockage always a bad thing?  That is, perhaps channeling energy and holding it there (purposefully allowing it to pool in one area) might be a good thing for certain purposes. I would guess we have different chakras for different reasons, you know.  So perhaps purposeful blockage is a good thing. Sort of opening/closing various 'gates' for different purposes.

I experimented last night, and I was able to allow the heart/balloon energy to move easily to my throat, and less easily to my head. Then I was able to pool it in my chest again, with the sense of expansion. So any blockage that is there seems inconsequential - that is, controllable.

I had some nice experiences following, too. Several possible projections of the variety where "I" am getting out of bed, feeling very lethargic but trying to go somewhere - I ask myself the whole time "Does this feel real?  - Yes, I can clearly feel the carpet with my feet; the doorknob with my hand, etc."   Only to wake up later and realize that my body was in bed the whole time. This happened three times.

Also last night, I heard my daughter in the room with me. Perhaps she was projecting. She told me that she was pleased that she could roam the house like this without being accountable to me ---- Hee hee! True, I am not goiing to police her astral excursions!

Finally, I went for a travel to a friends house. It was lovely.  I want to ask about that - where is the best forum to ask about guides (my friend was acting in the capacity of guide.)?



Don't worry about any thoughts of "blockage" and so forth. Sounds to me like you are enjoying what you do. Keep on trying to move that concentrated thought energy to your head. Once you get the hang of doing that correctly, you'll be obe'ing for fun.



"For a period when I was doing NEW, the sensations DID diminish, and my lucid dreams and projections went down. Bummer. So I shelved it for a while."

This is where I'm at right now, I am starting to loose interest as those sensations were a reasurrance for me...


Hi Tia!

I always see my interest going in waves -when I start a new upswing, I have lots of neat stuff happen, and then it starts to diminish, and I lose interest like you say. For a while.  Right now I feel committed to sticking with it this time, even after the sensations dissipate but I hope they don't.

I don't know what it means when the feelings diminish - whether there is a depletion of stored etheric energy in the storage centers, or whether I am subconsciously allowing less energy in, out of some unidentified fear, or something else.

I'd be interested to see what happens with you over the next few weeks Keepo posting! I'm curious if you decide to stick with your pursuits or take a break - Currently I don't do the full body circuit; I was doing that for about a month with some good results, I think I cleared blocked areas in the throat and now can get energy to the head chakras. But now I'm just doing energy work by following my instinct and personal guidance.

I hope to see some more action! I hope last night's travels weren't 'it' for this round!  Boy, how cool would it be to have this kind of stuff on a frequent and regular basis! Yowza!



well patty, after looking at your bio i thought you are one of the youngsters here since i am 12 years your senior. i think it is great to have interest in this subject by  so many of the under thirty crowd.
i too have been wondering about the more energy/less sensation question. i have been doing some form of meditation/energy work almost daily for 26 years, usually for about 20 minutes. over a decade ago i had an experience of a strong flow of energy thruogh my crown and into my body. this happened for a few months and took different forms-localized to one side, heat, pressure sensations. after a couple of years most of the sensations faded but i still had sensations at my brow and crown even during the day. about 3 years ago i sarted having the vibrations at night, maybe projected into the grey area a few times. i ended up moving, working hard, experiencing emotional turmoil for a couple of years and only recently feeling like i recovered my "energy", at which time i started having vibrations again. now when i meditate i do not feel so much energy flow but am able to beyond thought relative quickly and seem to be close to being able to couciously project. so i think there are cycles to these energetic sensations and the first strong ones were working on the gross physical level and the more subtle clearings feel more "subtle"      i think they are not to be sought for the thrill of it but witnessed and appreciated for  the cleansing effect.

In the world in general and in this nation
May not even the names disease, famine, war, and suffering be heard.
May virtuous qualities, merit, and prosperity greatly increase
And may continuous good fortune and subline well-being perfectly arise.


I remember when I first started NEW, I had the most amazing experiences but they did scare me a little so I'm wondering if you haven't hit on something when you say  "whether I am subconsciously allowing less energy in, out of some unidentified fear, or something else."  

I always feel my awareness actions and the effect on my energy body but I can barely, if  at all, feel the raising of new energy.   I did do the body circuit today, but only twice as I couldn't tell if I was storing energy or not.  I am going to just plod on, once a day in the hope that I am actually storing energy and because of those wonderful/amazing things that have occured in the past - I know it works, I just dont know why it isn't working now.

Are you experiencing the same sensations this time around, or is it different from before?

I came nearest to a conscious projection after a good energy raising session.  I decided to have a nap some time after, I found myself hanging over my bed trying to stop the cat from getting under it.  Problem was, I couldn't open my eyes properly, so I was trying to see by holding my head up and looking down, trying to look through the slit in my eyelids.  I then put my head down and tried to look up, was very frustrating.  So, as I couldn't see properly, I was swinging my arms back and forth accross the gap under my bed, hoping that the cat would not be able to pass through.  I must have leaned over too far as the next thing I am flipping over off the bed and I braced myself to crash-land onto my back but was very surprised when I gently bounced off the carpet.  Trouble was, I couldn't move very well either.  Next thing you know, I am in an incredible dream looking back through various lives searching for a chinese girl and throughout the dream I am conscious of somebody with me who I never saw but who accompanied me throughout.

You say you're trying to balance experience with rest - I am no expert but I feel that all these experiences are energising rather than energy depleting.  Finding quiet time is a hard one, sometimes I'm not in the mood but suddenly find myself with 40 minutes of undisturbed time and I have to go for it, even if I would rather have a cuppa in front of the tv.


HI Ralph,

Well, I would LOVE it if I was one of the youngsters. I always learn best when I'm near the middle/lower part of the class. You know, like not the newest kid on the block, but not the one leading the pack, either. So perhaps you are right. And just to reiterate - I am sure I would be able to learn something from anyone here.

I am thinking about how emotional trurmoil kept you from your meditations. I find that my depressed states alkso keep me from my exercises - even though when I am 'up' it seems that that shouldn't be the case. I would think that being emotionally wobbly, down a bit, might lend itself to more frequent 'escapes' from the body. this last time around I was depressed for a few weeks (mildly, teary, feeling low self esteem) and it didn't even occur to me to try meditating until three weeks of that sad stuff. But within a day or two of energy work I was feeling MUCH better.

I'd enjoy hearing more of how emotions affect (positively or negatively) your experiences.

Hi Tia,

Your cat experience has me laughing. The contortions we go to sometimes! Once, I was trying to clear an astral shelf, sweeping my arm across it to clear it. A minut later it was all cluttered again. I repeated my shelf cleaning about a half dozen times, and finally got so angry I started swearing. Are you allowed to swear in the astral reallms???? If you say the "s" word, does it manifest???? heh. I finally gave up and went for a flight.

yeah, I find the sensations are roughly the same each time around, but with progress. I've been at this about four years off and on, and I always have the sense of being filled up with warmth, from my feet up. Very similar to the energy circuit. I don't do the circuit, as I mentioned I am going to go with my instincts for a little while. The progression I feel lately is that if I allow this feeling to sweep me whenever - like sitting here typing and mentally suggesting a warm sweep - well it works and I am pleased to note that the sensation easily moves to my throat. Yippee! With a small effort I can get it to the crown, I think.  In the past it would not go to the throat but stop lower down, like in the heart.

I guess another technique that I use doesn't start with the feet but with the heart directly, I open that and envision love pouring in and that is pretty powerful; also very similar to how it felt in the past.

In general, the experiences have stabilized at a lower level than they were initially.  I hope/think that i am seeing a slow incline up - to a more vivid and convincing experience.  Only time will tell.

The reason I find the experiences depleting is because they put me in a lighter sleep at night. It finally dawned on me that if I make the simple adjustment of allowing an extra hour every night, I should be able to get the same overall sleep that I get from shorter, deeper sleep. Duh. SO that's worth trying, too.

I haven't had past life dreams in my experiences. Are you convinced by some of the things you see? What lives have you identified?  I'd also love to hear about your experiences with NEW - the ones you found amazing. I was personally amazed when one morning, I was trying to clear blockage, and when I went to pee I saw that the area I had mentally focused on had red marks radiating out from it. WOW! That was validating!  Maybe I'll concentrate on my throat this week, and look for some clearing there.



Hi patty,  it's just when i am dealing with intense emotional stuff i tend to run it through my head instead of meditating. On the plus side it seems like the intense experiences come in waves. Sometimes all it takes is a few words from someone, a thought, a quote from a book  which unleases the next wave of spiritual energy.  I read your experience in another discussion and i guess mine was similar but i did not try to stop it. Maybe you will be ready for the next wave.

In the world in general and in this nation
May not even the names disease, famine, war, and suffering be heard.
May virtuous qualities, merit, and prosperity greatly increase
And may continuous good fortune and subline well-being perfectly arise.


Hi again -

One area that I am intrigued with is the variety of physical sensations one can have when trancing or doing NEW/related exercises.

A common recurring one is feeling like a balloon, feeling like there is swelling in the chest that just keeps increasing and increasing.  I have heard this might indicate blockage in the heart chakra or throat chakra, and in fact when I spent time clearing those areas I finally felt like energy could flow to my head.  That led to headaches/similar sense of expansion or pressure in the head similar to what Jeni talked about below. ( I think I resolved it by allowing it to dissipate; although it is possible that if it had intensified it might turn into a projection?)

But I am not sure that the balloon sensation really represents blockage.  For one thing, it is a lovely sensation unlike the headaches. Also, last night it occured to me to 'send' this energy to a friend who has a rough time right now and the feeling felt like it went straight out of my heart region (presumably to her). That seems like it could be used as a helpful sort of tool.

Do you get these sensations?

I recall reading RB's take on this - with the idea of blockage and how in fact when you get 'better' at things there is less sensation. I wonder about this too.  At present, I can ask for 'more energy' from my higher self or helper and will feel the sensation intensify. So it makes sense to me that even when your circuit is clear that given enough energy you'd feel something. And I guess I see a correlation between how strongly I feel a strange sensation and the likelihood of an altered state. So I hope that the feelings wouldn't diminish - it would be disheartening.

For a period when I was doing NEW, the sensations DID diminish, and my lucid dreams and projections went down. Bummer.  So I shelved it for a while. My present delving has a lot of sensations.

There are other strange sensations too. Like root chakra blockage/stimulation  --- which in fact has in the past led to some very lucid dreaming.  (I've heard that intense groin feelings can be a springboard for OBE.)

And through all of this - It can get exhausting. I have trouble balancing seeking a more intense experience with getting enough rest to meet daily needs. Any tips on that one? Some of the participants seem younger - and I am sure I can learn from everyone here - but with kids and a house and yaddy yaddy yah,  I feel like I can't afford to flit around the astral planes at the expense of getting enough rest!  I'd love some tips on rest and relaxation and balance. Also would love to know that there are 'older' experiencers here. Age shouldn't matter, but when I talk to my contemporaries they speak as if
astral travel is something for adolescents (!) and that I need to 'grow up.'  Anyone else here refusing to buy into that?

Well, THAT was a longer post than I normally make.
