O.B.E.'s to other planets and throughout space

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To answer your yes/no questions - yes, yes, yes, and yes.

However, to answer your how-to questions, you'll need to read some books, namely,

R. Bruce:
-Astral Dynamics (the industry standard textbook on OBEs)
R. Monroe:
-Journeys out of the Body
-Far Journeys
-Ultimate Journey

Other titles you might be interested in are:
W. Buhlman
-Adventures Beyond the Body
R. Peterson
-Out of Body Experiences

Regarding that woman - she definitely gets the first prize in "the most horribly useless way to waste an OBE" [:D][B)] It literally made me whimper.



Regarding that woman - she definitely gets the first prize in "the most horribly useless way to waste an OBE"

Why place such judgement? The great thing about OBEs is that we can do whatever we want, and clearly this women really enjoys sitting on top of trees. Being an elderly women, maybe she can no longer enjoy climbing trees like she did when she was younger. Out of body she can. Maybe you, and all of us, can learn something from her.
Alice had got so much into the way of expecting nothing but out-of-the-way things to happen, that it seemed quite dull and stupid for life to go on in the common way.


Hi Rusty,

Like the other people said, YES.  In my experience, the only thing that will stop you from going anywhere you want, is the limitations of your own beliefs.

A few months ago there was a similar topic about Astral realms and whether it was possible to travel anywhere in the Universe,  I think it was posted by PMLONLINE.  Some of us, including myself posted info about our various journeys 'out there', so you may find it interesting to go and check it out.  

Sorry I have not posted a link as I don't know how to do that, LOL. Weird huh?  I've travelled all over the Universe and outside it, and still can't operate my puter properly, HEE HEE. [:P]

Love Always.[:)]


Hi Again Rusty,
I figured maybe it was time to get off my butt and learn how to paste the topic(s) in.  Took a while to find them and they weren't originally posted by PML after all, LOL.[:I]

These are the links...........




Now let's see if I got it right. [:P]


Originally posted by Rusty
Can you fly when your O.B.E.'ing and if so how.

Yes, of course you can fly when you're OBE.  You just think about flying and you will.  You're only limited by your mind and your thoughts.  If you don't believe you can do something, then you won't.


I knew a elderly women who has had O.B.E's often and usually went outside to sit in her tree in her backyard. How does one's body interact with the environment?

I interact the exact same way as I do in the physical environment.  I walk, I touch things, I talk to people, etc.


Can you walk through walls or float high up into the sky.

Yes to both.  Things even feel solid....unless I desire to walk through them, in which case, I feel myself pass through the object.


Can you speed up the way in which you travel?

Yes, you can fly super-slow, or blazingly fast.


How about thinking of places to go such as Egypt and then spontaneouly arriving there?

Yes, it's possible to travel anywhere, although unless you're extremely focused, you may find it hard to travel to a targeted place.  

For example, you may THINK you want to go to Egypt before you lay down to practice OBE's, but once you find yourself "out", you'd be surprised at how quick your priorities change!  There have been many times I TOLD myself I would do one thing when I projected, and then once I was out, I ended up doing something trivial like walking around my house.

No OBE is a boring OBE.  Even if you're just walking around your house, just knowing your outside the bounds of your physical body is enough to give anyone a rush.
Keep smiling,

Jeff Mash


Originally posted by alt0xFF
Regarding that woman - she definitely gets the first prize in "the most horribly useless way to waste an OBE" [:D][B)] It literally made me whimper.

I'd have to disagree with you here (although you're certainly entitled to feel that way).  I have had many OBE's where I've done something trivial, like sitting on the floor next to my bed and just breathing the air.  And even THAT was a thrill.

It's easy to say, "When I get out, I'm not doing any of that crap!  I'm going to visit my girlfriend!"  Well, that may be so, but you would have to consider two things:

1) Your priorities may change once you're out.  You'd be surprised at how childlike you become in your thinking when you first start to project.

2) The things you may want to do while projecting may seem trivial and a waste of time to others.

I think the experience with the elderly woman who projected to her tree in the backyard sounds exciting, but that's perhaps because I soak up everything about the experience, and something as simple as looking at a tree in the astral is pretty mind-blowing.
Keep smiling,

Jeff Mash

Blue Giant

Thanks guys for those warm and quick replies. I've got so much to look forward to (big smile).

"Like the tide in the sky
taking you forever high
but bringing you back only to remember
you once knew how to fly" - Rusty


I red somewhere that there is a border that can not be passed.
When someone decide to go beyond our Galaxy, when astral traveling, there is no way! I felt really surprized reading that stuff, because i'm into astronomy and my curiosity goes beyond our Galaxy!!!
Is this true? Does such a border exist?  [B)]


Hi Rusty,

Your curiosity seems to concern physical universe (cosmotravelers normally identifies other exiting places as well).

Seth (through Jane Roberts)talked about diffent bodies for diffrent purpose. To reach planet mars perhaps you have to release Soulbody which is nothing but a powerbody. But thats not only a technique, but also esoteric philosphy.

When it comes to how to do it - Robert Monroe told us the quick-switch techinque, basicly, focus and thought-control.Bend all of your vital consiousness to a place. Thinking-transportation.

But it´s not a general ability to go to other planets. It´s unique individual and takes a lot of practice. It´s not even sure that all spirits (non-fysical beings like deceased humans) have total control of distance, time, space, which you can read more about in Allan Kardecs "Le Livre Espirits".

As matter of fact it could be one of many subjects at the Universities in the spirit world.

Spirits goes to school? Ye right.
Of course not. We all know that they are playing guitar on a clowd.

If you want to make obe-experiment and reach physical distant places, like other planets, make sure that you are dreaming perhaps luciddreaming just halfconsious OR be extreamly mentally fit.

To stand at the surface at Mars, spiritually consious, and at that time bringing on earth consiusness can give side effects. A mind seems to be a thing to use or loose. But of course, the consius part is not always an option, a thing  that we are free to choose. More like, either you have it or not, I think.

Finally, good luck with your astral work (just take it slow and easy)

Best regards,
Sokrates from Sweden


You can go to mars. I've never been there. Look at some pictures of it, close up and far away, and that should help you find it. It doesnt matter how far away it is. The difficulty to get there should be the same.


Sure I wanna go to Mars. But I would go to the moon first!


Sure I wanna go to Mars. But I would go to the moon first!

I agree..

Best regards
The fear is the first natural enemy that a man must defeat in the way of knowledge

Blue Giant

I've been admiring the planet Mars since its orbit has been the closest to Earth in a long time. I've been continually trying to have an outer body to travel such a distance and explore that planet. However, naturally (teehee) I've never had an outer body. Secondly, my big question, is such an endeavour possible? Can you fly when your O.B.E.'ing and if so how. I knew a elderly women who has had O.B.E's often and usually went outside to sit in her tree in her backyard. How does one's body interact with the environment? Can you walk through walls or float high up into the sky. Can you speed up the way in which you travel? How about thinking of places to go such as Egypt and then spontaneouly arriving there? Hit me up, I'd love to hear what you guys have to say.
