High pitched noise in your head

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What is this high pitched noise in your head, from where it comes...
...ah while im writing i tried to listen to it, it becames louder, and i noticed that it starts to remind that sound when i get wibrations...offtopic..
so where it comes from, could this be used for target on wich to concentrate, to clear your mind...
Anyway, tell me something about it...
Nice to see you :)


I don't know what the sound is but I hear it too. I learned to to concentrate on it and "follow it" in order to induce the vibrations. As the vibrations started and then accelerated, the sound would increase to a great roar in the head, like the sound of a jet airliner taking off, or a great waterfall. Then, as the sounds, vibration and rushing of energy peaked, any nearby sharp sound, such as the closing of a door, would pop me out.

Coincidentally, one day I randomly picked up an old book out of a stack being used as props in a photo. I opened the book (a leather-bound volume from around 1900) and started reading the first page. To my surprise, it described in flowery prose how following that sound leads to many wonders.


California, that's interesting about the book. Do you remember some of the "many wonders" the book described? I'm interested to explore this now! :-)



I hear it too, whenever I meditate. I've never been able to decide if it's an aid to meditation or just a side-effect. . .



Unfortunately, I wasn't able to read the book. It was just a bizarre, striking coincidence. I happened to be at an old hotel on the coast of Portugal in a situation where this book came into my hands. It was a beautiful, classic, hand made leather-bound volume. I was able to peruse the first few pages and I didn't make a record of the title or name. I was struck because at the time when I looked for books to read on the subject in bookstores I would try to find them entirely through intuition. And there on the first page of the book it started talking about how men through the ages have followed that sound.
Thinking about it know, I wonder if it was not a product of the European mysticism associated with the Rosicrucians or some similar society.
At the time I was learning as much as I could about the experiences and found I could initiate the vibrations by doing a yogic breathing exercise I learned from Vivekananda's Raja Yoga, then listening to the high-pitched sound and "following" it into the vibrations. I did not have any direct references or sources for astral projection, and was involved because they came to me and I had to figure out what was happening.


okey, some(most of those who i asked at school/home) people say that it could be blood flow near ears, but i think its not..it dont sounds like that..its more  like "multi track" sound, its even hard to describe ti, its almost like it wasnt a sound...
Nice to see you :)


Since I only ever hear it when I'm relaxed, I don't subscribe to the "It's body generated" school of thought - it would be permanently audible if that were the case.

Try changing the pitch of the noise. It's not too hard, altho it actually seems more like the old pitch is displaced by a new, separate pitch, rather than the pitch actually changing. . .


Actually, the cause of it is heat in the body. Heat always rises out of the body at the top of the head. The whistle in the ears is like steam coming out of a kettle. I heard this from a naturapath on the radio. He described it fully. :-) Certain herbs can cool down the body/liver and reduce the noise. This is how tinitus (sp?) can be cured by naturapaths, where as normal medicine can't because drugs seem to heat up the body or liver.

I wonder why though, when I concentrate on it, it does seem louder. More heat from concentration? hehe. Must be working my brain too hard! Better not overload it by actually trying to use it!



Although it is quite possible that heat could be the cause of hearing the ringing. While I can only speculate the true cause(s), and willing to throw in my two  cents on why there is no ultimate explanation.

Heat coming from the kettle does not create the ringing sound, but it is actually the movement of the air escaping the kettle which vibrates the small hole, thus, creating the vibrations of sound. Similar to how blowing air from your mouth can cause vibrations creating a whistle or air vibrating from your vocal cords creating your voice.

Tinnitus is not the cause of hearing loss but a result.  The ringing doesn't impair your ability to hear but it is actually a result of internal ear problems suppressing your hearings functionality.

It has been known that meditation actually lowers your body's core temperature, thus, calming the ringing, but this is actually a contradiction because while meditating the sound is actually amplified.

This ringing can always be heard, all the time but is not always because of mental, visual, tactile or auditory distractions.

It seems many things could explain what causes this sound: it could be the brains own creation, something to comfort it because of the absence of sound, or vibrations of the astral body / energy field, maybe even the body's own cells vibrating.

I do believe it to be a multi-layered sound. I have been able to observe it and manipulate which tones are dominating leads me to believe that it may be generated by multiple sources.

While we can not know the true cause(s), we can only speculate based on our knowledge. I have based my opinions on my own personal experiences and by no means may be 100% correct. With that said I would like to conclude that is not the actual internal ears interpreting the sound but actually some other internal faculty whether it is the brain or some kind of clairaudience/extra sensory ability.

The skies the limit on theories, but only you can decide what you believe.


I have heard this countless times as I have exited my body, I notice the sound intensifies many times as you exert pressure to exit, it goes away as soon as you exit the body, I have no idea where or how this sound comes, could be energy/bioelectricy in the body.


Whenever I do my energy work, I always try to focus on this sound. I've noticed that my energy becomes more intense and concentrated whenever I do so.


I hear this too, but it is there all the time in quiet environments, not just in meditation. You might notice it more in meditation because you quiet your mind, your internal AGC circuit allows your amplifier gain to increase and the noise floor comes up, like the static on an AM receiver that is tuned in between stations.

I always thought it was a noise floor kind of thing, where it is generated in the tissues, and neural pathways themselves. I have never tried playing with it like you guys have. If it can be changed during meditation, then the source of it is not what I thought it was at all. I will experiment with it later on.

For me, it normally sounds like the horizontal oscillator of a TV set, but not as loud. One time as I was drifting off to sleep, it got really loud all of a sudden, and actually sounded like several more tones joined in with slightly differing pitches. This would create a roar type noise. This all happened within a fraction of a second, and startled me awake similar to the way the falling sensation startles me awake, but not as intense as that. This could be the same thing that I see mentioned a lot with AP.


That sound is called the sound of HU.

Those who take Monatomic Gold aka "White Powder Gold" also hear it. It is supposedly a resonance from the Realm of Light.

It is described over and over by ancient mystics.



Hu was the Ancient Egyptian God of the spoken Word, and there are rituals regarding Hu in the Book of the Dead.

If you go to the Eckankar page, there is a link to a group of people singing HU at the same time - it sounds very...ethereal and not of this world.

I personally have always believed that our minds are nothing but a living transciever, and depending upon the things we eat, and how we treat our bodies, that depends upon how we are able to "tune in" as Timothy Leary and the Hippies used to say.

So, the idea that the sound is similar to a television or radio dial being turned strikes a resonant chord with me (pun intended.) :twisted: