Can't relax neck while trying to Astrally Project

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I feel more comfortable while lying on my back to astrally project (but i sleep on my side), but I can't relax my neck. I have tried different combinations of pillows in different positions but it doesn't help. It makes my neck relaxed for about 20 seconds then I can feel the tightness in it.

Any suggestions will be appreciated. (I'm in a bed btw)


Hi staggamate,

If you already have a Nova Foam pillow, you might try using one of the newer heating pads.  There is the kind that you can put in a microwave for about a minute or one that draws moisture out of the air while it heats up.  Make sure they don't get hot enough to burn you.  If this fails, you might try using one of the extra strength muscle rubs.

I don't like to suggest medicine, but if it is really bad, and you are not the addictive type, maybe you could see your doctor about some muscle relaxers.

Hope you find a way to relax your neck.