Astral projection

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How often do you astral project?
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Hi i am new to astral projection but i will post my first experience that i have had. I hope to learn more ... i already posted this on another forum but i will repost here so you can see my experience.

I would like to share my first astral projection experience that happened to me recently and maybe get some tips on how to do it again and have more control.

I am definitely new to this world view and only recently started looking at everything with a open mind and really have any sort of understanding to the spiritual experiences i have had and felt.

Since as far as i can remember i have had lucid flying dreams where i have became conscious but not had to much control and just kind of went for the ride. I had brought these experiences up with people through out my life but it usually just ended with "wow thats cool" and they might relate with a similar experience but then it would just end at that. It was only recently that i brought my experiences up with someone that has done a little more research on the subject and he gave me a book to read. I will be honest i have only read the first chapter so far and went through a few of the other chapters but it was very interesting!(ya ya i will finish the book i am not a big reader i am trying my best!) One thing i found interesting was the book said that just the intent to try and astral project or lucid dream can cause it to happen and it did! I figure this will be enough background for my story so i will get on with it.

I tend to pull long sessions of work sometimes and i had been up for a lot of hours over a few day period. I had just ate a huge spaghetti meal and i was getting pretty tired so i went to lie down on my bed, i was feeling very relaxed and i was just lying on my bed. I cant really remember what i was thinking about but i was very comfortable and was probably minutes if not seconds from falling asleep.
Then next think i know I'm floating through my apartment twords the front door . I was definitely conscious, everything was kind of hazy but it was definitely my apartment. When i reached the front door i noticed the door was unlocked. Me and my bro always keep the door locked so instantly i had the intent to reach out my hand and lock the door. As my hand would of reached the lock and turned it the lock snapped to the lock position the weird thing is i never saw a hand or anything but it seemed to line up with my thought to reach out my hand and lock the door. Instantly after that i got sucked straight backwards flying through my apartment i went through the glass sliding door to my balcony i was moving at a decent pace i felt something for sure as i passed through the door but i cant quite place the feeling that i had but it was strange. I am 3 floors up on the top floor i went out over the edge of my balcony still flying backwards and went twords the ground. I started to get freaked out this was definitely more then i expected from my first experience and i thought i was going to keep flying down and go into the earth or something it was all happening so fast i was probably 10 feet from the ground flying backwards still and i got scared and aborted. I remember from my flying dreams way back that i could get out of the dream if i really wanted to it would only take a second followed by a second of body paralysis but then i would be awake and it would be over. Well i aborted and i wish i didn't! I should of kept going with it but honestly it was more then i expected.

I have tried on a few occasions since then to do it but i usually just pass out. I did wake induce a lucid dream where i went into a basement (i didn't recognize it) but when i floated around a bit i tried to pass through the floor above me but i just heard a girl screaming in the distance and then i woke up. The screaming was in my head I'm pretty sure cause i didn't hear anything after i was awake.

This all is very interesting to me and i would like to learn more if anyone has any tips or info it would be greatly appreciated.


I had another weird dream experience that i posted int he same thread on that other forum i will repost it aswell i don't think it was astral projection but it was pretty freaky.

I had another strange dream experience that i will share cause it kind of freaked me out a bit.

On the morning of Virginia Tech shooting i had a dream that really made me wonder about this whole dreaming world. I am not claiming to be psychic or anything but i will just tell you my dream as a remember it, keep in mind i had no idea of the shooting at this point and i am really new to this world view of connectedness. I have only been looking into it for a couple months now and i have been keeping a very open mind about everything.

The dream took place in a multi floor school with long hallways and the typical spiral stairs. I was standing in a hallway on the bottom floor and about 5 people were standing in a circle thats including me. A old friend of mine jon was there i didn't recognize him by his face i just seemed to think it was him. Next thing that happed was 3 of the 4 other people were laying dead on the floor i didn't see them die or shot or anything but they were definitely dead and i just remember being extremely terrified. The two people left standing were me and jon. I just remember feeling like jon wanted to kill me and he wasn't going to stop until i was dead and this brought me a lot of fear. Next part of my dream i was running through out the school up the stairs down the halls this part is pretty vague but i just remember the extreme fear of jon coming to kill me at all costs. Next part i was thinking i just wanted my mom there with all my heart and next thing i know she was there. She lead me to the front doors of the school i assume the front doors because it was multi wide doors. When we went through the doors there was a authority figure standing outside he didn't look like a cop or a security guard but i had this sense that he was of authority i just remember thinking get the hell out of my way we are out of here. He was trying to stop us and get in our way but that wasn't stopping me hah i was freaked out. He followed me and my mom through the parking lot through about 4 rows of cars trying to stop us i don't remember words in the dream mostly just images and feelings and i was getting the sense he wanted to stop us. We got in a car a burned it out of the parking lot and up a hill and thats where my dream ended.

I woke up it was about 1100am i didn't really wake up terrified by the end of my dream i felt safe but i remember the feelings during the dream very specific. I got up went to my computer sat down my brother was already up at his computer and he said there has been a school shooting like 30 people dead.... I was like What..... hes like yea crazy massacre lots of people dead i was like What.... it was really just sinking in i told him my story and he thought it was pretty strange. I'm not sure if it was just crazy coincidence lol but it was hell of timing. I do not usually remember my dreams and only since i started learning about lucid dreaming have i started to remember.

I would like to think i was feeling what those kids at that school were going through and it makes sense with this world view of connectedness but like i said this is all very new to me.

Any comments or questions or tips or anything would be greatly appreciated i am very interested in learning more and i will keep reading but i feel its good to get it all down and what better place then here.

peace and love


For me it varies...sometimes they come in clusters...sometimes they come once or twice a month...sometimes less often.
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