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I have been trying to have an obe for a couple of nights now, using mostly the rope technique. the problem Ive found with any of the techniques Ive tried is not that i cant visualize, but that i visualize to well. I don't know if I'm experiencing something or if I'm imagining it. any advice, comments, aid of any kind?


I used to have this problem when I started using ROPE.  I came to the conclusion that I could tell when rope was working when I would feel my heart center activating more and more with each tug on the rope.  Visualizing climbing a rope in your mind won't do it alone.  Use your awareness arms and really try to pull your astral body out of your physical body.  You will be able to feel pressure being put on on your astral body when it is working... for me it was mostly felt in my heart chakra.    I no long use ROPE alone when projecting.  Though it would help me get started and relaxed -- I tend to slightly flex some muscles when I do it... preventing my from reaching projection.  I now use the method of listening to the ringing in my head, and trying to find the source of the ringing.  Works like a charm!  Try it out maybe...   I do Robert Bruce's energy raising for maybe 5 mins, ROPE for a min or 2, and then just listen to the ringing.

Hope this helps some!