The Astral Pulse

Astral Projection & Out of Body Experiences => Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! => Topic started by: Simo on September 10, 2011, 10:04:15

Post by: Simo on September 10, 2011, 10:04:15
I don't believe it guys!I did it in a middle of a afternoon nap!it was amazing! :lol:
Post by: Orion- on September 10, 2011, 10:34:41
Well done :) What happened?
Post by: NoY on September 10, 2011, 10:36:30
Congratz!  8-)

Post by: Xanth on September 10, 2011, 11:25:08
HEY!!  Grats Simo!  :)

Yeah, tell us what happened!
Post by: Simo on September 10, 2011, 11:28:31
Quote from: Orion- on September 10, 2011, 10:34:41
Well done :) What happened?
I decided to take a nap,and as I touched the pillow I began to see Images,like I could see with my eyes closed!thats when I knew this would be good.I was laing on my bed,with all bunch of things passing in front of my eyelids.Soon the visions got sound,veery realistic,just like I was looking trought the eyes of many  people.After that I began to feel jolts,perfectly timed,like electricity trough my body,giving bzzzzt sound in my ears.Every bzzz was acompanied by a feeling of dislocation!Amazing feeling!I tried several times to roll out and I made it,falling on the floor next to the table.At first it was hard to see and move,but getting away from the bed  helped and everything got glass-clear!I guess I was in the RTZ,the arangement of the furniture was from few years ago.I Touched the window and went right trough it,my first test as always.Once out I decided to fly around and check the yard.The strange thing was that at the place where the wall and the roof meet,I saw dead lambs,or alive I'm not sure,hanging on hooks I think,but I didn't get scared and moved on.our garage was open,the car was missing and I saw to retro motor bikes,tuned(very cool)one of them is really in the garage :wink: my grandpas.I flew again and grabbed a power line to stop me from going higher and looked at the roof.there were holes in it,and I could hear voices,my grandmas and grandpas,but I couldn't see them.Then I looked at the sky and I saw two airplanes on collision course.As i thought they crashed head on,and people began to fall from them!I flew really fast and grabbed one girl,getting her safely down,and with  thought I stopped the time for the other falling people :D I wanted to teleport to another city to see relatives of mine,but when I was almost there(woow what speed it was)I began to see postcards old memories and stuff,and I woke up :lol: cool!Finally did i when I tried!thanks for your advices and encouragement everybody!
Post by: Blackhammer on September 10, 2011, 14:00:44
Congratz on ur experience but one thing bothers me
No offense, but some people on the net says that such experiences are not APs but only Lucid Dreams,
though those experiencing them feel like they are projecting. They say that in Astral you can't
change your surroundings so easily. Can anyone please make this clear for me? How to
100 % know that you had an OBE not an LD (which is also cool thing and an achievement)?
Only diffrence I think between those experiences I had and thought they are LD and those I thought are AP
was their beggining, AP started with my astral body leaving my normal body.
Post by: Simo on September 10, 2011, 14:05:26
Quote from: Blackhammer on September 10, 2011, 14:00:44
Congratz on ur experience but one thing bothers me
No offense, but some people on the net says that such experiences are not APs but only Lucid Dreams,
though those experiencing them feel like they are projecting. They say that in Astral you can't
change your surroundings so easily. Can anyone please make this clear for me? How to
100 % know that you had an OBE not an LD (which is also cool thing and an achievement)?
Only diffrence I think between those experiences I had and thought they are LD and those I thought are AP
was their beggining, AP started with my astral body leaving my normal body.
Yeah but I've heard that thought forms are easily created..just by thought
Post by: Xanth on September 10, 2011, 15:07:21
Quote from: Blackhammer on September 10, 2011, 14:00:44
Congratz on ur experience but one thing bothers me
No offense, but some people on the net says that such experiences are not APs but only Lucid Dreams,
though those experiencing them feel like they are projecting. They say that in Astral you can't
change your surroundings so easily. Can anyone please make this clear for me? How to
100 % know that you had an OBE not an LD (which is also cool thing and an achievement)?
Only diffrence I think between those experiences I had and thought they are LD and those I thought are AP
was their beggining, AP started with my astral body leaving my normal body.
In my opinion you've got it right.  Your metaphors are slightly different from mine, but you get the jist of it.

The only difference between a Lucid Dream and an Astral Projection is in HOW your consciousness gets into the non-physical.  There are some POSSIBLE differences in awareness while there, but those can be dealt with if you so choose to. 

In the classic use of the terms "lucid dream" and "astral projection... if you experience a break in conscious awareness, in that you awaken within the non-physical, then it's a lucid dream.  If it's a smooth transition of awareness, it's an astral projection.

Personally, I prefer to not care HOW I get into the non-physical... what's important to me is that I'm there at all!  Break in consciousness, no break in consciousness... whatever.  What's more important to me is what kind of awareness I have while I'm there.  Do I have a "waking awareness", in that I have the same kind of functioning awareness that I have this very moment?  Or is it more of a simple awareness in that all I really realize is that I'm not in the physical?  Those are the questions I find important...

In the end, the question of "is it a lucid dream or an astral projection" is a meaningless one because, you end up in the same "place" regardless... it's what you do with your preciously limited time there that's important.  If you can program yourself a head of time what you want to do, you can carry that out regardless of awareness level.  You can actually carry out your specific goals even with a simple dream awareness if you remember it well enough.  :)

Post by: Simo on September 10, 2011, 15:43:58
Quote from: Ryan_ on September 10, 2011, 15:07:21
In my opinion you've got it right.  Your metaphors are slightly different from mine, but you get the jist of it.

The only difference between a Lucid Dream and an Astral Projection is in HOW your consciousness gets into the non-physical.  There are some POSSIBLE differences in awareness while there, but those can be dealt with if you so choose to. 

In the classic use of the terms "lucid dream" and "astral projection... if you experience a break in conscious awareness, in that you awaken within the non-physical, then it's a lucid dream.  If it's a smooth transition of awareness, it's an astral projection.

Personally, I prefer to not care HOW I get into the non-physical... what's important to me is that I'm there at all!  Break in consciousness, no break in consciousness... whatever.  What's more important to me is what kind of awareness I have while I'm there.  Do I have a "waking awareness", in that I have the same kind of functioning awareness that I have this very moment?  Or is it more of a simple awareness in that all I really realize is that I'm not in the physical?  Those are the questions I find important...

In the end, the question of "is it a lucid dream or an astral projection" is a meaningless one because, you end up in the same "place" regardless... it's what you do with your preciously limited time there that's important.  If you can program yourself a head of time what you want to do, you can carry that out regardless of awareness level.  You can actually carry out your specific goals even with a simple dream awareness if you remember it well enough.  :)

Great response Ryan!I think that i was quite aware of my surroundings,and the best fact-I could pass trough solid objects!And becides there were the vibrations and stuff..You know  :lol: