First AP & thoughts

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Had my first AP last night. There was a storm last night which woke me up at about 3am this morning. So I thought I'd give AP a go. I imagined walking around my house in the first person, touching everything. About 15-25 minutes in my body felt like it was floating. I ignored the sensations. I didn't get any heart racing, vibrations or noises like I was expecting. At my 'breakthrough' I tried touching the breast of my chimney on the side with my left hand. It felt solid, my vision was dark but I could make outlines. I kept with it, I could feel the corner of the chimney, walking around my living room, tried rubbing my eyes nothing, but my vision eventually came clearer by continuing to touch stuff and walk around. When my vision was clear I felt a strong sense of accomplishment, my first astral experience. Tried float/flying around my house which was awesome. I wanted to go outside so I thought I would just walk through the door hands first. My hand received a shock and the door just opened for me. Outside, the world's colour seemed vivid. I wanted to try a remote viewing exercise, my mum has hidden something in her drawer so I tried to imagine being in her third bedroom, but I couldn't teleport. So I thought I would go there by walking, floating. My local park had American football players on it, the street heading to my parents which is primarily residential was different, it was littered with cafes. I didn't get to my parents in the end. I just came back to my body and ended up in a false awakening.


Being a lucid dreamer I can't say anything was much different from Astral Projection and a lucid dream. I've seen the same colours, been able to fly around. Do you feel they are the same? Do you see any subtle differences?

And also, do you have a favorite technique for teleporting places in your lucid dreams or astral projection experiences?


Quote from: TheBlade123 on December 22, 2014, 09:15:40

Being a lucid dreamer I can't say anything was much different from Astral Projection and a lucid dream. I've seen the same colours, been able to fly around. Do you feel they are the same? Do you see any subtle differences?

And also, do you have a favorite technique for teleporting places in your lucid dreams or astral projection experiences?
I *LOVE* it when people start making this connection.  Their world of "labels" tends to come crumbling down at that point.  :)

No, I've found there to be no differences between Lucid Dreams and Astral Projections.

What "differences" people allude to are a matter of interpreting their experiences using other people's labels.  So many people try so hard to fit their experiences into these narrowly-defined labels.
I can't argue though, because I used to attempt to do the same... until I really began to examine them and found that the labels people like to use simply don't fit for any experiences.  Eventually I found that the non-physical extends even further than most people have even begun to realize.  A hint:  This physical reality is just another non-physical reality.  Trippy, eh?

For moving around in a Projection, I place my Intent to be where I want to be.  Definitely not a guarantee, but works more often than not.  LoL