i need help

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ok i started to practice AP
and i'm stuck
i start to relax and concentrate
my hands and legs are heavy and i got a strange feeling in them
and after some time i can hardly move them

but nothing happends after that
what to do ? please help ..


The Night Mist

Well ,lol, you have to have patience. It is good that you can get at that stage. OBE takes time, and your body needs to learn and to get adjusted to these things.
When you get at that stage imagine that golden energy surrounds you and fills you with energy and after that imagine any action that involves going DOWN...going down a stairway, going down a ladder anything, or you can just say this over and over in your mind " DEEP, DEEPER, THE DEEPEST....TRANCE TRANCE TRANCE TRANCE TRANCE...DEEP DEEPER THE DEEPEST....etc "
If you have not practicing energy development I recommend you do it. Oh and yes, expect a bumpy ride, vibes and stuff...this might not happen and you might just OBE easier, but I recommend you be prepared.

Good Luck!