i wish i knew...

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i wish i knew when i first started all of this stuff... (obe, lucid dreaming, clairvoyance, all of these psi things...) that all you have to do is meditate. i read online so many techniques. which is not a bad thing... but really when you boil it down you don't even need techniques. no climbing ropes... nothing. just learning to be good at quieting the mind to the point you can do that at will and boom.... it's as easy as that. Follow that up with an intent and sky is the limit.

just thought i would post this its just crazy that is all it takes. like really all this takes is to become a good meditator and learning to focus the mind... and then that's basically it.

if you can learn to quiet the mind completely (very good zero thoughts...) for like ten mins... whenever you need to... this seems very significant. can you imagine if this was taught in school?
John Kody, ere :) love from new york area


Unfortunately quieting the mind is such a difficult thing for a lot of people. This is the reason for so many focusing techniques for while a person is focusing on a single thing it helps quiet other aspects of the mind. Also unfortunately it seems focusing on obe and projection is what's taught most often and it works for a great deal of people. But truthfully focusing on any single thing will help. Like focusing on your breathing, counting, the abc's, your heart beat will do just fine. The goal is simply to let go of all or as much thought as possible.

Personally I can rarely achieve a non-thought state. My mind just will not shut up. lol

This is why I don't even try anymore to stop the thoughts. Instead I just let them flow. Eventually I find my thoughts moving in a certain direction and I simply follow. I've learned that if my thoughts don't go off on their own then only means there is no current need to be anywhere particular. If there is a need or something I am being called to do it happens much faster, sometimes instantly. I don't take credit for that. That is simply the universe (God) sending me where I need to be.

Do you have any suggestions for letting the thoughts go? Like someone once said to me, what do you think about when your thinking about nothing?
Remember, You came here to this physical earth to experience it in its physical form. NPR will always be there.


Quote from: Nameless on August 10, 2021, 13:26:37
Unfortunately quieting the mind is such a difficult thing for a lot of people. This is the reason for so many focusing techniques for while a person is focusing on a single thing it helps quiet other aspects of the mind. Also unfortunately it seems focusing on obe and projection is what's taught most often and it works for a great deal of people. But truthfully focusing on any single thing will help. Like focusing on your breathing, counting, the abc's, your heart beat will do just fine. The goal is simply to let go of all or as much thought as possible.
All valid points, I agree.
Personally I can rarely achieve a non-thought state. My mind just will not shut up. lol
This just show you are normal human being, anxiety play major role for me too.
QuoteThat is simply the universe (God) sending me where I need to be.
Did you receive a call to missions.
Do you have any suggestions for letting the thoughts go? Like someone once said to me, what do you thing about when your thinking about nothing?
This I wrote sometimes ago on another forum:
QuoteToday after I tried SSILD I couldn't able to fall asleep, so I tried counting and deep breathing technique, but still couldn't fall asleep. Just then I realized that I must free my mind of thoughts and I free it, but still couldn't fall asleep, which led me to a second realization, that the idea of freeing my mind is still an idea, so I begin wondering how to stop the thoughts of thoughts or how to break the chain of thinking, in such moments I always came with crazy solutions. I imagine or visualize a pure white color in my mind, a white that fill my entire mind space, a space with no ideas, a completely blank state. Only after a couple of seconds I got a free floating lucid dream, it's like my mind was floating across the entiry dreamscape


QuoteDid you receive a call to missions.
Yes, many times. Sometimes to help others and sometimes to learn something new.

QuoteToday after I tried SSILD I couldn't able to fall asleep, so I tried counting and deep breathing technique, but still couldn't fall asleep. Just then I realized that I must free my mind of thoughts and I free it, but still couldn't fall asleep, which led me to a second realization, that the idea of freeing my mind is still an idea, so I begin wondering how to stop the thoughts of thoughts or how to break the chain of thinking, in such moments I always came with crazy solutions. I imagine or visualize a pure white color in my mind, a white that fill my entire mind space, a space with no ideas, a completely blank state. Only after a couple of seconds I got a free floating lucid dream, it's like my mind was floating across the entiry dreamscape
That's good and it works. My problem is I find that while most everything works from time to time I also find that most everything doesn't work from time to time as well. My best and most favorite experiences are the ones where I am called. Those are of a higher nature.
Remember, You came here to this physical earth to experience it in its physical form. NPR will always be there.


hey nameless oh yeah tools are okay! i do the breath etc etc... i have a very hyperactive mind so it just takes a lot of practice. i still struggle sometimes with that too. i just meant if someone came to me 10 years ago and said the gateway to all of this is just meditation... i would have been like whoa! because i thought there was always this huge process and so many steps etc etc.
John Kody, ere :) love from new york area


Quote from: MarsZM on August 11, 2021, 07:23:28
hey nameless oh yeah tools are okay! i do the breath etc etc... i have a very hyperactive mind so it just takes a lot of practice. i still struggle sometimes with that too. i just meant if someone came to me 10 years ago and said the gateway to all of this is just meditation... i would have been like whoa! because i thought there was always this huge process and so many steps etc etc.
Cody, Xanth has been saying that for the last 10 years that you were a Member here. It's just that at the time, you weren't ready to "hear it" yet. Now you are though!  :-)
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Quote from: MarsZM on August 11, 2021, 07:23:28
hey nameless oh yeah tools are okay! i do the breath etc etc... i have a very hyperactive mind so it just takes a lot of practice. i still struggle sometimes with that too. i just meant if someone came to me 10 years ago and said the gateway to all of this is just meditation... i would have been like whoa! because i thought there was always this huge process and so many steps etc etc.
Don't get me wrong, I agree with you. My big shock arriving here on this forum was that there was a method or technique at all. For me it just seemed natural despite my unrulely mind. But I have since learned that techniques can be very beneficial especially to those who want to learn but don't have any experience of their own. :-)
Remember, You came here to this physical earth to experience it in its physical form. NPR will always be there.


Quote from: Nameless on August 10, 2021, 18:22:30
Yes, many times. Sometimes to help others and sometimes to learn something new.
So missions can be a real thing after all. I also have them, help; defend/protect; gathering intel; training.

QuoteThat's good and it works. My problem is I find that while most everything works from time to time I also find that most everything doesn't work from time to time as well.
That is true, it's like our mind adapt to it, so we need to change to something else. This visualization of complete white space later led me to experience what I call the White Void - 3D whiteness, also found that other people also experienced this phenomena.
My best and most favourite experiences are the ones where I am called. Those are of a higher nature.
Yes, I absolutely agree with you, I treasure every single one of them. I'm finally feeling we are making progress here, we are comparing. :-)


:-) Sometimes we talk too much listen to little. Sometimes we talk too little.
Remember, You came here to this physical earth to experience it in its physical form. NPR will always be there.


lumaza i know!!! what is up with that?!. it literally just didnt compute. there are a ton of posts by me in the past where it just doesn't compute. maybe finally after ten years.... lol
John Kody, ere :) love from new york area


Quote from: MarsZM on August 11, 2021, 20:01:57
lumaza i know!!! what is up with that?!. it literally just didnt compute. there are a ton of posts by me in the past where it just doesn't compute. maybe finally after ten years.... lol
People can "want" something. But they usually don't get it until they are "ready to"!  :wink:
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Quote from: Lumaza on August 11, 2021, 20:06:45
People can "want" something. But they usually don't get it until they are "ready to"!  :wink:

The technicality behind this process is simply, the personality must accumulate in an energy level certain amount of knowledge through experience before the light bulb goes off. Before that, any ideas that can not be comprehended or understood yet will just pass through unprocessed.   
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow