The Astral Pulse

Astral Projection & Out of Body Experiences => Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! => Topic started by: Gogafem on January 20, 2014, 17:15:33

Title: Is going to sleep to induce astral projection effective?
Post by: Gogafem on January 20, 2014, 17:15:33
I'm a beginner and I've read some methods that say to wake up early in the morning, meditate(With binaural beats) for a bit and then go to sleep.
Is this effective?
Title: Re: Is going to sleep to induce astral projection effective?
Post by: deepspace on January 20, 2014, 19:47:03
Quote from: Gogafem on January 20, 2014, 17:15:33
I'm a beginner and I've read some methods that say to wake up early in the morning, meditate(With binaural beats) for a bit and then go to sleep.
Is this effective?

With the exception of the binaural beats, this is pretty much the way I do it. The method I use is a little different from meditation but it is a method of focusing and staying aware mentally while allowing yourself to move into the non-physical realm (or whatever you want to call it). When I do it right, images start to form up and solidify into what looks like a 2 dimensional image screen, then I see myself walking into the screen. As I walk through it, it becomes a 3 dimensional, full color, real world, then I move out from there using intention/will. I also try to create a portal into the non-physical and then enter through it. There was time when I saw a door in the images and said to myself: "Let this door be a portal" And walked through it. On the other side of the door was a ramp that went down into a city and I just went from there.

The only way I could learn was by just doing it, it's not something that I can explain. Just keep trying and it will happen.
Title: Re: Is going to sleep to induce astral projection effective?
Post by: Szaxx on January 22, 2014, 16:26:53
I made this a while ago in a hope it entertains enough of your subconcious to imprint itself.
The rest you've just read from deepspace, a perfect example.
This has worked for many, for decades too.
You may need to read it a couple if times for it to sink in. :wink:
Title: Re: Is going to sleep to induce astral projection effective?
Post by: SwordMaster on January 23, 2014, 09:33:08
Wow, *just last night* I used this method, and I found it effective. I went to sleep at around 12:30-ish and woke up at 5:15-ish by my alarm, then meditated for about 6 minutes or so, then went back to trying to go to sleep (while observing myself do so).

I didn't astral project, but I DID become lucid in my dream, which could have be used as a way to consciously astral project.  I forgot about that while in my dream, though; I wanted to explore my dream realm rather than the astral planes at that moment. Also, I woke up after a few minutes.

Still, waking up in the middle of the night has shown effective for Erin Pavlina, who is an experienced astral traveler (she released a book on AP recently) and she has articles where she says it's twice as as likely for her to experience AP or lucid dream when she wakes up in the middle of her sleep and then stays up a bit and then goes back to sleep.

Good luck! Waking up the middle of the sleep has shown effective for me and for Erin Pavlina, so try it out and see if it works for you!
Title: Re: Is going to sleep to induce astral projection effective?
Post by: Who Am I on January 24, 2014, 17:29:39
naps are the KEY in APing, and LDing. and that is exactly how I have most of my OBEs now. practice with bineurals after 3-4 hours of sleep, then go back to bed. you dont gotta meditate just for 6 mins. it could be longer, say 30 mins. you can also stay up, eat, etc.. drinking water helps too (think of it as fuel for astral travel). you can stay up 1-2 hours, even longer before going to bed. once you had a nap, your soul is more connected to the other world(s) since it already traveled a bit. so it helps going back there consciously...