The Astral Pulse

Astral Projection & Out of Body Experiences => Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! => Topic started by: chrishill on August 12, 2005, 23:54:43

Title: is it a bad thing
Post by: chrishill on August 12, 2005, 23:54:43
OK this is important to me is it bad to try to go through electrical devices and another thing is is it bad to try to go through high voltage things when astral projecting
Title: is it a bad thing
Post by: knightlight on August 13, 2005, 00:37:41
I dont have any first hand experience but as far as I know no.
Title: is it a bad thing
Post by: Beth on August 13, 2005, 01:41:55

My immediate answer is: I would never intentionally tempt fate by heading for your nearest transformer...but then again I am not the daredevil type.

But from a slightly different angle, this is an excellent question and one that brings to mind some of the things that happened to me early on.

When I was in my usual meditative state (body without sensory awareness, but mind totally awake, brow center active) that there were occasions when I 'tapped into' or 'joined together with' the electical currents running through my apartment.  I remember once that the current coming from the refrigerator seemed to shoot from the kitchen into the bedroom and from the joining of the energies, projection was much more pronounced and the experience much more profound.  

Now that I think about it, one place that I lived actually had a transformer grid not far from the back door of my apartment.  And I did have a lot of wonderous experiences when I lived there.  

NOW.....and this is VERY IMPORTANT!!  I NEVER stuck my finger in a light socket, licked an outlet or anything so stupid.  So I would never suggest trying to connect with these energies on purpose.  What I am describing is something that I believe happened as a consequence of the raising of my own energy centers.  (Gosh, I hope I do not regret posting this...)

Anyway, if what I described is what you are talking about, then I am still alive and well.  

Has anyone else had a similar experience?

Title: is it a bad thing
Post by: Mikael on August 25, 2005, 11:19:16
If one could connect with electrical currents it would make sense, as anyone with a basic understanding of what electrons are would probably agree with.  Electrons are high energy particles, but aren't really particles, but waves/particles at the same time.
So just like how in the physical we interact with energy that has a low vibration (after all, physical matter is just energy), when in a higher energy body we should be able to interact with higher energy 'things' or 'stuff'.