short, but first obe

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hey guys! I'm so excited because this only happenend last nite.
i was laying on my back meditating as i usually do, but i felt tired so i rolled onto my right side to fall asleep. as i lay on my side i told myself that i would OBE, and i did my best to let my body fall asleep without my conscience following.
next thing i know i was flying through my room, and everything was a hazy blacky blueish colour. as soon as i realised where i was my first thought was to avoid looking at my body in bed (i didnt wanna get excited and sucked back in). i floated towards my window and landed face down next to it. I looked around at my room and everything was hazy, i felt like i was drunk haha! i was doing my best to try and get myself comfortable, but unfortunately i got the crazy idea that in my semi-drunk state i could visit Egypt. I looked out through my window and saw the outline of pyramids, then i lost my conscience for awhlie.
next thing i knew i could hear my dad, but i didnt know where i was. then i felt myelf falling backwards and as this was happening i realised i was in my lounge room. i fell back and knocked over a glass i couldnt see, but as soon as i heard the *ting* of glass my dads voice ceased, and i was back in my body. and to verify i was asleep i woke up in a small pool of drool... charming haha.

even thought it was short i knew i was out of my body, and i would have held it a lot longer had the crazy idea of visiting Egypt not arose in my mind.

love to hear what you all think! I cant wait till my next one!


A pool of drool.  :-D
