The Astral Pulse

Astral Projection & Out of Body Experiences => Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! => Topic started by: lostsole on October 04, 2023, 00:16:29

Title: Kozyrev Mirrors, Russian Torsion Experimentation on Time & Consciousness
Post by: lostsole on October 04, 2023, 00:16:29
I found this interesting and thought I would share.

"Kozyrev's mirrors open up those enclosed in them to new perceptions. Those enclosed within these specially shaped concave aluminum mirrors have out of body experiences and see visions that far exceed even LSD. The Russians have done immense research on Kozyrev's mirrors."
Title: Re: Kozyrev Mirrors, Russian Torsion Experimentation on Time & Consciousness
Post by: Xanth on October 04, 2023, 09:39:24
That's definitely an interesting concept... I wonder if more people will experiment with such thing.
I'd like to specifically know how using mirrors does this.  I'm a tad skeptical really. 
Title: Re: Kozyrev Mirrors, Russian Torsion Experimentation on Time & Consciousness
Post by: lostsole on October 04, 2023, 09:52:41
I agree. I'm always skeptical until I feel a concept is well validated through my connecting enough dots through divergent sources.

Torsion fields, of which I understand is the Russian's version of what we call scalar waves, I've been researching for some time now and I feel that is quite valid. As for the mirrors though, I'm continuing to look into it. There's a guy on Ebay selling them, but they are not cheap!

I wonder, if they do work, if the shape is the important thing and thus maybe someone could make a cheap test unit out of foil or something? Or, is it more about the Faraday cage effect blocking the Earth's natural electric field, as in would a metal container of any type work? Need to learn more.

I've not yet watched this video about the mirrors, but will later today. Commenters really seemed to love it though.

Title: Re: Kozyrev Mirrors, Russian Torsion Experimentation on Time & Consciousness
Post by: Lumaza on October 04, 2023, 10:33:56
Quote from: lostsole on October 04, 2023, 00:16:29I found this interesting and thought I would share.

"Kozyrev's mirrors open up those enclosed in them to new perceptions. Those enclosed within these specially shaped concave aluminum mirrors have out of body experiences and see visions that far exceed even LSD. The Russians have done immense research on Kozyrev's mirrors."
Interesting. In the West, we would call this "Pseudoscience", until it's not, lol. This was proven when the Russian Scientists of the past came up with the idea and did research into what is known as "torsion field technology". They then created a device known as the "Scenar' which utilizes the "Scalar waves" that they found, according to the Torsion Fields. For the longest time, the West ridiculed that as well. Today the Scenar device is widely used in the Medical field, even in the West.

 Then there are the "Golden Section Pyramids". That technology also was shunned by the West. If the "Pharmaceutical machine" can't make money off it, it ain't a thing!  :-(  Now what research goes on behind closed doors, we will likely never know or at least we won't know until many years later, after the fact!
Title: Re: Kozyrev Mirrors, Russian Torsion Experimentation on Time & Consciousness
Post by: lostsole on October 04, 2023, 11:03:54
Quote from: Lumaza on October 04, 2023, 10:33:56Now what research goes on behind closed doors, we will likely never know or at least we won't know until many years later, after the fact!

In my studies of exotic energies and other "Pseudoscience" it seems to me, that the powers that be are using said energies and "Pseudoscience" (which is actually real in many cases) for nefarious purposes against the world citizenry and have been for centuries or longer.

Thus, the intent of the PTB, is to discredit publicly, that which they use behind closed doors to control or limit us. And, with their various programs, corporations, and institutions created to dumb people down, they have, are, and will continue to get away with it.

One tell tale sign I've noticed on Youtube. If you look up videos about orcs, goblins, fairies, etc., there is no "Wiki disclaimer" right under the video to let you know these are fictional creatures. (Although in the astral they are not fictional as I understand it.)

However, if you look up videos about say reptilians, or flat earth, and many other subjects, there is a "Wiki disclaimer" to fact check you straight. (I'm not saying flat earth is true, this is just for example.)

The point is, why do certain specific subjects have the Wiki while so many others don't? As soon as I see the Wiki on a YT video subject it makes me feel like, what are you hiding PTB?
Title: Re: Kozyrev Mirrors, Russian Torsion Experimentation on Time & Consciousness
Post by: tides2dust on October 04, 2023, 19:31:50
I learned about the kozyrev mirrors watching The Why Files!  :-D Very entertaining and thought provoking

You can start at 3:59 to skip the sponsor.

Oops! I see you already posted the video- so I came back to remove it. Yes, it was an exciting watch.
Title: Re: Kozyrev Mirrors, Russian Torsion Experimentation on Time & Consciousness
Post by: lostsole on October 04, 2023, 19:34:58
Glad you liked it tides2dust! I too enjoyed it. Good job putting the skip the ad time mark. I should have done that in hind sight.