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This is my first attempt to participate here and am very confused by the technical procedures and directions. Hope I'm doing this right. I have read both, Astral Dynamics and P.P. Self Defense. I have a problem. My first OBE was about two years ago and it was spontaneous and unplanned. I had read some about the subject but that was all. Shortly after the OBE ended (very quickly after I jetted out of my body), and I realized what had just happened to me; I set my intention to do it again. For the next two weeks I could easily and quickly reach the point of exit but just before I could exit, the physical sensations would become so strong that a scream (of sorts) was forced out of me. This happened over and over again - every time I tried to exit. Then one day I read something that suggested I should always ask for protection before attempting OBE's. So, I did just that and here's my problem: from that moment to present day I have been unable to accomplish anything toward an OBE. It's as though by asking for protection, I was asking NOT TO BE ALLOWED the experience again. WHAT HAPPENED? WHAT CAN I DO TO "UNPLUG" THE CONNECTION that inhibits my ability? Ideas anyone?


Hi there Lin, interesting post & welcome to the forum !

Is there a way to reverse it ? Well, I'll state the obvious first : Try an "affirmation" asking NOT to be protected. This may succeed, as I believe that during the act of asking for protection, part of your mind realised "hang on a minute, this OBE business is dangerous". This "fear" that you have created is possibly what is holding you back.

Give it a try. However it is also possible that this "reverse affirmation" will not have the desired effect...it may actually re-inforce your fear by making you believe you will become vulnerable to all manner of beings !!

The crux of the issue, I believe, is getting rid of a "fear", however small it may be, that you created when you began using that affirmation.

Hopefully a few other members will have some suggestions too !!

kind regards
I'll Name You The Flame That Cries