The Astral Pulse

Astral Projection & Out of Body Experiences => Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! => Topic started by: Xtian on December 12, 2012, 10:11:26

Title: Leaving the body but continue to dream
Post by: Xtian on December 12, 2012, 10:11:26
Hey guys im new here :)

Since I learned about OBE, The Astral World and all that stuff about half a year ago my I've actively tried to achieve these kind of experiences. Recently I've done some progress but I am confused about my results since it doesnt sound like others experiences ive read about.

2-3 times a week I get up after 4 hours of sleep continue with my experiments.  after 45 min i go back to bed and start to repeat affirmatons and visualisations (explained by William Buhlman in his book), and try to wait for the vibration state or whatever. But it doesnt come. I usually float between falling asleep and awareness o couple of times until SUDDENLY i am distracted by some strange sound, like a big BANG!!, or like a scream, and usually it scares me a little. Then shortly after hearing the sound i always experience a change of energy, like a buzz in my body and i get lighter. So i focus on floating upwards and finally i come out sometimes landing flat on my stomach on the floor or on the side of the bed. This is always very real. Sometiems i expperience someone,something pulling me out. But then when i expect to be in the "OBE world" but my room always looks different or im in a completely different place. The enviroment is amasingly clear but it is continuously changing around me. After that i keep on doing dream-like stuff like flying etc.

So it seems to me that I am in a lucid dream because in this state ive had many experiences of seeing myself or spending time with my friends(although im completelly aware of that im dreaming or having some sort of OBE). Usually i only remember fragments of the LD the morning after.

Ive had this kind of experience maybe 7-8 times now the last couple of months. I always focus my thoughts on to enter "the real OBE world" or whaatever but it seems that even if i "get out of my body" i cannot get out of my head since it seems like im still dreaming.

*So NO vibration progress
*Experience a floating out of body
*Still not in my room

whats up with that???

would rly appreciate some answers from u experienced ones

Title: Re: Leaving the body but continue to dream
Post by: Bedeekin on December 12, 2012, 11:06:59
*The 'buzz' you mention.. is the vibrations.

*so therefore you are having an OOBE; you are in the OBE world.

*You are having success.

The nonphysical environment is very dependant on your clarity of thought when you 'separate'. You could spend the rest of your time trying to experience a RTZ projection and miss the wonder of the Nonphysical Material Reality. Lucid Dream is OOBE is Astral Projection by the way.

You are probably making the experience turn into a 'normal dream' by losing interest or becoming deflated that it's not your room. It is a nonphysical representation of your room. You are just receiving the information about your room, but because you are inexperienced your 'mind' is creating the room from available information. You are just decoding this information in the wrong order. You are new to this. Patience. :)

If you maintain a sense of interest in the experience you will probably continue to have the focused 'real' experience and your mind wont be so quick to give up because it's not what you expect.

I will say... that the RTZ or locale 1 projection is pretty fleeting and isn't as cool as you might think it is. I spent years experiencing these... just by accident... so I have a basis of comparison of which to assess both 'types'. Not many have. It's not all it's cracked up to be... Trust me... you will be constantly fighting yourself and maybe getting nowhere.

What you are actually experiencing... many would LOVE to experience and you are just throwing it out with the bath water. :D

Enjoy what you are experiencing and learn to control and focus your intent. Maybe it will pay off and you will experience what you want. Maybe you will adore the freedom of nonphysical exploration.

One reason you may be not experiencing what you want is that you are just 'separating' with no clear intent as to what you are actually going to do. What is your plan once you are 'out'? You need to have a reason. Pick a location or remote hit. Choose a person you wish to visit. Have intent.

.... and welcome! :)

Title: Re: Leaving the body but continue to dream
Post by: Xtian on December 13, 2012, 10:03:18
thank u so much for answering, Bedeekin!

wooow really? thats awesome :D i do feel a little ashamed now, being so greedy with what i want to experience. its just that all those books depict the obe world like its so amazing and super clear and all. so i guess i was expecting that cus usually its kinda dark and difficult to see anything at all. then think the words "clarity now!" and the room lights up and things get really clear, but thats when its start changing.

right after i come out out of my body i often meet ppl and then of course im super excited so i go like "waaaaaaahh im in an OBE!" and start asking questions like who are they, is this an OBE, blablabla and they always look at me like im the biggest idiot or weirdo in the world. like im intruding their freedom or something. is there a chance that these ppl are "real" or are they images of my own mind?

yea my intent has many times been just to see my own body lying there, which for me would have been kind of the proof that im in an OBE. But so far the bed usually just disappear.
what do you think is a good intent for a beginner? something fairly easy?

Title: Re: Leaving the body but continue to dream
Post by: Bedeekin on December 13, 2012, 10:34:50


haha.. sounds like you are encountering the denizens of the nonphysical. I find that when purely created by the mind... the 'characters' tend to be a little bit led by my expectations and wants. For a micro second I can usually feel myself creating their movements, their actions and their personalities; this may be because I am a very visual artist and know what I am creating. Created entities seem to be convoluted and when interacted with usually cause the experience to become more and more dream-like. When I say dream-like I mean that the content has a narrative and storyline you begin to believe and become wrapped up in.

Real entities seem to have objective reasoning and don't do what you want them to do. Often they will act weird towards you. You have to realise that many of them don't know they are non-physical... they reside there. From their point of view it is you who is a stranger.

Maybe see if you can call for your guide... or ask for help. Your guide shouldn't be as aloof and will help you. Also they know their way around a little bit more and lead you into interesting situations. Not always but it's worth it.
Title: Re: Leaving the body but continue to dream
Post by: Xtian on December 13, 2012, 11:43:17
ok well does make sense from the reactions ive got.

in my first obe i ever had, as soon as i got out of the body i rushed through my bedroom door and found myself in someones kitchen with a lot of ppl who seemed mexican or from some hispanic culture: some sitting by a dinner table, some standing talking to one another . It seemed like a party to me. And i remember i screamed at them to go away because i tought they were "shadow ppl" inhabiting my appartment. And they looked at me and each other so strangely so i got really embarrased and jumped through their the window to have my first flying experience haha

ok thanks for all ur advice. ill try to ask for my guide next time :)

Title: Re: Leaving the body but continue to dream
Post by: Bedeekin on December 13, 2012, 14:22:53
Haha... shadow people don't inhabit the nonphysical by the way... they're mainly a Sleep Paralysis symptom due to fear, uncontrollable eyes and the binocular 3D vision we have.

That's funny though the way you describe it.
Title: Re: Leaving the body but continue to dream
Post by: ChopstickFox on December 13, 2012, 21:26:17
haha! Sounds like a party :D

Title: Re: Leaving the body but continue to dream
Post by: roman67 on December 14, 2012, 01:16:37
Wow! Party, lol. Congrats for your first success.
Title: Re: Leaving the body but continue to dream
Post by: Xtian on December 15, 2012, 07:17:34
haha thanks!