Has anyone tried becoming an animal?

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Just wondering.  Has anyone tried living as a cat or something during an AP?  I think it's generally difficult to throw away your humanity and fully become some animal.  I always used to see life as a cat as heaven.  No worries, sleep anywhere anytime, no clothes, always comfortable, etc.


Gosh, how did I not think of that. Well, this is something I will put on my list to try next time I AP. Thanks for the great idea, Kree!
I am curious if anyone has done it.

I've had many interactions with animals though, mainly cats. I've always thought that black Panthers were the most beautiful animals.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


If you count "SPIDER"man as animal.  :-D

I once became Spiderman and was swinging between high-rise blocks shooting my net out from my arms and then also did some sommersaults hanging on it in a kind of big city back yard.

(I used to read spiderman comics a lot as a child, that might be the reason why it worked?)


I have never consciously tried this. The idea never naturally occurred to me during a projection and I haven't gone into a projection with this specific intention.

Over the many years, I have read of the experience happening for certain authors, some specifically shamanic in nature, but others much more prosaic. IIRC both Monroe and Leland wrote of very definite experiences of assuming the forms and characteristics of a progression of life forms, from mineral to plant to insect, then animal... a hierarchical and educational tour of levels of consciousness.

It seems like an obvious idea to try at some point. If only I could remember, lol.
Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


Humm, never done so intentionally. Don't know why not but it does seem obvious. I've had some experience seeing through the eyes of animals, cat, bird, dog. Interesting to say the least.


Quote from: Volgerle on August 16, 2022, 10:58:24
If you count "SPIDER"man as animal.  :-D

I once became Spiderman and was swinging between high-rise blocks shooting my net out from my arms and then also did some sommersaults hanging on it in a kind of big city back yard.

(I used to read spiderman comics a lot as a child, that might be the reason why it worked?)

Spidermaning sounds like a good exit technique.  I've been wondering if it's a better alternative to the rope.