2 Astral Projection Questions

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I have had some limited success with astral projection (I can't do it for long and have only been around my house so far), but I intend to go further than that soon. So I have a question.

I keep reading that to travel during astral projection, you just "think" yourself to where you want to go...as in, just think about a place and you'll be transported there. But I also keep reading that you can be tricked...for example if you try to travel to the past to see Jesus, you might just go to a parallel universe and not see the Jesus you intended to see.

So my first question is: How can you make sure that you're going to exactly the right place? NOT to a parallel universe or alternate reality or imagined reality, but to exactly the place you intended to go?

And my second question is: How can you make 100% sure that you're not just imagining things? It seems possible that instead of actually going anywhere when you astral travel, you could just be imagining that you've gone places. And even if you don't completely imagine places, your imagination could still fill in some things, making your experience inaccurate and partially imagined.


Nope and nope.

One thing you need to do is learn to live gracefully with uncertainty.

You might *feel* you have the answers, which is fine and all... but you'll never really *know*. 

As for the first part of your post... where you go and end up has everything to do with your Intent: http://www.unlimitedboundaries.ca/2012/12/20/what-is-intent/
Intent is the driving force for just about everything that is created or happens in regards to a consciousness.


 There are no shortcuts for experience. Like everything in life, you have to decide for yourself the validity of the experience.

With time, you will come to a satisfactory conclusion as to whether or not this is all just your imagination.

It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
Mark Twain


So...you're telling me that even though people have been astral projecting for hundreds of years now, nobody has taken a moment to verify where they're at, or even make sure they're really going to the intended place??? Really?

No offense, but that seems incredibly silly. How have people been practicing with astral projection for years and made ZERO advancements in accuracy?

That's nuts.

If you're not even going to take a moment to verify that you're not just playing tricks with your mind...what exactly is the difference between astral travel and an acid trip???


You are looking for an answer that doesn't exist. I have had many experiences that have proved to ME that there is more to this than just my imagination, though there is most certainly that as well. Unfortunately for you, I have no experiences that can prove this to YOU.

What we are telling you is that many people have taken the time to prove to themselves the accuracy and validity of their experiences but nobody has yet figured out how to prove it to you.

Personal experience trumps all.

QuoteIt seems possible that instead of actually going anywhere when you astral travel, you could just be imagining that you've gone places. And even if you don't completely imagine places, your imagination could still fill in some things, making your experience inaccurate and partially imagined.

If you can not accept this statement, then you can't be satisfied.

Expectations = Disappointments

It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
Mark Twain


Quote from: its_all_bad on July 20, 2013, 13:22:34
You are looking for an answer that doesn't exist. I have had many experiences that have proved to ME that there is more to this than just my imagination, though there is most certainly that as well. Unfortunately for you, I have no experiences that can prove this to YOU.

What we are telling you is that many people have taken the time to prove to themselves the accuracy and validity of their experiences but nobody has yet figured out how to prove it to you.

Personal experience trumps all.

If you can not accept this statement, then you can't be satisfied.

Expectations = Disappointments

Expectations do not equal disappointment with something that has been solidly proven. When I stick the key into the door of my house, I expect the door to open. If I have the right key, it happens every time. I have never yet been disappointed with that. When I add 2 + 2, I expect it to equal 4. And it usually does equal 4. Do you see the point?

This kind of thinking (proving things ONLY to yourself, personal experience trumps all, etc.) sounds very solipsistic. Just because someone believes or feels that something is true, does not make it true. I could sit here and believe that I can fly...but if I try to fly off the roof of a building, what's going to happen? I'm going to fall to the ground and probably die. Because belief does not equal truth.

Look, I'm not here to argue, it just seems very whacky that people have been astral traveling for a long time and nobody has bothered to articulate how to reliably get from point A to point B.
If there are techniques out there that to teach people how to reliably get out of the body (rope method, roll-out method, etc)...then why aren't there any techniques that can teach people how to reliably navigate the world once they're out there?


Never mind the other stuff.

To answer your question, there is no technique or method that can be applied that will lead to 100% accurate interpretation of anything while "out". :-)

I'd be happy with half that. :-)
It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
Mark Twain


Quote from: Nihil on July 20, 2013, 12:34:12

If you're not even going to take a moment to verify that you're not just playing tricks with your mind...what exactly is the difference between astral travel and an acid trip???

The difference between Astral Travel and an Acid trip is that an acid trip is something that ensues after taking LSD that effects protein-coupled receptors, including all dopamine receptor subtypes, and all adrenoreceptor subtypes, as well as many others. This causes synesthesia, psychedelic patterns and many other strange effects. AP is extremely different... you don't take any form of drug prior to experiencing it.


The 'astral' is location-less. There is no A to B.

Actually... looking over your question I am wondering whether you were expecting a direct answer at all.


 This is an easy one to answer. It's because the Non Physical Reality does not follow the Physical Laws of existence or even close to it.

It is an entirely different "framework" per say. Time has no relevance there, that should tell you already what your dealing with.

Many have tried to map and charter these areas. Look that Zurgen Ziewe (MultidimensionalMan.com) and Robert Monroe for two.

Just when you begin to even fathom an idea of how everything works, it changes.

Every person that experiences it is going to perceive it the way they see it.

This has caused many an argument amongst them. Some people see layers, some see different levels and others see many dimensions and even others believe there is just a singular space that is created by us the more we go there. You can't bring a video camera there, so again it's all personal perception.

The similarities seem to be in the way you achieve a non physical focus, but from there, all bets are off.


This physical existance is only in 3 dimensions. Time.is linear here too and that is all youve ever known. What you.are.looking for you may not find.
You can understand how filling your car with fuel means you can travel from a to b. That's common sense, but do you know the exact chemical changes that the fuel goes through to power the engine? The simple answer is no, this knowledge isn't necessary. Its all done by someone else so you have no requirement to know.
Should you have thousands of experiences you will understand the ways of how things seem to work. The biggest one is what is this physical world anyway?
You could be in any of the other realities with the exact same questions about the one you're in right now.
As a part answer to your question have a read. The verification is there its personal and part of a far greater picture.

There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


Quote from: Nihil on July 20, 2013, 14:47:02
then why aren't there any techniques that can teach people how to reliably navigate the world once they're out there?

The navigation technique is simple, your thoughts are the navigator. That's what everyone is trying to explain that every individual has different thoughts, beliefs, fears, etc that influence their AP experiences, including responses to their commands to go to pint A or point B as we understand it here in this reality. Sometimes your command may work and take you to your desired destination, but sometimes you may end up some place else depending on your current state of mind. If you have limited beliefs, you may not be able to reach higher frequency realms. P Locations are not exactly the same as the actual place here as we know it, because your are observing higher frequency realities that match your own frequency, therefore these locations are duplicates of the physical reality, or completely different realms. As long as we are connected to our physical bodies, we can observe the physical reality 100% only while in our bodies. NDE accounts make me think that when we completely detach, the experiences are a lot clearer, with details about the physical event taking place around your body, etc, so some day we will be able to observe our physical universe, family members, friends, etc in however happens in physical time frame, if you wish to visit. But while we are alive I think we can only observe their astral extensions, which may change as well according to your own thoughts. That does not mean that it is an illusion. Nothing is NOT REAL. Just because it takes time here to manifest your thoughts, doesn't mean that if they manifest instantly in the astral, they are not real. So, bottom line, you cant mix the laws of this dens frequency reality with other that are more thoughts responsive and where time and space are just a matter of focus.

1. The technique to travel in the astral is by thoughts.
2. Physical laws are not to be applied
3. Everything that is created in the astral is REAL, but the interpretation could be tricky. For example fears can manifest as a monster in front of you, but here is where your spiritual development comes to play to be able to realize what does it mean and what is your lesson to be learned.
4. The closest you can observe a physical location is the Real Time Zone, but that as well can be different that the actual location as you know it.
5. While you are connected to your physical body, your APs are somewhat restricted in terms of clarity, navigation ease, level of frequency, etc
6. You need to experience it for yourself to completely comprehend what are we trying to explain, because as I said the laws of the outer realities cant be written in a form of mathematical formulas.
7. The point of AP is to experience your spirit, observe your beliefs, learn lessons, realize who you truly are and expand your wisdom. Offer help to those who need guidance either on the other side or your fellow men.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Just like we are all where we are supposed to be at the time with these experiences and its true that Internet works wonders, I don't think the non physical is as cut and dried as the physical. We can hop on a bus and go where we want here, but there's so many factors we can't plainly see in the non physical. Personally I find that part quite intriguing. I often wonder where I will end up next. It's usually more interesting than I could imagine anyways. :)
Take to the sky, feeling so alive! Past the clouds to the Milky Way, share our secrets with the starry brigade. The stars surround us like a million fireflies. For once I see infinity... it's in your eyes.


Quote from: Nihil on July 20, 2013, 14:47:02
Look, I'm not here to argue, it just seems very whacky that people have been astral traveling for a long time and nobody has bothered to articulate how to reliably get from point A to point B.
We can assist you in finding a method that works for you.
You only need a few things... an open mind and the dedication to see it through to where ever it may take you.

QuoteIf there are techniques out there that to teach people how to reliably get out of the body (rope method, roll-out method, etc)...then why aren't there any techniques that can teach people how to reliably navigate the world once they're out there?
Because most people need to build up the skills required to control their mind first.
That really isn't something that can be taught... you kind of have to stumble across it mostly on your own. 
We can GUIDE you towards it, but you have to do the legwork yourself.  This is where most people end up failing... the thought of having to actually do work kills it for them.