Advice for the beginner

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Hello, freespirit. Fear is just part of the deal (a minor one if you ask me). There is alot more to be concerned about when it comes to actulay achieve an OBE. But the fear is what you are confrontet with when it comes to that. It is just a matter of letting the curiosity win over the fear. Fear is just a instinct of not knowing whats going to happen. Trust me, whatever happens its worth ignoring the fear and just go with it. You will know.


Freespirit... yeah i think we all go through the "is this gonna hurt me " phase...
trust me'll be fine. The vibrations are a bit over the top at first...but just go with them, they will not hurt you.

Actually after a few times out...the worst thing to fear is why you are snapped backed in...not how to stay out. Anyhow/// its definitely an experience you should research, persevere through, and have. Good luck and lotsa love along the way-



Hello free,

Using the NEW (New Energy Ways) system developed by Robert Bruce will help you tremendously.

I wish I had discovered it sooner than I did. Trust me, it will bring you so much closer to having one.


Choose empathy. It costs nothing.
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if u want to have an oobe just spend hours at this site.  read everything you can.  there is so much information here.  almost every problem has at least been brought up if not attempts made to solve it.  as many times as you'll read it's what you have to unlearn to make this happen, rather than what you have to learn, it's still hard.  keep at it.  if you read as much as you can here and have any problems just throw them up here and we'll take care of them.


Thank you all for being so supportive. I will read everything on this site. I guess my biggest fear has been the sensations I feel when trying to have an OBE, but it seems like I should just ignore these feelings and concentrate on getting out. Since I have no frame of reference about what it's like to be out, it's hard to get past these feelings and look forward to what will happen next.

I do have another question. Can some of you tell me how having OBEs have affected your lives? No, I am not writing a book ;-)
I am just interested in what the OBEs have done to change your perspective about life/death/why we are all here. I feel like at this point in my life I am being drawn to this OBE experience, and am wondering what impact it may have on my "regular" life. I very hesitant to tell my husband that I have been trying to "fly out of my body", as I think he'll try to institutionalize me!

Thank you again!


Echo Fred's post, plus you need to learn to manage your fears.

Something I got into the habit of doing which helped me enormously in the beginning: if you find the Astral circumstances getting out of control (which they WILL do at first) then, rather than try and make things right at the time, simply zip back to Physical consciousness, allow the mind to recover its calm, and project again.

Problem is, people tend to find it so hard to project the natural tendency is to not want to let go of the projection. Which is understandable. But the mind is quite a fragile thing and tends to act like a fish out of water the first 20, or so, times you project. So you will have to make allowances for this, and give it an easy time.

Memory recall of the experience is important too. Which is another reason why keeping your early projections short and to the point will help you. (R.Bruce gives some info on this in AD.)



Free...great question-
You sound a lot like me I think. I was drawn to this as well and could not explain why. I had the same fears as you do (and I am not much farther along - I have had less than 10 OBE's). The vibes...embrace them and learn to love them. They absolutely will not hurt you - promise :)

as far as how it has affected me...mmm... it definitely has bashed any and all prior beliefs in life/ death and afterwards and made me believe that the truth is very accessible and meant for us to search for and experience. my 1st one...i left my body... i went about 10 extremely excited...snapped back to physical...woke up...and cried a bit. Walking out of your body the first time and realizing it has happened is absolutely unbelieveable. You do it and it rocks you. I think my exact words  to myself were " Holy F@#$%ng S#$T...this is real." -LOL. I mean its impossible to put into words. I knew at this point everything was gonna change. And it has. Lotsa fears subside and are reduced. Lotsa questions about death are kinda brought into more light..and actually inspire more questions-- :)) i think the fact you are here and gonna have one soon shows that you have begun questioning and seeing that there is more than what is popularly told. good luck...i hope your husband does not institutionalize you...

lotsa love


I am so glad I found this forum! :-)

Frank, thanks for the expert advice. I always thought if I "snapped out" of things I wouldn't be able to go back and achieve anything. So I will just keep trying little by little.
Sly, your encouragement really affected me.  It's great to know that you understand where I am coming from. This is not a topic that I can discuss with many. I can't wait til the time I can post about a successful OBE. I feel it will be life-altering, I just hope it won't take too long until I have one (I will try to be patient!) How long did it take you? And do you have a destination in mind when you try to project?


I do have another question. Can some of you tell me how having OBEs have affected your lives?

Well to tell the truth, it did'nt realy change much of my life. But it gave me an answer to the question of "is it possible or not". Coz for a long time before I started with OBE's I've had kinda spiritual and mind awakenings to alternative truths. I think thats how I found my way to this subject anyhow. But the fist time I felt the "exit-phase" sensations I got realy scared and extatic, coz I had no idea how real this would be, and that it had physical effects too. And that was about a year before I actually OBE'd for the first time. When I first OBE'd I was kinda used to the hard feelings of exiting so I think its a good thing to maybe fail alot in the beginning coz then you can practice handeling your fears, as long as you dont get demotivated, that is.

When it comes to discussing this with others. Well after I first felt the exit sensations and when I first OBE'd, I wanted to tell everybody. And I did. Some people would give me wierd looks and most did'nt belive me. Sometimes they would just deride my stories as dreams. I few people did kinda belive me but was skeptical, wich is understandable since its not anything many people know much about at all. Thats why its good to have this forum.


Great insight Furix, thanks!

It's really interesting how these discussions are perfectly natural here in this forum, but outside can be seen as crazy. I wish more people were open to these experiences, as they seem to be a part of our existence. We can tap into them if we believe we can. It does irritate me when people don't believe in AP, but I guess to each his own. For me, when I do have my first OBE, it will validate feelings that I've had since I was a child, of being part of something bigger than myself. I can't wait to explore like many of you have. If simply enthusiasm was enough to produce an OBE, I'd already be there (*smile*) I will keep you updated, and appreciate the time everyone has taken to address my questions. It's great to know you are so willing to help!



New Energy Ways, eh. I don't know how that would help me with projection, other than develop my energy body (that still doesn't help me with focus, concentration, relaxation, self-inducing a body-sleep state). I, will, however, give it a go, and see how it works :3


Thing is, Leviiathan, we all need to concentrate together on this.

Stuff that Robert Bruce publishes can oftentimes be completely lost on me. Like all that Psychic Self-Defence stuff... yuk... as far as I am concerned. But, then again, his pointers in Astral Dynamics about the Mind-Split effect helped me loads.



I have never read that book (Spiritual Self-Defense), and I wish there was a copy of it online I could read (online version). That would be nice.


Hello everyone,

Since it seems many of you are experienced in having OBEs, I was wondering what the best method is to have one. What advice would you give the beginner? What do/did you do to overcome any fear of the experience? I am so interested in seeing what it's like to fly out of my window and explore new places, but at the same time it scares me. Is it normal to feel this way?

Thank you in advance!
