The Astral Pulse

Astral Projection & Out of Body Experiences => Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! => Topic started by: trader342 on March 01, 2009, 13:40:51

Title: meeting some people from my childhood OBE, how to make sense of it?
Post by: trader342 on March 01, 2009, 13:40:51
A few months ago I had met a girl from my childhood who I hadn't even though of in 10-12 years when I was very young. All I remember is that she had a crush on me. Well she met me in my dreams recently after all this time, and said she still has feelings for me. I told her I am currently in a relationship, and that was it. It made sense to me that the love/crushes we feel when we are younger, are so strong that they will of course remain in the unconscious... to the point that someone will reach out to you

Another situation happened only a couple days ago. Another girl from that era, who didn't have a crush on me, and in fact we didn't like each other or even talk... but I saw her in the OBE/astral state for two days in a row, yesterday and today. I don't remember what we talked about, but today she initiated the meeting to clarify/resolve something.

I know both these experiences are real, but why did they happen? Should I try to contact one of them? The second girl in particular, it makes total sense that she is into astral experiences... but at the same time if she isn't, I would come across as truly insane. Even if it was real, which I have no doubt, I think the chances are very low that these two are consciously aware that it happened...

I am trying to make sense of this though, does anyone have any thoughts/opinions? Is there any opportunity for closure about these experiences, or should I just get used to unresolveable mysteires
Title: Re: meeting some people from my childhood OBE, how to make sense of it?
Post by: ancient_one on March 01, 2009, 15:49:47
Quote from: trader342 on March 01, 2009, 13:40:51
A few months ago I had met a girl from my childhood who I hadn't even though of in 10-12 years when I was very young. All I remember is that she had a crush on me. Well she met me in my dreams recently after all this time, and said she still has feelings for me. I told her I am currently in a relationship, and that was it. It made sense to me that the love/crushes we feel when we are younger, are so strong that they will of course remain in the unconscious... to the point that someone will reach out to you

Another situation happened only a couple days ago. Another girl from that era, who didn't have a crush on me, and in fact we didn't like each other or even talk... but I saw her in the OBE/astral state for two days in a row, yesterday and today. I don't remember what we talked about, but today she initiated the meeting to clarify/resolve something.

I know both these experiences are real, but why did they happen? Should I try to contact one of them? The second girl in particular, it makes total sense that she is into astral experiences... but at the same time if she isn't, I would come across as truly insane. Even if it was real, which I have no doubt, I think the chances are very low that these two are consciously aware that it happened...

I am trying to make sense of this though, does anyone have any thoughts/opinions? Is there any opportunity for closure about these experiences, or should I just get used to unresolveable mysteires

More than likely, if you were to contact these people they would not have had the same experiences as you, and might think it was a bit odd, to say the least.  If you feel that your experiences were trying to tell you to contact them to resolve something, you may mention to them that you just have had dreams about them that made you want to contact them for whatever reason. that way, if they have some other experience to relate to you, they can do so at that time. And if not, you do not have to worry that they might think you are crazy. 
Title: Re: meeting some people from my childhood OBE, how to make sense of it?
Post by: Celest on March 03, 2009, 23:29:36
yea, they probably don't remember or just had a diffirent experience..or maybe it was the exact one you described, contact them but just keep it cool..mention that you had a childhood dream or something, if their into dreams they will instantly respond with kindness.

all the best
Title: Re: meeting some people from my childhood OBE, how to make sense of it?
Post by: spark on March 12, 2009, 01:30:37
Hi.  I have OBEd for over 20 years.  It is very hard to contact folks and for them to recall it.  I am just now experiencing some situations where it appears to be possible that I co-dreamed with others.  But, it is still not 100%.  Anyway, don't presume what you see is what you see.  If you see a girl, perhaps it is some other entity playing games with you, or perhaps it is another entity trying to teach you, or perhaps it is the girl and she won't recall the dream anyway, or perhaps it is a part of you trying to show you something.  Anyway, lots of folks have ideas very strongly one way or the other, but I tend to think that they are just hypothesizing and tossing in our human inclination to assume.  We humans are so great at deciding what is and what is not ... especially amazing since we really have no clue.  I think it is tied to our use of language ... always putting things into nice little packages (ie, words).  Hard to break the mold...  Anyway, so my opinion is that if you do call the girls, you would be actually behaving a bit off because there is really know way to know what is real there.  Persoanlly, i think there is a higher likelihood that some other entity is communicating with you ... or a part of yourself.  Next time, try to step back from what you see and dont presume it to be what it is.  If you see a girl, maybe say "I expect you are not the girl.  can you show yourself to me."  I anticipate that your entire image will perhaps fade or the scene will change abruptly to you being face to face with someone that appears to be a guide or something to that effect.  Anyway, you will probably then ask lots of inane questions and then accidentally run amuck in a dream... anyway, I am just sayig that because it is hard to maintain focus and control ... without being controlling....
See you,