My latest Experience-The Ocean!

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Lorena, great experience!

I've had dreams of being underwater, but haven't consciously projected there YET.  I even woke myself up gasping for air because for some reason I started holding my breath..[:P]



I love you!


i havnt gotten to AP underwater yet sadly but my life like..revolves around the ocean and stuff. im a certified scuba diver and all and i've done it a lot so i can imagine what it was like.. sounds so amazing i cant wait to do it! thanks for sharing ^__^
"In a timeless world,
Were shooting stars fall,
There is never dull,
Watch and you shall see,
There is something there,
For all to learn,
Nothing gained has no beauty,
But is it duty"



I've had an underwater experience. It was very cool, for I could 'feel' the water as i waved my astral arms through it. It felt SO real. I saw a nonhuman entity (that also saw me). It was very cool. Nothing like being underwater and OBE- infinite exploring!

Take care...


I had a couple of OBE underwater experiences an numerous Lucid ones. They are truly amazing. In one of them I took my wife by the hand and taught her to smim and breathe under water.
Words.....there was a time when I believed in words!


I once projected next to the ocean. It was great, I went in the water but not beneath it.
Който търси, намира.


I can face whatever monsters I see in my dreams and astral projections regardless of size or strengh, but there's something I can't do: to go underwater.

I get desperate and end up creating sharks and whales to attack me. When I find myself underwater I close my eyes and wish to wake up. I find it interesting that some of you have the same problem.
Where does this silence come from?

The untold past of the Earth:


Hello All,

It's been a while, however I will like to post my latest Experience with you guys.

Yesterday I woke up around 8:00am, close my eyes and saw liked a Tornado going round and round. I decided to go thru this hole. I was a little nervous it was the first time I saw this. So I kept my eyes open to see where this would take me to.  Finally I  saw a blue light ahead of me and I went thru it. I was kind of shocked on what I saw once I went in.

I was underwater in like it seemed like the  Ocean. The first Animal I saw was a Dolphin, he came right in from on my face. I was a little scared at first. However I was able to breath easily and see so clear,  I was so amazed. I started to swim around and saw so many Fish and plants and  animals that I would have never imagined ever to see in my Physical form. I was able to pet them and swim with them and explore so many places. However Far ahead I saw what it looked to me like a Great White Shark coming straight at me. I got so scared and so  I panic. So I Leaped back into my body. It was am amazing Travel.

Anyone had an experience like this? Would love to hear it.

