Has anyone tried to access the internet?

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Has anyone tried to access the internet or even just get on a computer in a lucid dream or the astral?



The question was beyond ironic till I opened up the thread.  :lol:

No. That's actually a very interesting question. More to the point I have NEVER dreamed about the internet or anything about the computer, yet I work on one and I'm constantly in front of it.

I have dreamed lucidly about console games but not going online. If My Big TOE is to be understood... A digital consciousness dreaming of the digital... it's a sort of 'do androids dream of electric sheep?" scenario.


No, I have never tried it, but that would be very interesting if we have a LD about the internet or about the computer.


I have but it was an accident.  I had an ap experience and I must have been thinking about being on the computer.  I was on the computer typing on the ap forum letting everyone know how my experience went.  I thought I was physically typing it.  I did not realise that I was spiritually doing it. 


Interesting! I wonder if something could be posted here from the real time zone?


Bob Peterson explains his first OOBE in one of his books how he split his consciousness into five different aspects of himself and they were all working on a computer program that he was writing. If that sounds confusing, you're not alone. But it makes more sense in his own words.
It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
Mark Twain