Method 988224698 to OBE - Lots of regular sleep!

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I just thought of this but never tested it. It seems like a logical idea, so here it is ...

Just regularly sleep a lot. Since your mind has had so much sleep. Sleeping more would just bored the heck out of it! Therefore, it will be easier to attempt an AP. Remember, mind awake and body asleep. Get it?

As for me, I'm always awake. Maybe I have insomnia? IDK, too much to do with so little time. College takes my life away :(

I'm going to start this plan: Get everything I need done for the week by Friday. Sleep in Saturday and Sunday, so by Sunday night I'll make better attempts to AP.


College took my life away too! :-( and gave me insomnia!

That's how it seemed. Well, now I'm not in college, and am working on getting more sleep and having more of a routine.

Good luck with your Method 988224698 to OBE. lol!

seriously though,

It sounds like a good plan.
