New Experience, would like your opinions

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Hi! I havent written here for ages, but recently i have been having an experience i would like to share and ask if someone has experienced or knows something about it.
Whats happen is the following, some nights i am in bed at night and have some sort of sleep paralysis. At this point i, without any trouble, get out of my body and walk around the house. The thing is i cant see anything, just pitch dark. I know i an walking through my house because i can feel everything with my hands. I mean i know where the door is and i walk to it and there the door is. I open it, and the door opens. And like this with my whole house, i can walk through it without any trouble, but can never seem to see anything. Allways full blackness. And the moment i try opening my eyes i zap back into my body and sleep paralysis again. At that point i can get out again with no trouble but will zap back instantly again when i try opening my eyes. Last time, i even went to the shower and opened it so as to get wet and make that feeling awake me, but nothing happens. I mean i could feel the water on all my body but still, when i opened my eyes, again, zap into my body, which i checked, wasnt wet at all (discarding sleep walking). That last time the moment i opened my eyes i just barely got to see two men trying to grab me, like centimeters away from me, but as soon as i saw them, i zapped back to my body and sleep paralysis.
I must say this has happened several nights lately.

Thanks for reading! and please y would like to hear your views on my experiencie.


Welcome back!

Okay, so I took the liberty of reading back through your earlier posts and that seems to confirm my thinking on what is going on here. So I want to offer some ideas for your consideration:

-Over the last several years, you show an apparent, good, natural ability to achieve an OBE: the standard type most of us first experience, the RTZ/etheric-type or what appears to be a near-Physical Reality (PR) OBE.
-Sleep Paralysis (SP) is a common phenomenon to be aware of; it's part of the normal REM sleep cycle which we are normally unaware of; but when we become aware during SP, it is a great indicator that we are primed and ready for an OBE exit. SP does have some issues but you appear to not be distracted by those.
-It may seem strange to you that during your earlier OBEs you had no problems with your vision/sight. Now suddenly, you can't see. I went through the same issue and I have read of others having the same problem.

There is a reason this has happened- This is a test. A type of challenge; a puzzle for you to figure out the answer. It's a simple and straight-forward kind of test, designed to help you adjust your thinking about the new environment into which you have chosen to venture. It is a simple test, but one with a "fundamental" answer that you will have to remember as you move into the Non-Physical (NP) worlds.

I can even give you the answer; the trick is that YOU have to figure out just how to apply the answer the next time you are "out".

When you are in an OBE, you have no physical body. There is no physical body to step into the shower and get wet; any experience that you are somehow turning the shower on and getting wet is just the power of your imagination to fabricate your experience within that OOB environment (which is another lesson in itself). You have no physical eyes to open so any attempt to do so either activates your physical eyes, which can pull you back to the physical, or the test resets to give you another chance at figuring out the correct answer. We can argue and disagree to some extent that when you are in an OBE, you are simply consciousness or that you occupy an etheric body or an astral body or a dreaming body...decide on that for yourself. What IS true is that you are NOT in a physical body (at least for the current discussion, lol)! So there are no eyes to open! How you "see" is obviously happening through some other mechanism then physical eyes. The same can be said for your other "physical senses". In the NP, we are literally using different senses. We have them, but they need to be exercised and strengthened like anything else we possess. Some NP senses you will find, work for you naturally and easily; others will require more work.

This forces us to adjust our thinking- We have to start thinking in "Non-Physical" terms.

It's probably the realization that makes the difference, but we still have to express it somehow, and honestly, it doesn't always work the first time. I tried the William Buhlman technique, which is to ask for it or demand it. "Clarity now!" or "I want to see, now!" Didn't work for me the first time, but it did later on. This may be where the quality of INTENT comes in. Very important. To me, intent is possibly the most important quality to any effort in the NP. You can't fake it; you have to mean it. You have to be sincere. Any fakery is jeered at, if not stomped on.

So, once you get the vision figured out, you may get tested on other senses or actions, such as how you move, what is the basis of your mobility? Then you may get situational exercises or fear or sex tests. These are subtle and tricky. They utilize your subconscious and memories. It is all challenging you to develop new senses and abilities and to exercise proper control and show a certain maturity.

That should give you some ideas and maybe raise a few questions.

And don't forget to have fun! :-D

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


During nightmares, the way to escape is by closing your eyes and forcefully opening them.

Experiments showed that while in a lucid dream, your dream eye movements are duplicated by your physical eye movements. In this way the lucid dreaming subject could signal to a physical observer who is watching the subject's physical eyes.

You have to "see" through your closed eyes, in your obes.

While in the non-physical, your thoughts, emotions, and beliefs create though forms. That's why you have to adopt an attitude of "mild curiosity" (as Frank Kepple used to recommend) if you want to explore the non-physical reality with minimal interference from you.

In the non-physical, when you try to go through a wall, if you believe you can you will go through it, but if you believe you can't you won't.

You can try giving yourself commands, as Buhlman recommends, but you'll have to believe they'll happen.

Another suggestion is to prime the process by imagining something visually, like on a big screen, then step into it.
"Read not to contradict and confute, nor to believe and take for granted, but to weigh and consider."
- Sir Francis Bacon


Quote from: ivantam92 on August 19, 2018, 05:57:44
I mean i could feel the water on all my body but still, when i opened my eyes, again, zap into my body, which i checked, wasnt wet at all (discarding sleep walking). That last time the moment i opened my eyes i just barely got to see two men trying to grab me, like centimeters away from me, but as soon as i saw them, i zapped back to my body and sleep paralysis.
I must say this has happened several nights lately.

Thanks for reading! and please y would like to hear your views on my experiencie.

Somehow there are lot of entities trying to scare us so we get back to our bodies. They are known as astral vampires, they have the ability to scare people [they will represent whatever causes you fear, it could be a gray [ufo/alien]] while dream paralysis, the astral vampires are the cause 95% of people can't do a conscious OBEs.
The fear is the first natural enemy that a man must defeat in the way of knowledge


Quote from: Hyperdimensional on August 19, 2018, 19:03:14

Somehow there are lot of entities trying to scare us so we get back to our bodies. They are known as astral vampires, they have the ability to scare people [they will represent whatever causes you fear, it could be a gray [ufo/alien]] while dream paralysis, the astral vampires are the cause 95% of people can't do a conscious OBEs.

As far as I know, those are thought forms created by ourselves. We give them "life" and power. We shouldn't ...
"Read not to contradict and confute, nor to believe and take for granted, but to weigh and consider."
- Sir Francis Bacon


There really isn't much to add here but will concur with the above posters. EscapeVelocity and baro-san are right on far as my own experiences go. As to the negative energies (beings) you encounter like Hyperdeminsion states those too are fear tests. They can't hurt you but they can scare the bejeesus out of you, ignore them and continue with what you were doing.

It does get easier.


Quote from: baro-san on August 19, 2018, 20:49:42
As far as I know, those are thought forms created by ourselves. We give them "life" and power. We shouldn't ...

Those entities exist everywhere in the lower astral, we could see them while sleep paralysis just before leaving physical body, the astral vampire scares people to feed and get stronger, if they success they maintain their presence around the traveler, the best way to deal with them is to just ignore their presence so we could progress the OBE.
The fear is the first natural enemy that a man must defeat in the way of knowledge


It's common for me not to be able to see anything if I'm near my physical body. Been that way for years. If I travel away from my body at some point I get my sight. Sometimes I need to go outside before I can see anything.


I simply say "more light" and it brightens up perfectly. It took a few obes before it worked though but since it started working my obes are usually plenty bright to begin with. The stars especially are amazing. Good luck!


Quote from: baro-san on August 19, 2018, 20:49:42
As far as I know, those are thought forms created by ourselves. We give them "life" and power. We shouldn't ...
A "Wise Man"!  8-)
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Quote from: Windwalker. on September 11, 2018, 02:53:35
I simply say "more light" and it brightens up perfectly. It took a few obes before it worked though but since it started working my obes are usually plenty bright to begin with. The stars especially are amazing. Good luck!
Ask and you shall receive!  8-)

When in "thought equals action" mode, intents/thoughts are instantaneous! The key is to learn to control those thoughts.  :-)
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla