The Astral Pulse

Astral Projection & Out of Body Experiences => Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! => Topic started by: Tombo on January 19, 2004, 12:38:29

Title: Missing girl
Post by: Tombo on January 19, 2004, 12:38:29
O.k. I try my best!

Good Post.
Title: Missing girl
Post by: The Bard on January 19, 2004, 15:39:03
I have tried to intuitivly find local people who have turned up missing (like a little girl who has been missing here since last year.) I can usually figure out if missing people are dead or alive but not much more. I could try to see what I can find in this situation but I think all I have to offer is my prayers.

I think you have a great idea. Sometimes it seems like the joint effort of a group could be able to get results better than a single individuals efforts.
Title: Missing girl
Post by: AndrewTheSinger on January 19, 2004, 20:02:38
Hello Tom, The Bard, that's great.

The Bard, if you could find that out it would be more than good enough.

For me it's kinda hard to find places, but I can usually come across people.

I think I got something tonight, but it surely needs to be decyphered. In my dream it was night-time, I was in a mini-bus with my 2 bros and 1 sis, maybe my mother was there too, I saw a very beautiful landscape (a hill, a lake and the full moon) in between houses on the street. Then I jumped out of the bus to go there (to the other side of the street), but then somehow I got lost, I tried to come back to the bus and afar I saw them leaving. I didn't care much about it and kept on walking. There were kids playing in the streets, then I headed into a grocery store and the kids came into the store too runing and laughing. I asked a little girl if she knew where Priscila was, and she said no, and she called for her other friend, to whom I asked the same thing, she also didn't know, but her brother replied when I insisted 'She is at the entrance of a desert', I ask him what desert, and he stops for a while as if receiving a message from the beyond and says 'I don't know, but it's one I've only seen in a film'. I ask a japanese boy who is also there among the kids to connect with him and try to receive something else, but he doesn't seem to know how to do that, after awhile I awake.

Maybe someone could help me to interpret this. I've read Priscila had suffered from memory lapses in the past, maybe she got lost also.

Here is another picture of her if anyone would like to try to find her in the dreams.

Title: Missing girl
Post by: AndrewTheSinger on January 19, 2004, 20:09:43
Title: Missing girl
Post by: The Bard on January 19, 2004, 23:53:08
Does she have a history of disappearing acts? I know one person in my life who just up and disappears and returns when everyone has given him up as dead. I had a great auntie who vanished once. They found her wondering around as a bag Lady with no memory of who she was.

So it is quite possible that if this girl has memory lapses she still might be alive. I'll pray she returns safely.
Title: Missing girl
Post by: The Bard on January 20, 2004, 02:53:17
Tonight when I was trying to sleep I asked my spirit guide Saul if he heard anything about what happened to Priscila? He didn't answer even though I felt him with me and I drifted into sleep for about 10-20 minutes but the sleep apnea woke me up because I tried sleeping without my cpap machine. I started thinking about how my body has been reacting to the loss of my baby son in 1999 and how to heal it When out of the blue my spirit guide said, "That girl is dead." I think he must have been talking about Priscila but I'm not certain. He didn't say anything else about it. I am hardly clairaudient so it takes much effort for him to get me to hear him. He seldom uses words with me. Usually he speaks with visions, touch, and feelings.
Title: Missing girl
Post by: AndrewTheSinger on January 20, 2004, 16:30:27
Hi The Bard, I don't know if she had disappeared before but I guess not because it would have been a too important information to be omitted by her family or the media.

I guess that if she is alive she is probably being held by someone because they have been talking alot about her disappearance, people would have seen her around.

They said she didn't use to leave the house too much cause she was a bit depressed and timid.

Sorry to hear about your baby.

Thank you for your your effort, that was very well done, I'll try to get a confirmation on that then I'll reply to you.
Title: Missing girl
Post by: Tombo on January 21, 2004, 10:08:41
No luck yet
Title: Missing girl
Post by: Kerrblur on January 21, 2004, 18:55:55
I will try to help you!! i will not stop. Names Ryan btw.


Title: Missing girl
Post by: Tombo on January 22, 2004, 05:03:09
Well I got lucid last night. I demanded to see the location of the girl when looking behind the next corner. I had  to fight to got there cause something was holding myself back, I manged to do it though. I saw a very noble looking living room with a chemineé, the color was goldish, orange. There was an old woman inside the room age about 60-70 years. I felt fear. There was also a little child there, that tried to communicate with me, I had problems to stay lucid. Before weaking up I tried one more time to get something: I felt Cornflakes and fear of death.
A the whole dream was very strange indeed. Don't know if there's any useful information contained. My mind wasn't very clear, so it's likely that all of it was nonsense. I thought I post it anyways.
Possible interpretations:
-Girl ran away cause she's pregnant
-Girl is being kept at a house of a rich family
-Girl was killed in the morning
Anyways I don't think it's too smart to interprete much here.
I might try again .
Title: Missing girl
Post by: AndrewTheSinger on January 23, 2004, 09:02:59
Thank you Kerrblur, I'm looking forward to hear of your findings.

Good job Tom. She has a boyfriend so she could possibly be pregnant.

I also received the information that she is dead, but it was again from a dream character so I don't know if I can rely on that. This time it was a grown-up girl, I asked her if she knew of Priscila and she said she was killed with a rope about 3 days ago (when The Bard posted it), and that she was in slums. But when I asked her the name of the slums she said 'Favela Coco' (Slums Turd) wich doesn't make sense at all. When they were leaving I asked her friend if I could really believe what was said, and she wiggled her head smiling saying no. It was a bit frustrating.

Next time I should go for the paper on the desk.
Title: Missing girl
Post by: AndrewTheSinger on January 26, 2004, 16:36:47

A friend of Priscila contacted me over the internet after seeing my post on a brazilian forum. He passed the information that the situation in Priscila's house was not so good (on the matter of acquaintance), and her relationship with her mother was kinda turbulent. He also reinforces that she is a gentle person, innocent, and has been depressed.

So far I've tried: asking dream characters, astral tv, paper on the desk - but haven't gotten any consistent clue. All I feel is that she has gone through suffering but now she is fine, and that is unsettling, since she is still missing.

I feel that she is fine now because most of the times I tried to find her I found myself in some very peaceful places. In the first instance I saw that river and mountain landscape and the full moon, children laughing.

I'm not sure if the third experience had anything to do with her, but I was an observer of a story, my dreambody wasn't there, I saw some people from India or China, they were going into the ocean to swim because they didn't know what else to do. Some were sad, some were happy, some were rescued by an helicopter, some just drifted... I saw this girl who kinda resembled Priscila, she was drifting when suddenly she was saved by this oriental man. I could see what she was thinking, in pictures, she thought about her life, her sadness, she thought about marrying the man, and while her almost lifeless body was being carried in a boat to the shore she saw little oriental children fishing and smiling. It was like a paradise. There was a song playing in the background, an acoustic guitar and a female singer, she sung about the dolphins, the sky, the lion. I remember part of the song that said something like the lion yawning sticking his tongue out towards the sky, it was in spanish. I don't remeber what happened next, but I woke up wanting to hear that song again, it was extremely beautiful.

I couldn't read anything that made sense in the paper on my desk, just random words, and on the astral tv I saw a cartoon, a green 'something' that said 'She disappeared' and nothing else I could hear. Big news [xx(]
The cartoon's voice sorta faded and I had to turn up the volume to the maximum but only heard whispers.

It would be good to hear some ideas on how else to search.

Next time I'll probably call her name.
Title: Missing girl
Post by: The Bard on January 26, 2004, 18:27:41
I look for signs in everyday things sometimes. Like when I copied her photo in your original post (I look at it every time I try to visualize where she is) it went into my picture file and has stayed next to the skull drawing I have in it even though I have put many more pictures in there since I put hers in it and it is also near a thing I wrote on 1-21-04. I wasn't thinking of her but now her photo is in the same row in my picture files as it. It was next to it for awhile. I wrote it here and then printed and scanned it into my picture files so I could post it in my blog on that day.
I feel like she is dead and at peace with herself but I have been wrong before. I hope I am wrong now. I pray she is well and returns to her loved ones soon.

That dream you had sounds awesome Andrew. Did you write any of it down or remember the tune? I have written songs from dreams before.

Like you I continue to search for answers.

Title: Missing girl
Post by: AndrewTheSinger on January 29, 2004, 04:43:04
Ah I see, I will do that, haven't thought about that. I've been pretty much only relying on the astral experiences and forgetting the physical signs and coincidences.

The dream was very cool, I only wrote the story in my diary. All I remember from the song was that part of the dolphins and the lion, I clearly remember the words 'león', 'lengua' and 'el cielo'. I guess it was played on A, but I'm not sure, I wouldn't know how to sing it.

Do you remember both lyrics and melody? Most of the lyrics I hear don't make sense, and it's rare I remember the tune. When I can remember enough I record a piece of it and maybe create something from it, but it's all pretty sketchy. By the way, it's a very nice poem you have there, do you have an arrangement for it yet?

Back to Priscila's case, I too hope she is alive and fine, it's all her friends and family want to hear.

I would like to relate another experience I had. I was in my astral room when I called her name a few times, the door was opened and it felt like she could really appear, but instead of her I heard my mother's voice coming from the hall. Again, the voice said she was dead, I went to the hall but found no one there. I asked who killed her, and the voice replied 'Her grandmother', I asked where is she, and the voice said it didn't know but would investigate, then I woke up.

I think I was probably influenced by Tom's experience in wich he saw an old woman. Either that or her grandmother was the one who embraced her if she died, but that would be too far fetched.

I guess it would work better if we had a schedule, for example, people would go for the experiences for one or two weeks, and then make an elaborated summary of what he/she found and a conclusion. When everyone had that done we could post the results. This way one would not be misled or influenced by another's findings. When results were to be compared it would be more trustworthy. A flaw is that the topic would quickly fall into oblivion.
But this is a hint for someone who tries this in the future, we've already started anyway.

Title: Missing girl
Post by: The Bard on January 29, 2004, 15:51:54
I really hope she is still alive and she makes it home soon. I hope my intuition is wrong.

When I mentioned her in my blog and posted her photo my computer did a strange thing it had never done before. When I shut my computer down it flashed her face on it. I felt a spirit tingling in my mind and a womans voice had said "Gracias" in my mind earlier that day.

Title: Missing girl
Post by: The Bard on February 09, 2004, 03:59:33
Any News? Have they found her yet?

I dreamed about a murderer tonight. I posted it here
Title: Missing girl
Post by: Haematite on February 09, 2004, 05:20:25
I'll do my best - if some of us have abilities they should be used for good... I got "goosebumps" looking at the woman's pic at first - I hope my presentiment isn't true. Hope to see you soon with good news.
Be safe
Title: Missing girl
Post by: PDB on February 09, 2004, 12:32:48
Ok so I don't know much about finding missing people but maybe using a pendulum would help. You could check out the Prophecy and Divination forum here for details. I'll talk to my guide and see what I can find out.

I guess her Free Will will always be respected anyway, so you probably can't get that much information about her, especially if she chose to run away.

Maybe someone could try to meet her in the Astral and see what happens? Just a thought.

I truly hope she's okay.

Kind regards,
Title: Missing girl
Post by: AndrewTheSinger on February 10, 2004, 11:37:09
Nope, they haven't found her yet.

A few days ago there was a clairvoyant on the tv talking about her case. He said she was still alive and was not being mistreated, and said he saw 2 men with her.

A friend mentally saw her locked in a house and 3 men. Said she was alive too.

She was last seen on January 9th, leaving her office for lunch.

I've read your dream The Bard, where did it seem to have taken place? Did you feel like you were in another country while it was happening?

Thank you for the participation Haematite and PDB.

I tried the pendulum method but instead of a pendulun I used a red ball of modeling clay. I was in my astral room and asked the ball to levitate if she was alive, and the ball levitated. I asked the ball to levitate if she was not dead, and the ball levitated. I asked the ball to levitate if she was dead, and the ball stood still. I asked the ball where she was, and the ball came flying towards my face. It annoyed me so I stopped it right there.

Now thinking it could have showed me something in my mind's eye, I don't know. I just think that it would be easier to find her if she was alive and in need.

Title: Missing girl
Post by: inkslinger on April 10, 2004, 15:01:29
Does any one know the outcome of what happend to this young lady ?
I watched the UFC when her borther beat Couture for the belt. He wore a shirt with her face on it.
I havn't been able to find any information regarding it. Thanks
Title: Missing girl
Post by: Mirador on April 11, 2004, 15:59:30
As of March 31, 2003 there were 97,297 active missing person cases in the United States. Of those missing, approximately 54,184 are juveniles and nearly 43,113 were reports of individuals eighteen and older.

In 2001, 840,279 missing persons (adults and children) were reported to the police and entered into the FBI's National Crime Information Center (NCIC). This represents the smallest number of missing persons reports since 1992 (801,358).

The FBI estimates that 85-90% of missing persons are juveniles.  In approximately 725,000 cases (or 2,000 per day) the disappearance of a child/adult was serious enough that
a parent called the police, the police took a report and
entered the report into the NCIC.
Title: Missing girl
Post by: Mirador on April 17, 2004, 16:32:10

CNN) -- The body of missing college student Dru Sjodin was found around noon Saturday, Donald Osborne, the mayor of Crookston, Minnesota, told CNN.

The body was found just west of Crookston, near the Minakwa Country Club golf course, he said.

Sjodin, 22, disappeared November 22 after leaving her job at a Victoria's Secret shop in a Grand Forks, North Dakota, mall.

Now about 97,297 more active missing person cases to go, (that's just in the United States)

Have we all noticed how the media manipulates us into a false sense of confort and closure?

Lets roll!!!

Title: Missing girl
Post by: Mirador on April 18, 2004, 12:58:48
I'm not good with words, but someone said it more eloquently,

'One missing girl is a great tragedy, 100.000 missing girls? only a statistic'


Let's roll!!!
Title: Missing girl
Post by: AndrewTheSinger on January 18, 2004, 15:13:52
Anyone would like to take part in a real task?

There is a case here in Brazil of a girl named Priscila Vieira Belfort, sister of the jiu-jitso fighter Vitor Belfort, missing since the day 9 in Rio de Janeiro. They don't know if she has been kidnapped, ran away or killed herself, there is no information. She is 29 years old, studies architeture and is a secretary at a sports institution.

My idea is to gather a group of people with reasonable ability at projecting and try to find her, or get any information (wether she is dead or alive, hurt or fine, alone or not, kidnapped or hiding). It will be something totally experimetal and without commitment. I'm not trying to exploit other people's misfortune, I believe that instances that involve such emotional value might effect making the process easier and making the experience more objective. Maybe we could get important informations about her whereabouts. And if you don't know what to do when out of body then what the hey?

I have a few suggestions on how this search can be done by astral projection and lucid dreaming:

* Call out her name 3 times while mentally holding her image, ask the questions when she appears;

* Turn on the astral tv and change the channels intending to see a report on her case;

* Turn on the astral radio for information;

* Stading in front of an astral telephone wish for her to call and tell you where and how she is;

* Walk to a news-stand and look for a newspaper with an article about her;

* Awake, get a sheet of paper and put the topic 'Looking for Priscila', below that write 'Where is she?', and leave some space for the answer, on the next line write 'Whom is she with?', and leave some space for the answer. If you have further questions write them and put the paper on a desk in your room for it to be answered. When you're out of body in your room go check it out.

One might find helpful to ask the guides to lend a hand.

We could then compare our experiences and see how it will turn out. I'm not sure this will interest anyone, I know it may be kinda discouraging because it's someone who lives too far, speaks another language, I think this is not a problem though, but I'm open to suggestions. I'm doing it tonight anyway, if anyone wanna try too I will keep this updated.

Here is a picture of her.

(//images/icon_zip.gif) Attachment: priscila.JPG (//pop_download.asp?mode=Edit&referrer=attach&dir=andrewThesinger&file=priscila.JPG) 3866 bytes