The Astral Pulse

Astral Projection & Out of Body Experiences => Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! => Topic started by: jc84corvette on April 06, 2004, 16:46:51

Title: More Worlds?
Post by: jc84corvette on April 06, 2004, 16:46:51
Twin to earth? Whats that? When did we find it? I only heard of it. Any sites for me?

Sorry I can not help you BTW.
Title: More Worlds?
Post by: innerpilot on April 06, 2004, 22:33:42
I have also had projections involving stars. Lots and lots of them. I have received an intuitive thought that they are like the cells of my body, and that one of the lessons we learn from projection is that our bodies are not limited to the periphery of the muscular-skeletal framework.There is some new work in physics now that suggests that most of our actual body lies outside of the muscular-skeletal framework, that when we project, we are learning more of ourselves and our own domain. The last time this happened to me was earlier this year. There were several groups of stars whirling about, and as they whirled, they projected a feeling into me that was absolutely beautiful, one of my favorite projected moments. I wrote it down in my journal upon returning, and I get a very nice feeling each time I read it.
Title: More Worlds?
Post by: RooJ on April 07, 2004, 09:39:23
Dont worry about the amount lol. Astronomers estimate there are about 100 thousand million stars in the Milky Way alone. Theres about 50 - 100 billion other gallaxies in the universe each containing about the same amount of stars (some alot more and some less). If you do the math you'll notice that theres bound to be more up there than you can see [:)]. Not sure about the four bright stars though.
Ohh and with all of those stars, with each having the possibility of planets around it id bet theres more than a few that could resemble earth.
Title: More Worlds?
Post by: NeverKnowsEnough on April 07, 2004, 14:47:39
I thank you all for posting,
   Upon projecting last night i decided it was time to find out about the big stars. I spent what seemed like eternity concentrating on myself being there but nothing worked. I can usually get everywhere by concentration but no to the Four BIG Stars. I am Beging to think they are barred from visiters because during a group projection my friends and i tried to fly to the stars most we could get to but the four stars i mentioned never got any closer. These stars really frustrate me for whenever i look at them now i always wonder what could be there that needs to be bared from projectors.
Title: More Worlds?
Post by: ralphm on April 07, 2004, 22:07:36
I have also looked up at the stars while projecting- sometimes they move or there is a strange colored object there too. Once I was able to go into the strange object. Last weekend they formed the astral tube type structure which I hope to post about. Maybe keep looking and you will find a clue.
Title: More Worlds?
Post by: NeverKnowsEnough on April 08, 2004, 10:11:04
Thank you ralphm you have given me a grand idea. This astral tube you mentioned does it act as a prtal or wormhole? Or is it just a super speedy highway? Can you create one or is it a random evenet?
Title: More Worlds?
Post by: ralphm on April 08, 2004, 15:22:21
Astal entry devices are probably portals, did you read Astal Dynamics? Roberte Bruce has info on them there. You could probably find one but it seems you have to have the astral energy to be able to find and enter it.
Title: More Worlds?
Post by: NeverKnowsEnough on April 08, 2004, 15:30:14
No i haven't read his book but i am going to soon. I have seen many odd things in the Astral. Like giant tubes of blue light suddenly appearing out of no where. I am not quite sure what they are but whenver i see them they becon to me to touch them. Is this naturall or what?
Title: More Worlds?
Post by: ralphm on April 08, 2004, 22:14:36
Blue tubes of light? Natural? Seems like when you have an obe experience anything is possible!
Title: More Worlds?
Post by: NeverKnowsEnough on April 09, 2004, 07:57:48
Yes i no anything is poosible but i seem to have the most unusaul things happen to me when i project.
Title: More Worlds?
Post by: NeverKnowsEnough on April 09, 2004, 11:22:43
I to have landed on some of the planets of the stars i have visited. But never have i noticed anything out of the ordinary.
Title: More Worlds?
Post by: innerpilot on April 09, 2004, 20:11:32
Major Tom...There is a line in a one act play by Edward Albee, The Zoo Story, that goes.."Sometimes it's necessary to go a long way out of the way in order to come back a short distance correctly."
Title: More Worlds?
Post by: pod3 on April 18, 2004, 09:20:47
Stars or orbs?
Title: More Worlds?
Post by: ralphm on April 18, 2004, 17:47:59
Major Tom, your experience seems similar to mine. I think the stars can become an astral entry structure-mine were just like the tube described in Astral Dynamics.  Below is the link to my post:
Title: More Worlds?
Post by: NeverKnowsEnough on April 22, 2004, 07:05:02
Stars, Stars, Glorious Stars. Who ever said the thing about going a long distance just to go back a little is right. They are parts of memories of the past that you can remeber. I decided to see what was up about the landing in the past. Well to land on the closest planet took me like half an hour. But it is a memory. Every thing on that planet happened just as it did in my past. Nothing changed. Of course it was a very recent past. I think it was like yesterday or something. I wonder how far back the distant stars go into my past.
Title: More Worlds?
Post by: NeverKnowsEnough on April 06, 2004, 16:03:52
Look I need some real help.
Every time i project i look to the stars because well i don't know why i just do. But there are always more stars there. I see so many stars the sky looks more like a city than the Milky Way I am used to. Also i have noticed that there are four really BIG stars. They lie in every compass direction (North, South, East, West) But hte biggest one is the Southern star. I really wonder why there are more Stars and i begin to wonder if any of them has a planet that is twin to earth. I hope some of you take the time to read this and take a look at the stars next time you prject and tell me what you see.

Just to curious for his own good.