morning buzzing-help

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hello all,
   Nearly every morning i wake up after about 4 hours or more of sleep and after any given time the center of my head goes insane with what u might call vibration or more like intense buzzing. It starts with a spasm for a second then stops then comes back stronger , then stronger and so on till it goes constantly. If i am focused inwards (looking but not looking at the back of my eyelids) it produces an instantanious obe. I used to have this a few years ago before i knew about astral projection and i thought i was dying, but now i know better. I have even had it to the point where i can move my body and still have the buzzing.
    Does anyone else have this sensation and if so can you give me any hints on a better success rate of having an obe (focusing inwards maybe?)


I too often project this way. At first like noise surges are pretty irregular like coming in every 5-10 seconds. Then pauses slowly decrease between and surges merge into a continous harsh sizzle. This would be followed by complete silence or I my attention shifts and the noise turns into music which will continue at the periphery of my awareness.

The only factor I identified so far in encouraging this process is to be as passive as possible, ceasing all kind of activity, not moving and not thinking at all, sort of falling inward, collapsing on the bed. It's quite remarkable that you are able to move without losing the sensation.

It also helps if I gently keep my attention on a point above my head and breath very slowly and shallow. Sometimes I imagine two point at my temples rapidly moving apart and away from my head then back again, like keep pusing a membrane.