astral feedback / memory downloads

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Hello shedt!

RB's book is the best actually...  I think what he has to say about mind-split and memory download are the best explanation I have read in any book.  In a nutshell, what he says is that when we OOB, our consciousness "splits"... part of it stays with the physical body and part goes off with the astral (or what he calls the "energy") body.  When the astral body returns, the recollection of what happened is then "downloaded" back into the physical brain.  Whether this download is successful or not determines whether we remember the OOB.  If the memory download succeeds we remember a vivid OOB.  If it fails we remember a failed OOB or just a dream of an OOB.... interesting and original idea from RB... and supported in his book by an amazingly well described mind-split/feedback experience.  Explains a lot in my opinion...

The bad news is there's no key to the Universe. The good news is it's not locked. - Swami Beyondananda


yeah what i have read so far is amazing !

but I'm curious to if anyone has tried the astral feedback as a method of memory download.

sounds like the hard way to do something simple, but i figure it seems like a sureway to remember the experience. esp. if it is your first... but maybe it would not work because I would not be experienced in realtime sight ?


I've been reading Astral Dynamics..... amazing !

but i was curious about astral feedback. I've had a experience which seemed like a failed OBE, but now when i look back over it I wonder if it was sucessful but I just did not have a sucessful memory download.

Anyone try to re-create astral feedback on purpose as a means of memory download?
I know it is dangerous and seems too be. painful ? but what if you got used to it, and developed a technique where you only let it happen for a momment or so ?

what about training for real time sight in trance state ?

any tips ?