Most interesting explanation of our reality, consciousness and OBE's- T. Campell

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Here's a video of Tom Campell at OBE France 2015. It's a recent video that was added on youtube on december 13th, and it explains Tom's theory, his reality model (MBT or My Big Toe). It gives sense to everything in our reality, time, space, consciousness, evolution, and he explains how OBE would be possible (after watching it you just end up asking yourself how it would not exist). I'll save the rest of the video for tomorrow, only watched close to the first half before going to sleep. Had to share this it really is amazing. Most of you that are used with Tom's model of reality and like to listen to his conferences will probably be familiar with everything in the video, but I was amazed at how he sees things, and explains them. So for everyone not familiar with it (and even for those who know much about MBT), here it is: