Tiredness and Projection?

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Okay so its been a while since I last posted but I still check in with you lovely folk. I have started attempting a conscious exit again as most of the time randomly do it within drifting off or within dreaming.

My questing is as a person who has a sleeping disorder I attempt it at night when I am NOT tired is this counter productive I mean I do make good progress but...Is projection easier whilst being tired.

Thank you for your time :)


There's a level of tiredness that certainly helps in the art.
Too tired, the second you rest you've gone straight to sleep as your body takes control.
Too awake, you'll be there for some time. Itching etc being more prominent.
To help get into a better frame of mind you could read a book that's moderately interesting. A novel or a classic would help as the boredom sets in and you relax the visuals from the books contents start appearing ( for most), placing you out of this physical reality and into another from the book. With experience this fan be used as a technique to phase into a dreamstate with full awareness. A successful phase session being made.
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


You have a great advantage not being tired.   Use it to ap.   I love it when I am not tired.   You will ap but you have to put your mind to it and be patient.   It helps to believe you can ap even if you are not tired.   It is a lot easier to ap when you are not tired.


Thank you so much for the response see at first I saw it as an advantage :) but then I questioned it so thought I would get you guys to shed some light. It also normally takes me 30 minutes to fall asleep even if I have been up 24 hours with no sleep I guess I can use this and Intent to project. Again many thanks :D