Sleep walking..I think

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I found myself going to bed at 10:00 PM since it had been a long day. I woke up at 2:00 AM wondering why I had woken up, I paid it no mind
and went back to bed (with a little intention to astral project, just like every night) but this time I didn't get what I was looking for.

I woke up in the middle of my room, and the lights were flickering on and off, then they just shut off. I remember wondering the hall ways of my house,

I'm not sure if I had achieved a aware AP, because I only remember bits and pieces of it.

My vision was not blury, but it was like black (when you stand up real fast, and you see a lot of different colors and your like dizzy, sort of, except it was black.)

I then woke up in my bed. Not sure what to think of it, could of been a semi-aware astral project.



Hey man.  :-D
Sounds like maybe you were right on the dot with the semi-aware astral projection. I do this alot too. It's not at all like a fully conscious astral projection though. It can also get really weird at times, or slow down and get hard to understand. But it's funny you say... I have a picture in my bathroom and I remember walking around and looking at that picture (while sleeping) I don't remember fully but I know what you mean. Who knows though! Good luck. 8-)


Yup, that sounds like a projection to me. Congrats. :lol:

You did perfect. Its when you do not try to have a projection in which you are most successful. Etch that in your memory with this experience because it is possibly the most helpful and useless advice one can receive. "Don't try and you will succeed"

Otherwise, Its a funny sensation, eh?

It's like: I thought I was..., but, now I am, wait, what? What just happened?

The black is common for immature projections. It's almost like tunnel vision. I have never had the capacity in that state to remember this, but there seems to be universal consensus that visualizing rubbing your hands together when that happens will make the black subside and bring you into a stronger state.

Congrats again!
