Are my experiences the start of an OBE?

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So the past week I've started attempting to OBE through the assistance of listening to Theta Isochronic waves....

Trying 1-2 times a day, I have had 2 experiences that I would consider to be new to me, but I wanted to ask if they were the start of an OBE or just me being a little coooocoooo....

The first experience, I was listening to pure Theta Waves and about half an hour in the sound went very pure. I started to shake and my eyelids went crazy, it was very difficult to keep them closed. My heart rate went up and I started to feel quite hot. After about a minute this feeling wore off.

The second experience was last night. For some reason at 12am dead my Iphone decided to turn off the music I was playing, but very gradually. I couldn't tell if it was just my brain setting into a different mode or my phone but my eyelids started to go again along with my body. I did attempt to move my arms but I think I moved my actual arms rather than my 'astral' arms... which means I may have moved too quickly? I accidently touched something which made me jump and snapped me out of it...

I would appreciate any advice :) Thank you!


You probably had a false awakening or at a start of an OBE, instead of focusing the start of an OBE, take it one step further and force yourself out your body and make a plan too walk out your room