Astral projection followed by dream

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Hi there !

I'm new here, but I've been actively looking at this forum for some months now and trying to go out of body also.

So here is my experience that happened a few weeks ago which i still remember quite vividly:

I woke up at 6am, looked at my phone, and went back to sleep. I remember looking at the time again and it was 6:15, and not sure if i was actually awake or not.

Then i noticed i was laying in the other way round in my bed when opening my eyes, my head was where my feet should be. My vision was dark greenish like when you have some infrared binoculars on and you see physical people white. A few seconds later i heard a cracking noise coming from the steps of my stairs going up to my bed (kind of wooden mezzanine type bed), the noise came closer and i could distinctively hear the steps cracking as (apparently something) was walking up.

I then turned my head around to see what it could be, and i saw this big tall (about 2meters) all white being walking up slowly to come see me. Noticing that i immediately wanted to move and get up to keep a distance from it, but i was stuck. I just could not move, paralysed and scared senseless. He then came closer to me and was looking down at me from his height, which is weird 'cause he seemed really tall but my ceiling is actually just about a meter from my bed. 

When i finally managed to move i woke up in my bed, in the same position as when i encountered the being. I then thought to myself: "wow that was weird, but i finally projected out!" (little precision: it happens quite often that i get paralysed or weakened physically in my dreams, and I'm trying to figure out why).

(this was what i realized as a dream)So i got up, went down my bed stairs, and went accross the house and saw a friends' sister (which i thought was mine) and my dad (which was the actor Dylan Mcdermott). I told my "sister" that i had finally projected and sat down in a really nice furry leather chair and began to tell her my story. And half way through i woke up.

Now I'm lying (in the right position) in my mezzanine bed, in my small apartment, remembering the fact that i thought i had had an astral projection, woke up, and went to tell it in my dream, and woke up.

So here is my question: what i thought was an astral projection was maybe a dream in a dream? Or was it really a projection, but a dream just followed instead of waking up?

It was actually a false awakening, but usually when it happens i know there were two dreams, but in this case, my first (dream or projection) seemed extremely real(i can still recall the slow creepy cracking noise) compared to what i encountered afterwards in my awakening dream.

And the second question:If i was in fact projecting , why on earth would that being walk towards me? He could have appeared right in front of me.

Thank you in advance,



Most of what you see is created by yourself. Usually entities aren't the first possibility. If you often find yourself paralyzed that might be a manifestation of that fear. Challenge it! Next time you see a big monster surprise him with a hug. If something tries to hurt you, kick its butt! The key is knowing that you are safe.

Maybe it came to your room asking where the cookies were in the kitchen?

I often have false awakenings within false awakenings and they can get pretty confusing some times. A good deal of my OBEs have been from within false awakenings. Doesn't matter how you get there. That's funny you started telling your family about it, haha!
Take to the sky, feeling so alive! Past the clouds to the Milky Way, share our secrets with the starry brigade. The stars surround us like a million fireflies. For once I see infinity... it's in your eyes.


I did also think that it was a manifestation of fear. Although i was quite puzzled by the fact that this humanoid shape white thing didn't look really creepy at all, it's more the fact that i realized i couldn't move and therefore completely submitted to his will that aroused my fear. So could i actually move and couldn't because of the fear of being helpless? (that situation did happen to me in real life when i was young, i woke up and felt a spider crawling up and down my body, i was so scared i couldn't move and ended up falling back to sleep to find it sitting on my hand the next morning)

So could i categorize that encounter as projection or OBE? Or could it be just an intense dream that took place in my apartment?

Yeah i was quite disappointed to wake up to my actual body after that false awakening, i traded a beautiful big house with loads of space and a sunny weather for a small apartment and a cold dreadful weather.

Anyways, advice remembered: give them a hug ! Thank you !


If you are awake and can't move it is sleep paralysis. It happened to me once after a nightmare and it was pretty frightening because I hadn't felt anything like it before. There's a stickied topic about sleep paralysis.

As for categorizing... It's not so much what is what, it's all about your experience. Everything that you experience in there whether it's a dream/obe/AP, you're all in the same "place" per say, the non physical. There's just different words to help describe the experience or the level of awareness you had. When I leave my body and am fully conscious moving around and stuff I call it an obe. Even if I exit from a false awakening. Cause why not? It describes it best from my perspective.
Take to the sky, feeling so alive! Past the clouds to the Milky Way, share our secrets with the starry brigade. The stars surround us like a million fireflies. For once I see infinity... it's in your eyes.


OK i see.

As for sleep paralysis, i know a lot about it already. The thing is my body wasn't in my actual sleeping position when i was paralysed, my head was laying where my feet should have been.

But never mind, thank you for your response. I'll post more as i discover more about these exciting experiences.


Most of the time i wake up from AP but once i slipped into a lucid dream ...that was intense thought i was tripping man :')


If you THINK you can't move then you'll be stuck. Until you get rid of the fear of being stuck you'll stay that way. You could always think it lasts for a few seconds and you CAN move shortly after. Then you WILL be able to move.
Thoughts manifest, its a classic.
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


Take to the sky, feeling so alive! Past the clouds to the Milky Way, share our secrets with the starry brigade. The stars surround us like a million fireflies. For once I see infinity... it's in your eyes.


Nice job kitsune.  I seen someone as well last night. He was trying to help me get over the fear of projecting outside.