Uncontrolled Astral Projection

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Robert Bruce tells people who have trouble staying in their bodies to learn to do consciously induced astral projection. He said that he frequently sees people in this condition and that this works really well for them. Naturally, I'm jealous. From my own personal experience it is hard to keep faith in the possibility of astral projection.


SPEAKING FROM EXPERIENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Get yourself to a doctor and get a (nonaddictive) sleep aid to use temporarily so that you can get some peace.  Your very exhaustion is leading to more OBEs, but you are in no condition to deal with them!

Get some deep sleep.  Then . . . . start working on conscious projections.  Make sure that you are taking good care of your body, which means enough sleep, good food, low stress, etc.  That way, even if you DO project unexpectedly (as I still do), you will be better able to handle it.

In the mean time, if it happens again, just relax your body totally.  Don't fight it!   Fighting is pointless.   Just flop.  You might become aware of yourself out of your body, you might not.  But if you don't do anything but relax, eventually you will blink out and sleep.  Honestly, if you take a good look at these experiences, they lasted only a few minutes, tops.  Not enough to ruin your night if you stay relaxed.

The more I project, the less jangly the exit projections become.  Now I just buzz.  Much less frightening that way!

good luck,



Thanks Tom and Tisha!  I have not read about conscious projection yet in the "Astral Dynamics" book. I'll get there soon enough. I get a mellow buzzing sound in my ears and that is when I am relax and willing to go buzzing around.  Thanks for the advice! I did not think about just relaxing and let it happen. I have a crown exit, and when I catch myself out and about and will my self to get back quick, I will hear a loud scream in my ear and a big pressured rush on the crown of my head, then when I'm up, I'll have extreme pressure on the top of my head along with a headache.

I got the book to help me handle and enjoy my projections. I sincerely hope this one will explain more and help me.

Love... Ravenwind
Back into the chamber turning, all my soul within me burning,
Soon again I heard a tapping something louder than before..."Tis the wind and nothing more." ...Edgar Allen Poe


I would OBE several times a week now than I had before and sometimes twice in one night. Most of my OBE just happens without my being able to control it to happen. I am drained and exhausted during the day lately since I have been having more OBE than I wanted. Sometimes I don't want to have it, but it just happen and I have a hard time trying to keep myself grounded especially when I try to meditate. I just got the book "Astral Dynamics" hoping to find some solutions and improve my OBE.

Is this a normal occurrence?? Why do I, at most times don't have control as to when I am going to astral project?

Love... Ravenwind
Back into the chamber turning, all my soul within me burning,
Soon again I heard a tapping something louder than before..."Tis the wind and nothing more." ...Edgar Allen Poe