The Astral Pulse

Astral Projection & Out of Body Experiences => Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! => Topic started by: Sammie on December 03, 2013, 04:21:11

Title: Near OBE I can make music
Post by: Sammie on December 03, 2013, 04:21:11
When Im closely to OBE I can easily hear voices sometimes just saying alot of BS but I've found out I can in this state
create Music and direct sounds. It sound very real has anyone else experienced this?
Title: Re: Near OBE I can make music
Post by: Volgerle on December 03, 2013, 07:12:50
I've been 'playing' or creating music in dreams, all kinds of (orchestral, rock, jazzy stuff). So far I don't remember doing it in lucid state though, maybe should give it a try next time.
Title: Re: Near OBE I can make music
Post by: Machine1k on December 03, 2013, 12:34:18
A few times while meditating I hear some random radio chatter, like from an airport or base.  It's surreal when I do hear it and it's totally random chatter to, like I plugged into the middle of their conversations.
Title: Re: Near OBE I can make music
Post by: Lionheart on December 03, 2013, 14:59:10
Quote from: Sammie on December 03, 2013, 04:21:11
When Im closely to OBE I can easily hear voices sometimes just saying alot of BS but I've found out I can in this state
create Music and direct sounds. It sound very real has anyone else experienced this?
Try to listen to the words of the song. You will find that many times they have an answer or are talking about your current feelings or a problem you may be having. Many times I awaken in the morning with a song on my mind. I immediately go to the internet and search for the song and the lyrics to see what that message might be saying.

I think we all ignore our "inner voice" too much. When something out of the norm happens, we now have the internet at our disposal. It never hurts to try and find an answer!  :-)

Other times when a song won't leave me alone, I say to myself, "By my act of will, I return this song back to it's owner with a Thank You and 100% conscious aware attached. I then make a mental motion, as of seeing my etheric hands rise upwards and my intent being released. The song immediately disappears from my reality.

A strong focused intent really is that strong. We just have to learn to use it more in our daily life.  :-)
Title: Re: Near OBE I can make music
Post by: justin35ll on December 03, 2013, 17:50:32
Yes, I love the music! I can either create it or sometimes it just plays by itself, but every time it sounds amazing! I hear it while in SP before consciously exiting
Title: Re: Near OBE I can make music
Post by: Jilt on December 04, 2013, 01:44:40
For a few years now I've been singing as soon as I separate from my body and it seems to have a wonderful effect of raising my vibration. Anything from Buddhist chants (where a chorus of monks chime in) to songs like "Amazing Grace" or "Nothing's going to change my world" by the Beatles to Dead Can Dance to "Separator" by Radiohead. I've tried many techniques and chanting or singing is the most effective in achieving positive results and the full song with accompaniment will chime in after you start singing. I've also heard original symphonies I wish I could remember upon waking. I highly recommend it!
Title: Re: Near OBE I can make music
Post by: Astralzombie on December 04, 2013, 04:42:13
I never hear music. That sucks.

I have heard long stories that were said in a beautiful prose as if every word had honey dripping off of it. All I could do was listen in amazement.

But alas, no music.

Perhaps it's conscious effort time. :-)
Title: Re: Near OBE I can make music
Post by: Anonymouse on December 04, 2013, 08:35:11
aahhh The music.... I hear it almost everytime at the early stages of meditation. Mainly cause I do play instriments and all of that jazzy stuff. I have created some songs in that state too, no lyrics though. I've read someone posting musical experiences in OBEs as well. Maybe cause we're surrounded by it, who doesn't hear any kind of music throughout the day!.
Title: Re: Near OBE I can make music
Post by: Szaxx on December 04, 2013, 09:57:26
I've made a full symphonic orchestration with choir doing a cover of some songs I almost knew the lyrics of. The ladies sang my made up lyrics perfectly.
It's a good feeling booster.
Title: Re: Near OBE I can make music
Post by: Infining on December 04, 2013, 14:15:41
Interesting... I have yet to experience this music that you are referring to. Sounds like it would be annoying to have it interrupt one's meditation, but it doesn't appear to be based on other responses.

Tell me, does it sound like any other music you have listened to before? Are you able to manipulate it at will? What mood does it usually bring to you?
Title: Re: Near OBE I can make music
Post by: Anonymouse on December 05, 2013, 03:44:04
For me it does get in the way of meditation at times; when I want deep silence music can be something you want to let go. I usually just listen to it with no intentions nor musically judging it. It eventually fades away until I forget completely about it.

About controlling it, is hard to say. Music flows out of you, either meditatin or jamming with friends, it does sound like the type of music I'll play mostly. Cheers!
Title: Re: Near OBE I can make music
Post by: Sammie on December 05, 2013, 09:06:12
I can manipulate the music very much but you have to feel what you want to hear. I also heard music in dreams with lyrics and in dreams the music is filled with wonderful energies.

In order for me to achieve this I have to be in some kind of deep state.
Title: Re: Near OBE I can make music
Post by: Szaxx on December 06, 2013, 19:24:42
You can create it while meditating. You still have some physical body awareness too. It's your choice to create, listen or prevent it. Thoughts manifest and this creativity is another aspect of it.
It does prevent you going deep into trance so an exit may not occur.
The feeling after the session is really nice. Similar to a good spirited WILD.