What's in a position?

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i also have vibrations mostly while laying on my back. ususally i sleep on my side or stomach. recently i figured out that i can roll over onto my side after experiencing vibrations and still project after drowsing off.
never heard an explanation about this.

In the world in general and in this nation
May not even the names disease, famine, war, and suffering be heard.
May virtuous qualities, merit, and prosperity greatly increase
And may continuous good fortune and subline well-being perfectly arise.


I see no reason why you could not project in any position, whether sitting up, laying on your stomach, or hanging upside down (though that might be a little dangerous). Position really has no importance. What is important is that you are comfortable and able to relax. Most people choose to lay down on their backs because this is what is most common for people to relax. It really does not matter though. I have projected while sitting up before, though I do not do this often.

Alice had got so much into the way of expecting nothing but out-of-the-way things to happen, that it seemed quite dull and stupid for life to go on in the common way.


The way I learned was that it is best to recline on the right side, so that the left side would be up and the heart might be less compressed. I can't really imagine the heart being compressed by reclining on the wrong side. I also read that it is easiest to project when on the back. Actually, some of my closest attempts to success have been sitting up in the full lotus posture. What I read was that this is not supposed to work.


I, too, have had most of my projections while lying flat on my back.  However,  I've also been successful half-sitting (propped up by pillows), and I even projected once while flopped half-on to my boyfriend, partially on my side.

This is my theory about how why flat-on-your-back works:  it is one of the few positions where you can stay absolutely motionless with the least amount of effort.  

Most of my failed attempts at projection have been when I've awoken on my side, my energy body shifting.  Either I twitch or flop and ruin it, or for some reason some other brain activity stops all the action before vibrations start.  The "falling" feeling I feel before the vibrations start feels very weird and uncomfortable when I am on my side.  

Bottom line:  If I am on my back or in a half-sitting position, it feels better.




oh i forgot to mention in my earlier post that my last two projections from on my side had the weirdest feelings while exiting- kind of like  having to unravel or unwind- too strange for words.
does touching another person usually inhibit projecting?

In the world in general and in this nation
May not even the names disease, famine, war, and suffering be heard.
May virtuous qualities, merit, and prosperity greatly increase
And may continuous good fortune and subline well-being perfectly arise.


Almost all my projections are flat on my back, with most of my side and stomach projections being spontaneous.  http://www.astralpulse.com/forums/images/icon_Smile_sad.gif" border=0>
I wish it were otherwise because I hate laying on my back.  It hurts my neck

Hey..I discovered a way to raise energy in my hands really fast today..but I dont know if i can explain it..and weirdest of all I have my hand moving while I do it.  I kind of put my mobile body awareness in one spot, then swirl my hands (or fingers) like a kid with a sparkler.  Keeping the MBA in one spot I almost move my hand around the spot where the MBA is, rather than moving the MBA around my hand.
I know its kind of weird. but i swear my hands got soooo full of energy.. they started to get really hot and itchy..and I had the feeling like little blockages were coming uncloged because it felt like little beads were moving under my skin then followed by rushes of energy..it was really weird..I got a bit of a rash which subsided as soon as i stopped..I would have kept going but the itching was becoming unbearable  ...I think i really stumbled upon something that is going to help me in that area

the only reason why i mention it here is because i thought it kind of had to do with positions

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It is all a matter of how you feel and the state of mind that you are in.  Some is dependant of how you were taught or figured out how to project.  The only thing that really matters is that you are confortable.  You can be in any position if it is confortable to you and your mind set is correct.

David Rogalski


I only have any success on my back, for it is the only position that I can guarentee I won't fall asleep in.


I, for the most part, project and experience projection related phenomena when I am laying on my back...but I have experienced vibrations and projection while laying on my side and stomach.  I am wondering what you all think about the importance of boduly positioning and also wonder if you know why some positions are more conducive to projection and energy work than others...

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We shall not cease from our exploration, and at the end of all our exploring, we shall arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.
T.S. Elliot
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