Problem here..Imagery getting the best of

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Did you draw that picture on your profile "Spirit Image"?


Nah I didnt draw that pic , I got it from some website.
Loving yourself first is the most important step you must take before you can truly love someone else.

Feel free to ask me anything. I'll try to offer advice if I can.

Yahoo IM: Spiritual_guy_19
AIM: ScrotomicBomb


Are you still working on that 15 hour class project?


I'm pretty much done with it , I met with my mentor and all I have left is my speech.. my booklet is done (I have revise it a bit before making a copy for online viewing). Thanks for the concern :) I'll let you all know when the book is ready.  Dont expect anything spectacular , its my first attempt and is most likely gonna be very unprofessional looking. =/
Loving yourself first is the most important step you must take before you can truly love someone else.

Feel free to ask me anything. I'll try to offer advice if I can.

Yahoo IM: Spiritual_guy_19
AIM: ScrotomicBomb


I'm trying to understand the problem you are currently posting. Do you think you might be a bit wired? Going to school all day then up until 2a.m. on the computer?  Practising techniques, writing a book, playing guitar, looking for a girlfriend? Any t.v. or video games in there somewhere? Homework, reading, cellphone? Sometimes wired out brain exhaustion will bring a flood of images you can't control when you lay down and close your eyes. Want to look at that first and see if we can rule it out or establish it as fact before going further? You can overload sensory data, with each and all of the senses. That may be what's happening and a little life style change might be in order. Just take it slow. Look at your life honestly. That's a cool thing. Might be a good step. It's up to you. Please forgive me if it seems like I am interfering with your personal life. But I took this post as a request for help and I'm just trying to respond openly and honestly. You present as a highly intelligent person, and overload is a common affliction to gifted people. Really important to look at this. Robert Bruce emphasises over and over again "relaxation". He screams it out. One of my meditation teachers used to get frustrated with people who complained about having difficulty meditating, and he would say, "You let your horses run wild all day, then 15 minutes before bedtime you expect to reign them in and calm them down". So take a look at this, if I'm totally off the wall, say so, and we'll work at it from a different angle, if you are sincere in wanting help. I'll do whatever I can to help, simply because I know what it is to need help, and I am grateful for all the help I have received and continue to need. We are a weird bunch of people, we really just might all need one another.

holy reality

"I've tried ignoring the feelings and holding on to whatever imagery is still hitting me but at that point the imagery gets weak and the feelings go away and I'm just left there in the same mind/body state as I was when I first laid down. Its like starting all over again after those feelings come and go."

I know what you mean.

The fine line between being awake and asleep... well.. i've worded this badly, but it's a very FINE line....

Like... you have to be on the threshold of almost losing control, almost being asleep..... I think.

I have similar problems to you, I find that I either am too alert, or not alert enough (falling in/out of images and jolting awake over and over and over and over again)


I'm so sorry I didnt reply to my post sooner , I totally forgot about it honestly.  I guess I really do a lot of things =/...

I do a lot of things during the day I guess..

1)I dont leave my room so my guitar is always by me and I play it during my spare time in between game loading screens and webpage downloading...(yes its true I pick it up and put it down a million times a day)

2)Talk to people on messenger about programming and maintaining a game server

4)Constantly worry about my girlfriend and I's relationship because of her mom and phsycho stepdads.
   A) Cant call her
   B) She hardly calls me
   C) We cant date yet ( she too young )
   D) I've distanced myself to her lately
   E) I dont know if things will change when she's 17 and I fear breaking up with her
   F) New situation regarding the possibility that shes getting close to another guy and her lieing to me about going somewhere with him doesnt help my stress level. Wondering if she might be cheating on me....
   G) If I continued , I'de reach the end of the alphabet for sure.

5) Procrastinate ...
  A) Chores
  B) School make-up work
  C) Cleaning my room

6) Play warcraft 3 online if I'm not on my game server I program on.

7) Go to bed at about 1:00am or later or earlier depends on how tired I am. My imagery is so random and rediculous that it doesnt resemble much of my actual stressed out life much at all most of the time.

I could name a few more but each and every day those 7 things are major part of my day.  

The most stress in my life is from my girlfriend and my procrastination.  I could fix my procrastinating if I wasnt so lazy.. I know I dont have anything better to do but ... =/  I dunno.

I dont know what else everyone else does during the day but each day of my life its like that unless I end up going to a fast food resturaunt with a friend or something like that.  The only work I do is at my dad's chicken farm so its not like I have to work much at all. Maybe a few days a week every few weeks or so.

The imagery hits me hardest when I try to quiet my mind.  I'll keep a notebook by me tonight and write down the things I think about while not trying to think at all.
Loving yourself first is the most important step you must take before you can truly love someone else.

Feel free to ask me anything. I'll try to offer advice if I can.

Yahoo IM: Spiritual_guy_19
AIM: ScrotomicBomb


Hello everyone.  Some of you know me from my extremely detailed posts I used to make a while back but I've not been posting much lately.  I still have a problem with imagery.. I can lay down on my bed and within 2 minutes I am noticing imagery.. my mind will think of things so off the wall that they can't be anything else but imagery trying to suck me into an unconcious dream.  I will start taking noted on what exactly I catch my mind thinking about and I'm sure it will be really off the wall and cannot be classified as anything else but dream imagery.

When I manage to stay awake for about 10 minutes into my projection attempt , I get a feeling of slight dizzynes and it feels like the bed has kinda rolled backwards and it feels like it sinks about a foot into the floor slowly..  I often say how it feels like I've "zoomed out".  I notice the 3D blackness as well.. it feels like the blackness behind my eyes just got bigger , combined with a slight dizzyness feeling and the feeling of either sinking and going backwards slowly or lifting and going backwards slowly.  After those feelings come and go , I am a lot more alert and I often sit there for long periods of time without falling asleep but nothing ends up happening.  

I've tried ignoring the feelings and holding on to whatever imagery is still hitting me but at that point the imagery gets weak and the feelings go away and I'm just left there in the same mind/body state as I was when I first laid down. Its like starting all over again after those feelings come and go.

When I do manage to OBE in my bed it mostly happend from interrupted sleep... I'll wake up at 3:am and realize that I forgot to take a shower ... I'll shower , then turn on my side to go to sleep and suddenly feel exit sensations shortly after or I'll just try going for a nice nap as soon as I get home from school and i'll have some strange experience where I almost get out.

What should I try to do if i want to have a fully concious exit in my bed?  Imagery is getting the best of me here and I know many of you experience the same things.  I dont want to try waking up in a dream.. I want to hit paralysis and exit from there like I used to in class but from my bed.  Any ideas?
Loving yourself first is the most important step you must take before you can truly love someone else.

Feel free to ask me anything. I'll try to offer advice if I can.

Yahoo IM: Spiritual_guy_19
AIM: ScrotomicBomb