Need some help with symptoms

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I have been trying astral projection for around a week now.

Currently my method is to:
1. Lay on back, hands out and stop moving
2. Tell each individual body part to relax
3. Focus on breathing
3. Wait for vibrations

My fingers sometimes get a bit of a jump, my eyes feel like they move rapidly and I feel as if I have to blink when my eyes are closed and my face randomly will twitch.
I also feel small vibrations in my hands and feet, but cant spread it to my body.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks  :-D


Just don't expect or wait anything to happen and it will come by itself. Also, ignore any twitches or cramps, they will fade away gradually.


It sounds like your not reaching the best state. Basically trying too hard. This is natural. You may or may not experience vibrations. When I go it's more like watching a movie. I'm more of a bilocater.   Work with these tapes a bit and see if it helps. It's hypnosis but they're good for getting you into a receptive state for obe and knowing what it feels like.


It sounds like you are doing fine and you are getting there.   Keep doing with what you are doing and you will get there.   I cannot say for sure of course.    It happens to me but I am not ready to ap as yet.   I just have to wait and be patient.   If I wait long enough I will ap.   I would not try to spread the vibrations as it is unnecessary.   You can get the slightest sensation and you can ap.   


1) Don't be too tired when you're going to bed. You should have a good amount of alertness. So retire early
2) Relax and watch your BODY fall asleep. (This may sound weird, but yes, your body can fall asleep though your mind is active).
3) The twitching and itching is natural. Happens all the time. Reduces over time. It's your brain checking whether your asleep.
4) Keep your mind relaxed and don't think about anything much. Just observe your body. Google on "mindfulness", you'll get the gist about what I'm talking here.
5) Don't wait for anything or expect something. These will keep your mind occupied. Moreover, the symptoms won't always appear. It can also be a smooth exit.
The answer to all questions is earnest self enquiry, "Who am I?"


Quote from: dpk38 on May 26, 2016, 13:12:07
1) Don't be too tired when you're going to bed. You should have a good amount of alertness. So retire early
2) Relax and watch your BODY fall asleep. (This may sound weird, but yes, your body can fall asleep though your mind is active).
3) The twitching and itching is natural. Happens all the time. Reduces over time. It's your brain checking whether your asleep.
4) Keep your mind relaxed and don't think about anything much. Just observe your body. Google on "mindfulness", you'll get the gist about what I'm talking here.
5) Don't wait for anything or expect something. These will keep your mind occupied. Moreover, the symptoms won't always appear. It can also be a smooth exit.

Thanks heaps for the help  :-D
You helped answer a question I have been searching for, for ages!


Quote from: Astralsuzy on May 26, 2016, 12:12:30
It sounds like you are doing fine and you are getting there.   Keep doing with what you are doing and you will get there.   I cannot say for sure of course.    It happens to me but I am not ready to ap as yet.   I just have to wait and be patient.   If I wait long enough I will ap.   I would not try to spread the vibrations as it is unnecessary.   You can get the slightest sensation and you can ap.   
Thanks for the help m8  :lol: