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Astral Projecting is the same thing as Out of Body Experience. Just different terms.
"Doohicky" "thingie", "thingamajigger" and "what'sit" are all commonly accepted engineering terms these days. Impress your boss and use more than one in a sentance... Major brownie points!
-Corax a.k.a RavenCAD


at 2 weeks of trying....u are getting vibes!!!that is actualy something very few people do!!!
and...u should get accustomed to the vibes.
dont get annoyed!they are thrilling dude! arent they!!!

SOme people say OBE=AP
some say OBE is an astral projection in to the same prealm where we lead our physical lives
and AP is projection to other realms :)

....all OBEs are APs....but not all APs are OBEs..confusnnG


"....all OBEs are APs....but not all APs are OBEs..confusnnG"

Sorry but I have to disagree - it was the oposite - All APs are OBEs but not all OBEs are APs
because APs as you say are projections to different realms, so an AP is a dream as well, and a dream is sort of an OBE, also not all OBEs are APs because some OBEs are in the Real Time Zone so they are not necessary APs (which is in a different realm or plane)
Който търси, намира.


Im new here, and I have been trying to OBE for about two weeks now. It seems, however, that I cannot progress beyond a certain stage, I think it's the seperation stage.

I will lie on my bed, completely still, trying not to think about anything. And that will go on for about 30-60 minutes, until all of a sudden I will become overcome by vibrations and disorientation.. so far so good. However when it is at its peak my heart will start racing and beating really hard, bringing me out of the vibrations and generally being really annoying :(

Any Tips?

On another note, I would like to know the difference between OBE and AP, as I would much prefer to just OBE than AP at this stage.
