soul Pregnancy..

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can a soul become pregnant? i can't see why it wouldn't b possible..
I've been searching and searching for answers on that question.. and just cant seem to find any answers.. do anyone around here know ?


Hi SilverMe,

Welcome to the Astral Pulse forum.

I guess this all depends on the way you look at the question. I am sure that some will say yes and then others will say no.

I think that yes the soul can become pregnant in more ways than one. Perhaps if you consider reincarnation as being real then the act of the soul existing between death and life with it's intent established on and waiting to enter a body on earth would be viewed as pregnant. Perhaps a physical pregnancy itself should be considered a pregnant soul unless you consider people to be without souls.

These things as well as all other things in life a subjective and created by intent and the creativity of the soul.

Anyway, hope you find the answers you are seeking.

Best Regards

"Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand."

My AP Progress ->


ok,thanx for ur answer! i think i understod what u mean..  :-)
but i ment like after physical death.
that u could get pregnant in almost the same way as in the physical ?


I think that is possible if that is what your desire is, however it seems that physical pregnancy is a physical thing so why would you want this?
"Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand."

My AP Progress ->


i just wanted to know, cause if someone would die b4 they got the chance to have a child and really badly wanted to have one, it would b like a second chance for them. :)


One book I read on astral travel claims spirits in the astral can become pregnant, and beget offspring, in the same way humans do.

Other books either don't mention the possibility or say that spirits do not become pregnant.

Most seem to say there is astral sex, although with consequences or not there seems to be doubt.


I think it may be possible if that is the intent/desire of both individuals involved.


thanx a lot for all ur replies. ^^
i think this is a very interesting subject. i don't understand why ppl haven't talked about this much b4.


Let me dig my books out and give some fair use quotes out of them to substantiate what I said about spirits begetting children.