The Astral Pulse

Astral Projection & Out of Body Experiences => Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! => Topic started by: dharma_talk on January 12, 2005, 20:09:55

Title: OBE or just dreaming?
Post by: dharma_talk on January 12, 2005, 20:09:55
I have been interested in astral projection for awhile now and have had many lucid dreams, but only one OBE, or at least that's what I think it was.  I want some advice from all you veteran projectors, i want to know how you first got started and if you can control it easily.  Any and all advice will be useful and appreciated.
Title: OBE or just dreaming?
Post by: Selski on January 21, 2005, 15:27:21
Hello dharma_talk

I don't claim to be a veteran projector, but I've had a fair few in my time.  :)  

I first got started via lucid dreaming.  I would suggest that dreaming is far more complex than it at first seems.  I've always been interested and fascinated by my dreams, and spent a lot of my waking life thinking about them, however, only in the last couple of weeks have I realised that I need to take even more notice of them.  They are able to convey so much to us, even if they seem nonsensical and ridiculous at the time.  I am learning much about myself through my dreams.

As to control, I'm still learning.  I think everyone who "projects" is in a constant state of learning.  

The emotions tend to get in the way at first, then the excitement, then the frustration, and so on.  

I guess the biggest thing I've learned so far in my "non-physical" life is to go with the flow.  Simply relax and let whatever is happening to you, happen.  Try not to objectively question it, just accept it.

Hope this is helpful, and it may trigger more responses, now that I've intentionally * bumped * it.

Title: OBE or just dreaming?
Post by: Frank on January 21, 2005, 16:00:37

You are NEVER "just dreaming". Your dreams form your very reality, in a physical sense, and in every sense.

I first got started from reading Monroe's JOB 20-odd years ago and never looked back. It set me off on an amazing adventure and I just know my life would have been radically different (i.e. nowhere near as fulfilling) had I not read it.

Eventually, it becomes nothing to do with can you "control" it. Your physical life is an expression of what you know about yourself inside. The more you discover the more your physical life changes to the extent where you just become it.

First you start with faith, then comes the belief, then you start living it for real. It's mighty strange at first, taking full charge of your own life, your own destiny, and so forth. It's really scary. But it's something you get used to, and like with all things, we adapt. That's how we are. Or at least that's how we should be.

Acceptance is the key. We all deny ourselves, well, most of us anyway. Quite why we do that I don't know. But everything we ever wanted to know is right there, within us, just for the asking. All we have to do is allow that change to take place. Sometimes doing that can be the hardest thing in the world, which is where faith comes in.

People who come into this just get too hung up on techniques. They follow this and follow that. When all you need to do is lay back, relax, look within yourself and let it flow. Just simply allow it to happen. However it comes about, just let it be. Don't question it, just let it flow.
